American Idol!


Well-Known Member
Was it only restricted to Broadway? Because that would explain why they didn't do anything at all from Singin in the Rain which is considered one of the more popular.

I'm surprised no one did "My Fair Lady" also :lol:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I was a little dissapointed tonite. I had such high hopes because I have many favourite broadway songs, but none of my favourites were sang. No Phantom of the Opera, no Disney songs, no nothing. I was atleast expecting one of the girls to sing Beauty and the Beast, that would've been the PERFECT song choice for any of them. Oh well, here's my review:

Scott: Terrrible. Out of pitch and horrid. You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

Constantine: I've never really like Constantine, but tonite was his best! Hats off to him!

Carrie: Not her best, but still impressive.

Vonzell: She is really growing on me! She is definately surpassing Nadia.

Anthony: Please leave. Now! I agree 100% with Simon.

Nikko: Definately in the top best 3 of the night, but not his best.

Anwar: Much better than that disaster last week and he has redeemed himself. What the heck was he wearing though?! Ugh!

Bo: Still not his best, but much better than last week.

Nadia: MUCH better. Keep it up!


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Was it only restricted to Broadway? Because that would explain why they didn't do anything at all from Singin in the Rain which is considered one of the more popular.

I'm surprised no one did "My Fair Lady" also :lol:
Singin in the Rain was on Broadway

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Bottom two: Scott and Anthony. I have no clue who will be the third, but I think we have seen the last of Anthony.

As for the song selection, could have been better. I think someone said it here last week, the good songs are not being cleared and thus have to choose from a list of cleared. It think you would hear more known songs if it weren't for the rights issue.


Well-Known Member
tonite was interesting as I hadn't heard many of the songs performed.
Scott-I think he'll be in the bottom three
Constantine-that charisma just charms me to pieces
Carrie-disappointed with her boring song choice but her vocals remain strong
Anwar-he did OK; he's a really classy guy
Nikko-it's not his time to go yet; I enjoy him
Anthony-I think he'll also be in the bottom three
Vonzell-she gets better every week; but I don't think she'll make the top 4
Nadia-the girl has the package; stage presence, good vocals (not the best), and the looks
Bo-I'm rooting for him as I'd like the next winner not to be a 'pop' vocalist; he did OK


Well-Known Member
My bottom three are Scott: Just horrible. Anthony: that song was too low for him. And im not sure on the third one.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My bottom three:
Scott (like I need to explain anything here)
Anthony (he's cute... but like JPL, he needs to go)
Bo (sorry... I just didn't see anything good about his performance)

My top three:
Nadia (I love her hair!)


It's getting VERY tough to pick a favorite anymore. Bo, Anwar, Vonzell, and Carrie are all extremely good and I like listening to all 4 of them equally. Nikko, Nadia, and Constantine are all at about the same level as well, hovering just below the top group. Scott and Anthony - no brainer, they are outta there, they are out of their league!

The problem with the best 7 of them is they are all awesome in their own way. Their styles are all so different. So who knows how it will all turn out! It's very hard to rank the top 7 now.

Bo - best rocker
Carrie - best country singer
Nikko - best R&B
Constantine - most charisma
Nadia - unique, has attitude
Vonzell - all around good female singer
Anwar - all around good male singer


Well-Known Member
Ok, let me take a stab at this:
Scott: I've hated him since the Hollywood round when he wasn't being a team player with his group.
Constantine: I don't understand how he is a rocker anymore, but he is my second favorite male singer.
Carrie Underwood: Carrie is absolutely wonderful. She is a joy to look at and listen to. I could just watch her for the entire hour. Even if she doesn't win American Idol, A country music label will sign her.
Vonzelle: Always dresses wonderfully and has a delightful voice. My second favorite female.
Nikko: America didn't choose him to be in the final twelve, yet the producers threw him back in. I've never liked Nikko or his whinny voice. Plus, he kind of reminds me of the corrupt District Attorney that we have in New Orleans.
Anthony: Please just go away!!!
Anwar: It sounds like he sings the same song every week. Just blah.
Nadia: Everytime I see her, I'm reminded of Foxxy Cleopatra in Goldmember. Foxxy is my least favorite Austin Power's girl.
Bo: My favorite male performer. It is his and Carrie's competition to lose just like Mr. Cowell says.

