American Idol!


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
I don't understand it either how Scott slips through the cracks.

His comment on Tuesday and the way he made a scene walking back to the bench after finding out he is staying.

I'm losing faith in this show after being a fan for 4 seasons.
Don't lose faith in the show--lose faith in the voting American public. Just as was shown last year, all it takes is a large bloc of votes each week to go to a certain contestant and they can stick around for a long time. If AI has a flaw, it's the voting process. Something still needs to be done to tweak this.

As for Nadia leaving, I knew she would be the one. Song selection is crucial at this point--or any point in the game. Everyone else sang a popular song that everyone knew, but her. She did a good job, but everyone was kinda like :confused: when she sang it. She hurt herself by singing what she did. This also goes to show that as egotistical as he is, Simon is usually right on the mark with these contestants. He may be harsh and brutally straightforward, but he nails an assessment almost every time.

With that said, I believe that Scott's days are numbered (thank God). His attitude is appalling, his past is checkered, and the cream will rise to the top.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I really wish theyd limit the votes to like 3 per telephone or something like they did with Last Comic Standing.


New Member
Invero said:
I really wish theyd limit the votes to like 3 per telephone or something like they did with Last Comic Standing.
Yes. People would think more seriously and consider their votes longer before just dialing away for two hours. And they might split up their votes instead of voting for just one person. I think that's part of the reason some good people leave. Instead of voting for their favoriteS 50 times each, they vote for one person 100 times. Thus making their other favorite lose out on 50 votes. If enough voters do this, which they do, that's a lot of deserving singers not getting their votes.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Yes. People would think more seriously and consider their votes longer before just dialing away for two hours. And they might split up their votes instead of voting for just one person. I think that's part of the reason some good people leave. Instead of voting for their favoriteS 50 times each, they vote for one person 100 times. Thus making their other favorite lose out on 50 votes. If enough voters do this, which they do, that's a lot of deserving singers not getting their votes.
I also wouldn't mind the voting changing to the person you DO NOT like.


Well-Known Member
Did not like Scott getting the reprieve before Bo, and then having Nadia leave before him. His comments are egotistical and his past has been discussed already. I think he even made reference to it last week when he said Paula told him to embrace his imperfections. Right :rolleyes:

Did anyone else notice when Ryan was giving out his number that Scott suddenly took off his glasses and made these faces like I don't know, he was the hot s!@#. Apparently it worked :rolleyes:

When will this madness end :brick:

Oh well whatever, as long as Anwar, Constantine, Bo, and Vonzell are safe I am satisfied.


New Member
I just don't understand the hypocrisy of the show.

Corey Clark had abuse allegations in his past, and got booted from the show. Scott remains a contestant.

Frenchie Davis posed in lengerie for a website and got booted from the show. Nikki McKibbon was a stripper and remained a contestant.


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
I had to work last night, so I only got in about 60 votes...otherwise, I would've gotten in my nearly 500 (give or take some) votes ;) I'll be able to do that next week, though, as I've requested Tues. nights off .

No offense meant to DIZKNEE_PHREEK, as she did nothing wrong,

...but THIS, my friends, is the root cause of all the problems with this show. :brick:

One vote per phone would make this show more tolerable.
Or...charge 99 cents per call and donate it to the contestant's favorite charity!

Still....Maybe they should change the name to "Phone-in Idol" to make it more accurate.



Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
I just don't understand the hypocrisy of the show.

Corey Clark had abuse allegations in his past, and got booted from the show. Scott remains a contestant.

Frenchie Davis posed in lengerie for a website and got booted from the show. Nikki McKibbon was a stripper and remained a contestant.

I hear ya, NICHOLAS!

FOX's explanation that "It's OK because Scott was upfront about it from the beginning" makes it even more insane.



"Gee, Mr. FOX, I am a convicted mass murderer and baby seal clubber, but I'm truly sorry for what I did and think I would be a great American Idol! Plus, I can almost sing and dance!!!!"


DISCLAIMER: No baby seals were harmed in the posting of this message!
Examples for silly exaggeration purposes ONLY!


Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Let's talk about Paula and her hypocrisy. Didn't see get mad at Simon because he predicts winners during his comments.

Now Paula is doing the same.

Also, what kind of meds is Paula on or is she just drunk?


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
Let's talk about Paula and her hypocrisy. Didn't see get mad at Simon because he predicts winners during his comments.

Now Paula is doing the same.

Also, what kind of meds is Paula on or is she just drunk?
She's just an idiot.

I love Simon. He says the truth, has the weirdest analogies, cracks me up, and he has one of the nicest smiles I have seen in a long time :D


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
Let's talk about Paula and her hypocrisy. Didn't see get mad at Simon because he predicts winners during his comments.

Now Paula is doing the same.

