WOW! Just watching that got my blood pressure up... Was that handled in the best But did he deserve to get pushed to the ground? NO WAY!!! was a little kid. Even if the kid did the worst thing I can think of, which is to kick him in the crotch, it does not justify "Pluto" in chasing him down. As inexcusable as the child's actions may have been, you, as an adult, just can't go chasing a little kid and trying to lay your hands on him. That's just asking to be fired and to be arrested.
And even if I saw my son kick an employee in the crotch, if that employee came chasing him down trying to lay his hands on my son, I'd probably protect my son and push the guy down as well. Now, when I get the kid back to the hotel room that's a different story. At that point, I'll probably tan his little hiney for what he did, but that's MY job as his father. It's not some stranger's place to come chasing after my son intending to do God knows what...even if my son is the instigator of it all.
And I agree about the need to watch your children, but as all parents can attest, as well as those of us who were horrible children (such as myself, LOL), no matter how closely a parent watches his kid, the kid can do something before the parent has a chance to stop him. In this case, perhaps the parent had no clue that the child was going to kick pluto (if that's even what happened). The Parent could have just been watching the child going up to get a picture of Pluto and then in the twinkling of an eye, the kid turns around and kicks him. Doesn't make the parent a bad parent. Doesn't mean she's not watching her kid. Doesn't mean it's her fault. I did my share of bad things when I was a kid, even though my parents taught me to behave differently. Kids have a mind of their own and will act contrary to the way their parents have taught them to act and you, as the parent, very often have no way of stopping the child. You can only react to what your child did.
So again, if my son kicks you in the crotch, *I* will deal with it. It's my job as his Father to discipline my son, not yours. And even if my son is in the wrong, I don't want to see you trying to lay your hands on him. That's my place, not yours. And trust me, I WILL lay hands on him when we get back to the privacy of our room.