Another Bus Crash 4/3


New Member
Some New Insight

I am a new poster but a long time follower. I thought I would provide some new insight into this Thread.

I thought I would throw out an important link first. This article, was written back during the first bus crash near the Contemporary. It goes into how the state of Florida allows Disney to get away with lower standards then other carriers that transport guests. It discuses that Disney is not responsible for injuries to the guests they carry. As a former Cast Member, I can tell you that Disney will not be paying for your hospital bill. They will not even provide transportation for the rest of your party(non-injured) to the hospital. Take a taxi.

How many accidents are too many? Where should we draw the line? There may be more incidents with bus lines in cities, but all city bus, school bus, and commercial bus accidents are investigated by the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB). The NTSB has no jurisdiction over these bus accidents at Disney. This is a problem because the NTSB is excellent at providing insight into these accidents which is valuable to preventing them in the future.

Disney promotes the utmost satisfaction in your Disney vacation. Personally, I don't consider spending a day or more injured in a hospital a magical experience. All, of the individuals injured in these incidents have had their vacations ruined. How about the kids who got injured or saw people injured? That really ruins the great "show" that Disney creates.

We all know how bad many tourists drive. However, they don't leave their brains behind. They try to get away things because they know there is no traffic violation enforcement. The bus drivers are being put into dangerous traffic situations. Disney has complete control over everything that happens on their property. Lack of officers to keep the car traveling guests in line is a choice by Disney. How come the other bus companies that drive through Disney (Lynx, Mears) are not having these accidents? It could be a training issue. In both Monorails and Attractions, the managers are notorious for requiring trainers to sign off on failed trainees or risk losing their trainer status. I can't speak for the busses but why not? If only we had an agency who could investigate this (See above).

Someone brought up Walt earlier. I seem to remember hearing that in the early days of Disneyland, the Stagecoaches were notorious for flipping over. As a result they were taken out. A more recent example is the Skyway. Too many accidents occurred so it was removed. There may have been other situations like this as well. But the message is clear, safety is number one at Disney. Too many incidents mean it's time for the busses to go. That is the Disney way.

love disney

Active Member
In both Monorails and Attractions, the managers are notorious for requiring trainers to sign off on failed trainees or risk losing their trainer status.

Do you have any actual statistics or proven cases of this to back up this statement? If this is true it raises serious concerns, but personally I can't imagine a manager urging anyone to sign off on a trainee if they have failed. If the trainee is unqualified it would come back and bite that manager on the you know what.

As for your comment about DL's stagecoaches being removed becase they were notorious for flipping over, that may be the case, but Disney World's buses are not notoriously unsafe. Yes, there have been some accidents, some caused by Disney drivers, some not the fault of Disney drivers. But when you factor in the number of bus trips per day and the amount of miles driven and compare it with other bus services and even private vehicles you will find that they are indeed just as safe. I am not defending Disney here or saying that everything is fine the way it is (there are definitely some improvements that could be made to the system), I am just saying that people are being very reactionary and pointing fingers rather than looking at the system in the big picture.


Beta Return
Too many incidents mean it's time for the busses to go. That is the Disney way.

What do you propose they use in place of the buses?

Do you want another 50,000 guest vehicles on the road? I don't. Guests are idiots and none of them can drive.

Do you want Disney to expand the monorail system? Oh wait, no, you want to get rid of the monorails too because they had an incident lately.

So, you must want Disney to pour all of their Florida revenues into some sort of mass transit system. That will be a great 10 years, when it's complete. And I can't wait for the quadrupled ticket and hotel room prices to compensate for the system.

There's NOTHING wrong with the Disney Bus System! There may be an issue with one or two drivers (and even that, I doubt). We need to get rid of all the people who jump to these idiotic conclusions - that would solve a lot of problems.


Active Member
What do you propose they use in place of the buses?

Do you want another 50,000 guest vehicles on the road? I don't. Guests are idiots and none of them can drive.

Do you want Disney to expand the monorail system? Oh wait, no, you want to get rid of the monorails too because they had an incident lately.

