Angry Pluto?


New Member
On behalf of the Disney Company I would like to say that this matter is in the hands of our legal department at this time. An agreement has been reached with the youth and his mother that the child will be made to wear an outfit of Mexican ancestry and stand in Its a Small World for two weekends in a row while he sings the song in Spanish. This will hopefully bring him the cultural diversity he seems to be lacking towards others, including canines. Pluto has also since been struck on the nose with a copy of the Mickey Monitor and brought to the vet to receive his distemper shot. No further action seems appropriate in this matter.


Well-Known Member
Don't you guys have a right to carry guns :shrug:

I doubt a gun would do much good for costumed characters, since they would have to unzip the costume and reach down inside it to get the gun out.

Unless they work in FrontierLand, in which case they may be able to holster it outside the costume. :ROFLOL:

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Wow....just watched the video in question and have to say, this is something you don't see everyday ( thankfully)!

I really feel bad for Pluto. It is more then obvious these "Guests" were giving him a rough time. I am surprised at how FAST Pluto was able to chase the kid around he can move for a 70+ year old dog! Reading his gestures it is plain to me that he is very upset with the Mom and tries to communicate that. Her response was just plain rude...and because of it Pluto lost his balance and fell off the curb onto the street. How embarrassing! If it were me, i would have been RIPPING and would have needed to take a break to blow off some steam behind the scenes out of earshot ( which looks to be where Pluto was heading out of shot in the video).

First thing, where was his Greeter? And how about Main Street located CM's? I always see at least a couple mingling around that area....where were they when all of this was going on?

I am surprised it has taken all this time for this to be posted....but it is yet another example of how much crap some of the characters have to put up with. Why can't all Guests behave and treat them with the respect they so deserve?

I hate it when these internet videos start picking up steam, how long before the media picks up on it??:shrug:


New Member
this was quite humorous. But I really feel bad for pluto in this case... that kid was probably just a little brat and did something or pluto was just playing with him and it got our of control and an annoying mother stepped in.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised it has taken all this time for this to be posted....but it is yet another example of how much crap some of the characters have to put up with. Why can't all Guests behave and treat them with the respect they so deserve?:mad:

That very well may be, but in this case it was a little kid. Now, I'm all for the right to self defense and all, but the rules are totally different when the offender is a little child. If a grown man, or even a punk teenager starts crap with a character then, I can agree that the character has a right to defend himself accordingly, even if it means knocking the punks block off.

But in this case, it was a little CHILD for Heaven's sake. Even if this child kicked him in the shin or even the crotch, you can't go chasing down a child. What's he gonna do when he catches him? Beat him up? Now I'm not saying that it is okay for kids to do this kind of stuff just because they are kids. But the proper way to handle it in that case is to deal with the parents about their child, not go chasing a child a character costume no less. That's just opening the door to getting canned from your job, not to mention all kinds of legal trouble.

Now Maggiegrace and others can tell you that I talk alot of smack when it comes to bratty kids. Yes, I have little patience for them and I often make comments about wishing I could get my hands on that kid and knock him silly or something. But all smack talk aside, you just can't do that. Period. Now matter what this kid may have done, it doesn't justify chasing him around. As much as I hate it, sometimes on the job, you just have to suck stuff up and mutter under your breath and walk away.

Now I'm all for corporal punishment. So depending on what this kid did, it very well may justify his parents in pulling him out of the park and tanning his little bottom when they get back to the hotel and I hope they did. But a total stranger just can't do that, no matter what the child did.

And if he was just horsing around with the kid, that's not a very smart way to do it.


Wow....just watched the video in question and have to say, this is something you don't see everyday ( thankfully)!

I really feel bad for Pluto. It is more then obvious these "Guests" were giving him a rough time. I am surprised at how FAST Pluto was able to chase the kid around he can move for a 70+ year old dog! Reading his gestures it is plain to me that he is very upset with the Mom and tries to communicate that. Her response was just plain rude...and because of it Pluto lost his balance and fell off the curb onto the street. How embarrassing! If it were me, i would have been RIPPING and would have needed to take a break to blow off some steam behind the scenes out of earshot ( which looks to be where Pluto was heading out of shot in the video).

First thing, where was his Greeter? And how about Main Street located CM's? I always see at least a couple mingling around that area....where were they when all of this was going on?

I am surprised it has taken all this time for this to be posted....but it is yet another example of how much crap some of the characters have to put up with. Why can't all Guests behave and treat them with the respect they so deserve?


In most cases, the characters out in Disneyland dont usually have greeters. Since most locals visit there, there isnt really that much demand and I guess the characters that play them no that and dont think anything of it. Now here at the World, its a different story. Without a greeter they would get mobbed, not that they dont already. My two experiences out at Disneyland were just that, hardly and greeters accompanying the characters, since they are at home.