Also, what kind of meds is Paula on or is she just drunk?
She is actually taking something for a car accident or something that she was in a while back- something about her back??? Can't remember...She's always upset about Simon for some reason or another...
I do agree that she does seem more out of it lately and not sure if it's her medication that is doing it or what??

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Aurora_25 said:
She is actually taking something for a car accident or something that she was in a while back- something about her back??? Can't remember...She's always upset about Simon for some reason or another...
I do agree that she does seem more out of it lately and not sure if it's her medication that is doing it or what??
You mean were she hit someone and ran?


Well-Known Member
No offense meant to DIZKNEE_PHREEK, as she did nothing wrong,

...but THIS, my friends, is the root cause of all the problems with this show. :brick:

One vote per phone would make this show more tolerable.
Or...charge 99 cents per call and donate it to the contestant's favorite charity!

Still....Maybe they should change the name to "Phone-in Idol" to make it more accurate.


No offense taken! ;) And I agree, it IS the root of the problems with AI...and I ALMOST feel bad about voting so many times, but then I don't. For two reasons - 1. I know other people do if I want my fave contestant(s) to stay for a while, I have to play the game. and 2. Everyone else CAN do it for their favorites if they have the time/patience. Plus, it's like a competition between my sister and I now, trying to see who can get the most votes in for their favorite.

But I completely agree with Computer Magic! I think (and I said this last year, even, when Jennifer Hudson got the boot) they should change it to voting out the weakest of the bunch. I think it would be more accurate that way.


New Member
Based on the performances Tuesday night, I am not suprised by the bottom three or even the fact that Nadia is gone. I said it before and I'll say it again, she has no breath support while she sings. If you watch closely, some of the contestants (Carrie especially) make the singing look effortless. Nadia looked like she had to work hard just to get out what she did. I respect her effort and no doubt believe she would make a fine back-up singer for anyone who needs an alto voice.

Bo has underperformed for two weeks straight. I don't understand a comment that asks Bo to sing Country or Big Band. Once you are a succesful singer, you rarely leave the comfort zone that made you famous, Rod Stewart not included. I think Bo has a very good Southern Rock voice. This could transition into Country, but why should it.

American Idol is essentially a Pop contest. Ruben and what's her face that won last year are both very good if not great singers (even though I was never her fan) but they do not fit the "Idol" image. This is not a Black/white thing either. I forget this other girls name from season 1 (the one who did some TV as well) she had a great voice and I think Vonzelle has a real chance to win it all, but if you look at the most succesful (by record sales) contestants to date, you have Kelly and Clay - why, because they sing pop songs.


Well-Known Member
JBSLJames said:
Based on the performances Tuesday night, I am not suprised by the bottom three or even the fact that Nadia is gone. I said it before and I'll say it again, she has no breath support while she sings. If you watch closely, some of the contestants (Carrie especially) make the singing look effortless. Nadia looked like she had to work hard just to get out what she did. I respect her effort and no doubt believe she would make a fine back-up singer for anyone who needs an alto voice.

Bo has underperformed for two weeks straight. I don't understand a comment that asks Bo to sing Country or Big Band. Once you are a succesful singer, you rarely leave the comfort zone that made you famous, Rod Stewart not included. I think Bo has a very good Southern Rock voice. This could transition into Country, but why should it.

American Idol is essentially a Pop contest. Ruben and what's her face that won last year are both very good if not great singers (even though I was never her fan) but they do not fit the "Idol" image. This is not a Black/white thing either. I forget this other girls name from season 1 (the one who did some TV as well) she had a great voice and I think Vonzelle has a real chance to win it all, but if you look at the most succesful (by record sales) contestants to date, you have Kelly and Clay - why, because they sing pop songs.

It was Kelley Clarkson from Season 1 and you still hear her on the radio. I havent really heard about Ruben excpet for a few tv shows. I mean from that season all I hear is Clay Akien and he was second. In season 3 it was Fantasia, who btw I cant stand her voice, shes been on the raido a afew times but i hear more about Diana who lost to her.

I think its funny how the scandals about AI contestants that get tossed out,but sorry no offense but an unwed mother that won is no idol to me, and how scott is still in it with the girlfriend thing I just dont get it. And the other poor contestants that had to leave cause of something else.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Atta83 said:
It was Kelley Clarkson from Season 1 and you still hear her on the radio. I havent really heard about Ruben excpet for a few tv shows. I mean from that season all I hear is Clay Akien and he was second. In season 3 it was Fantasia, who btw I cant stand her voice, shes been on the raido a afew times but i hear more about Diana who lost to her.

I think its funny how the scandals about AI contestants that get tossed out,but sorry no offense but an unwed mother that won is no idol to me, and how scott is still in it with the girlfriend thing I just dont get it. And the other poor contestants that had to leave cause of something else.
I think he means Tamyr Gray who was better then Justin but was voted off.

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