So, you must want Disney to pour all of their Florida revenues into some sort of mass transit system. That will be a great 10 years, when it's complete. And I can't wait for the quadrupled ticket and hotel room prices to compensate for the system.

There's NOTHING wrong with the Disney Bus System! There may be an issue with one or two drivers (and even that, I doubt). We need to get rid of all the people who jump to these idiotic conclusions - that would solve a lot of problems.

I agree with this^

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I agree that there is nothing wrong with the concept of a Disney bus system. But whether they can pull it off safely, comfortably, and efficiently is another story.
Per the WDW Answer guide The WDW bus fleet of almost 300 buses racks up 12 million miles each year. In the last year they have had 4 maybe 5 reported accidents. To be safe we will round that up to 10 accidents involving a Disney bus per year. That works out to the fleet racking up 1.2 million miles for every accident. If you drive 15,000 miles per year you would have to drive for more than 80 years without being in an accident (either you fault or someone else's) to match the Disney bus systems safety record.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.


Well-Known Member
What do you propose they use in place of the buses?

Do you want another 50,000 guest vehicles on the road? I don't. Guests are idiots and none of them can drive.

NONE of them can drive? Really? You know that for a fact?

Do you want Disney to expand the monorail system? Oh wait, no, you want to get rid of the monorails too because they had an incident lately.

Nonsense. The monorail accident was mostly the result of a dangerous standard operating procedure. While the operators should have been paying more attention, if Disney didn't insist on pilots driving the monorails in reverse, the accident wouldn't have happened.

So, you must want Disney to pour all of their Florida revenues into some sort of mass transit system. That will be a great 10 years, when it's complete. And I can't wait for the quadrupled ticket and hotel room prices to compensate for the system.

They raise ticket prices and room rates every year, at more than the rate of inflation, and generally don't offer anything "new" that justifies the cost. So this point is moot.

There's NOTHING wrong with the Disney Bus System! There may be an issue with one or two drivers (and even that, I doubt).

Well, considering two of the last three accidents were CAUSED by the actions of Disney bus drivers, your doubt is incorrect. There was obviously something wrong with those two bus drivers.

We need to get rid of all the people who jump to these idiotic conclusions - that would solve a lot of problems.


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. The monorail accident was mostly the result of a dangerous standard operating procedure. While the operators should have been paying more attention, if Disney didn't insist on pilots driving the monorails in reverse, the accident wouldn't have happened.

Nonsense. The monorail accident was the fault of an engineering services CM saying he did something that he had NOT done and giving the monorail permission to proceed in reverse.


Well-Known Member
I am a new poster but a long time follower. I thought I would provide some new insight into this Thread.

I thought I would throw out an important link first. This article, was written back during the first bus crash near the Contemporary. It goes into how the state of Florida allows Disney to get away with lower standards then other carriers that transport guests. It discuses that Disney is not responsible for injuries to the guests they carry. As a former Cast Member, I can tell you that Disney will not be paying for your hospital bill. They will not even provide transportation for the rest of your party(non-injured) to the hospital. Take a taxi.

Actually, it doesn't give any of that information. It is a blog offering opinion only and is very subjective in it's view, from an attorney who also lists his phone number and e mail address.

The example of "A" standard and "C" standard does not hold water for the reasons listed above.

Well, considering two of the last three accidents were CAUSED by the actions of Disney bus drivers, your doubt is incorrect. There was obviously something wrong with those two bus drivers.

Doesn't for a second mean there is anything wrong with the system. It means two bus drivers made what extent, we do not know. Did they make a personal choice to ignore safety standards or training, were they distracted by something they could not avoid, or something else. We don't know right now.


Well-Known Member
As a former Cast Member, I can tell you that Disney will not be paying for your hospital bill. They will not even provide transportation for the rest of your party(non-injured) to the hospital. Take a taxi.

I don't know where you worked but this is 100% wrong. They most certainly DO transport the rest of your party to the hospital by company van.

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