New Member
Being "friends" with Pluto, I can tell you that it is TOO TOO TOO TOO hard to run in that costume comfortably. It's hard to lift up the legs, it's hard to move the feet, and that was NOT in good fun. Whatever that kid did to make Pluto angry, it was REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY bad. Or maybe Pluto had an awful awful temper, I don't know, but I can tell you running like that is NOT easy, and plus, the hand motions Pluto was making, especially the "both hands up" one, were warning signs. They were last attempts at showing he did nothing wrong.


WOW! Just watching that got my blood pressure up... Was that handled in the best But did he deserve to get pushed to the ground? NO WAY!!! Characters have one the toughest jobs, up there with Custodial and Plaid Patrol/Smile Squad (Guest Relations). Just the way that woman laid her hands on Pluto made me VERY angry. Obviously there was something seriously wrong in that situation to cause the CM to chase after the kid like that. Sometimes kids do some of the worst things because their parents do not supervise them. I had a friend that worked over at Nemo and a kid ran and jumped on a pressure mat that E-stopped the ride and just ran away. We also have kids get up on the leapfrog fountains in front of Image and stand on them. WHY? Where are your parents? The whole thing is incredibly frustrating to CMs who must be "Courteous and Respectful to all guests, including children". Sigh...Parents please heed our warnings (they aren't suggestions) to "Please Watch Your Children, Vigilen a Sus Niños, Gracias"
(off my sleep-deprived soap box):snore:


New Member
something real bad must of happened before that video because my cousin, who was a character(played pooh and chip ), said it is really uncomfortable to walk in those costumes let alone run in them!
so i guess that pluto got kicked in the ... which made pluto run
i mean why else would he run?
and that woemen at the end! she pushed pluto! omg!
ill push her into a monorail oh yea and I'LL have MY camera
it's horrible what these kids do to these poor characters let alone adults!


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of when I was at Disneyland this summer. It was time for Donald to come in but as he was walking to the gates to leave, a big group of tourists flooded upon him, almost knocking him down. He kept trying to walk away but they all had their hands on him, pulling him back. Luckily, a man (who happened to also be a tourist) saw what was happening and helped Donald break free.


Active Member
I've watched the video a few times now, and I really don't think that that woman pushed him. It looks like she tapped him on the shoulder because he was walking away while she was still angry, sort of a "don't you dare turn your back on me" kind of thing. He was obviously stressed, angry, and not thinking straight, and probably was startled and tried to come around too quickly (possibly thinking he would need to defend himself), and slipped off the curb.


Well-Known Member
WOW! Just watching that got my blood pressure up... Was that handled in the best But did he deserve to get pushed to the ground? NO WAY!!! was a little kid. Even if the kid did the worst thing I can think of, which is to kick him in the crotch, it does not justify "Pluto" in chasing him down. As inexcusable as the child's actions may have been, you, as an adult, just can't go chasing a little kid and trying to lay your hands on him. That's just asking to be fired and to be arrested.

And even if I saw my son kick an employee in the crotch, if that employee came chasing him down trying to lay his hands on my son, I'd probably protect my son and push the guy down as well. Now, when I get the kid back to the hotel room that's a different story. At that point, I'll probably tan his little hiney for what he did, but that's MY job as his father. It's not some stranger's place to come chasing after my son intending to do God knows what...even if my son is the instigator of it all.

And I agree about the need to watch your children, but as all parents can attest, as well as those of us who were horrible children (such as myself, LOL), no matter how closely a parent watches his kid, the kid can do something before the parent has a chance to stop him. In this case, perhaps the parent had no clue that the child was going to kick pluto (if that's even what happened). The Parent could have just been watching the child going up to get a picture of Pluto and then in the twinkling of an eye, the kid turns around and kicks him. Doesn't make the parent a bad parent. Doesn't mean she's not watching her kid. Doesn't mean it's her fault. I did my share of bad things when I was a kid, even though my parents taught me to behave differently. Kids have a mind of their own and will act contrary to the way their parents have taught them to act and you, as the parent, very often have no way of stopping the child. You can only react to what your child did.

So again, if my son kicks you in the crotch, *I* will deal with it. It's my job as his Father to discipline my son, not yours. And even if my son is in the wrong, I don't want to see you trying to lay your hands on him. That's my place, not yours. And trust me, I WILL lay hands on him when we get back to the privacy of our room. :D


Follower of "Saget"The Cult

What would Pluto have done if he caught the boy?

Kinda like a dog chasing a car...what's he gonna do if he catches it?


...if my son kicks you in the crotch, *I* will deal with it. It's my job as his Father to discipline my son, not yours. And even if my son is in the wrong, I don't want to see you trying to lay your hands on him. That's my place, not yours. And trust me, I WILL lay hands on him when we get back to the privacy of our room. :D
I agree with you, it isn't our job to discipline but man to man getting a good kick to the crotch doesn't really inspire the most rational of thought in a man...
I mostly meant that the mother pushed the character to the ground. I get that she was "protecting the child" but come on. What was he going to do if he caught the kid? Spank him with all those people watching? :rolleyes: Parents need to keep in mind we're people too.

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