American Idol!


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
:veryconfu wha?...any details?
Starting this summer, military installations around the world will hold post-wide Idol competitions. Those winners who continue on through region contest until a final 12 remain. Those final twelve will then compete in a special "Military Idol" broadcast, where the rules are the same: America chooses the best of the best.

It is currently in the sponsorship phase... everything is approved they just need to get the money.


Well-Known Member
Nadis: Eh it was good, not her best i think.

Anwar: Not my kind of music, but did well. Nothing changed in his voice.

Bo: That was awesome as well, another one of my favorite.

Andy: Eh it was ok. I love that song though.

Vonzell: I love that song, but I didnt remember her singing it she did ok as well.

Scott: It was OK, not my favorite, but OK.


Constantine: AWESOME!!!!! Sounded just like it in a way.

My top three Bo, Carrie, and Constantine.


Well-Known Member
Way to go Constantine!


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Original Poster
I'm lagged... so far, Nadia was okay... what was up with that outfit, though?

Vonzell was great... I LOVE that song!

Anthony... eh. Scott... BLAH!!! Needs to go!

Carrie, watching her now, lookin good :)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Yup, it sure was empty without Nikko, but Ryan Seacrest gave a nice intro about him. Here's my thoughts:

Nadia: Horrendous. Her wrost by far. Such a boring song! D+

Anwar: Much better than "I believe I can fly" but he's still not my favourite. B

Bo: He's officialy redeemed himself. Keep it up Bo!

Anthony: MUCH better than last week. Better song, but vocals were not the strongest. B-

Vonzell: She Keeps getting better and better! Her best performance yet!!! A-

Scott: LEAVE NOW! Blegh! C-

Carrie: WOAH!!!! Totally different style, awesome song, she looked so hot, HER BEST YET!!!! Definately the best performance of the night. I loved it! A+

Constantine: I'm not a very big constantine fan, but he did a reasonable job. B+


Well-Known Member
Carrie Underwood was absolutely wonderful. I love her new hair and the way she worked the stage tonight. I have to disagree with the judges' comments on her performance! A++++++++++++++++++++


Well-Known Member
Carrie A-

Scott - D-

Nadia D

Anwar B

Constantine - C * He didn't follow the songs nature flow.. He was late on his words and ended the song differently..Don't mess with a classic!


Well-Known Member
Call me old-fashioned, but I didn't like Carrie tonight. To me it was fake and forced. Oh well....

Nadia and Scott two of the bottom three, Nadia goes home.

Vonzell was smokin tonight. Great job by her.

I'm tired of Paula's act.


New Member
I agree, I do not think Carrie did well tonight. Vonzell has really improved the past few weeks and continues to do so. I still have to say Bo is my favorite and Vonzell is closing in as a favorite, but I do not know if she will go much longer. Her votes will really have to pick up. I do like Carrie and I think she will go to the end.


Well-Known Member
Constantine was awesome tonight! :sohappy: He did that song really well.

So, did anyone else start thinking of Food Rocks during Constantine's performance? :lookaroun I started singing along with the food version and my family just rolled their eyes and laughed. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Nadia - definately not her best performance; I think she'll be in the bottom 3 (or SHOULD be) but I hope she won't go home

Anwar - he seemed more like the Anwar we saw when the season first started, and thank God for that! I think it was one of his best in a while (though not his best overall)

Bo - sorry Bo fans, I'm just bored by him. He sang the song well, but that's all he did. There was no personality in it at all. Besides, regardless of his age, he looks too old to be an American Idol

Anthony - better than some of his performance, but in comparison to other participants, it wasn't good.

Vonzell - the top female this season, without a doubt!

Scott - dear god, just

Carrie - she did good, but she WAS a bit pitchy. Her singing was good, but her performance was rather boring...just some shimmying of hips. And she always looks a bit scared, to me. That's my favorite Pat Benetar song, so I'm glad she sang it well.

Constantine - *SWOON* I love that man! Though, it's incredibly hard for me to say I loved his performance cause I HATE that song. But he DID do a great job with it (a LOT better than Mario's version, I must admit), but it wasn't my favorite of his (that goes to You Make Me So Very Happy, I Can't Make You Love Me, and My Funny Valentine). I really love it when Constantine sings ballad-type songs, but I also love that he can sing so many different types of songs, and sing them well. IMO, he's the true rocker of the entire group! I hope he keeps these great performances up!

So my top tonight are Constantine and Vonzell. My bottom 3 are Scott, Anthony, and Nadia.


Constantine is a good singer but he just drives me CRAZY- I can't stand to look at him! Every time they show him it looks like he is trying to have ___ with the camera.

I think it's Scott's turn to go home.


Well-Known Member
This may very well be the final season of this mess for me.
I have grown weary of the format, the contestants, and the production!
Just can't seem to find a favorite this time - most likely for lack of caring, I guess....
Here's my review for the week:

Nadia: Killed her chances by picking a song nobody knew. If they can't rememebr the song, they won't remember to vote for her. Too bad, because she was an early favorite of mine. :(

Anwar: Too boring. I sense talent, but He has yet to put together an entire perfect song. I wanna like it, but I can't. :snore:

Bo: Whatever. How He lasts each week is no mystery, but it strips the show of any reason to take it serious. :( .

Anthony: Great song, OK performance. Another one who can't seem to put together a single perfect song. (Nice to see Hall and Oates! One of my favorites! Check out their version of the song LIVE on tour this summer!!!). :eek:

Vonzell: WOW! Out of nowhere - a HIT! Not a favorite of mine, but consistently improves each week. Last night she was the winner! Great song, Great performance! :sohappy:

Scott: UGH! End this mess. :eek:

Carrie: I picked her to win it all based on raw talent. I think she performed the song the way Pat Benetar wanted it done. It was'nt perfect, but she showed she could rock out with the rest of them and made Bo and Constantine look like choir boys. :sohappy:

Constantine: I am stumped. How does He last each week? :eek:

Nikko should have been the last guy standing of this group...not the first one out! Working with what's left, I have to go with CARRIE to win it all!


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything BRER STITCH said. I watch now to see who really improves as the season goes on, and I root for them. Right now, I'd say the contestants who seem to get better each week are Vonzell and Carrie. Both have great voices and have always done an excellent job singing. It's how much their performances have improved that gets me. Neither one had much of a stage presence a couple of weeks ago ... and look at them now! Vonzell had the precise right amount of sass and confidence this week and Carrie actually had a little growl in her voice and a little swagger in her performance.


New Member
I wish we could all see Bo sing ANYTHING besides a rock song!!! I don't know why, but it drives me crazy that every week there seems to be a theme that allows him to sing rock. I wanna hear him sing Randy Travis or Big Band or anything besides rock. Thats why Constantine is so much more liked because he has his own rock band, but doesn't always sing rock.

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