Paula Abdul: Why does she always have to be nice even when someone CLEARY sucked! *cough, Scott & Anthony, cough*


STR8FAN2005 said:
Paula Abdul: Why does she always have to be nice even when someone CLEARY sucked! *cough, Scott & Anthony, cough*

I'll use my 1,000th post to agree with you there! That bugs the heck out of me.

Edit - oh darn, I guess posts in chit chat don't count - I'm stuck at 999. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
Anthony (he's cute... but like JPL, he needs to go)

Oh god! PLEASE don't liken Anthony to JPL! JPL was fun and I actually liked his singing voice (although I didn't want him to win, cause I knew he wasn't the best)...but Anthony? Boring...fairly good singing voice, if he'd just pick good songs...but boring...he can't dance like JPL, that's for sure!

Ok, as for tonight....I was rather disgusted when I found out tonight's theme...I just knew it was going to be a night full of cheesy performances. But I thought it went over quite nicely! I think there were about 3, maybe 4 performances that I really didn't like.
Scott - Please go home...soon
Constantine - OMG! HOTTNESS!!! :goodnevil Definately his best performance yet! Tonight's performance (and the cute little interview afterwards) made me fall for him even harder!
Carrie - I agree with Simon...she seemed old-fashioned. She sang it well, but I wasn't overly impressed
Vonzelle - She just keeps getting better every week! Good for her!
Nikko - I personally thought it was one of his best...he put a nice, modern groove to the song, but it wasn't R&B, so that was good. I liked it!
Anthony - I kinda hope he stays one more week, just to get Scott out of there first...but he won't be around much longer
Anwar - Thank God, for my sister's sake at least, he did better! Not his best, but by far not his worst.
Bo - ugh...I'm so bored with Bo. Sorry Bo fans, but I hope he leaves after Scott and Anthony.
Nadia - I haven't liked her performances for the past two weeks or so, but she redeemed herself tonight! Good job!


Well-Known Member
Here's my take--all three girls SHOULD be safe tonight. Carrie was simply stunning last night...and she sang well too. :) I said back in January (check the beginning of this thread) that she would win.

As for the guys, Anwar redeemed himself, while Scott, Anthony, and Nikko should be in the bottom three with Nikko staying. Scott or Anthony will be going home.

Beginning of rant:

And will someone shut Paula's mouth? Simon never comments while she is speaking, but when Simon speaks, she is constantly running her mouth about how wrong he is. Just shut up, get a backbone and learn to offer some criticism instead of swooning over every guy on the stage.

End of rant.


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
Here's my take--all three girls SHOULD be safe tonight. Carrie was simply stunning last night...and she sang well too. :) I said back in January (check the beginning of this thread) that she would win.

As for the guys, Anwar redeemed himself, while Scott, Anthony, and Nikko should be in the bottom three with Nikko staying. Scott or Anthony will be going home.

Beginning of rant:

And will someone shut Paula's mouth? Simon never comments while she is speaking, but when Simon speaks, she is constantly running her mouth about how wrong he is. Just shut up, get a backbone and learn to offer some criticism instead of swooning over every guy on the stage.

End of rant.
I was telling my friend that...Paula is all swoons with the guys and will not shut her mouth up when the other guys are speaking. The only thing I agreed with was that she said she loved Simon's analogies. I love them too :lol:


New Member
STR8 - Good point on Anwar. Mr. Saddat sounds the same on every song he sings. I just do not like him. And Nadia - :hurl: - She has no breath support when she sings. And the faces she makes :hurl: while singing lower notes :hurl: . I have heard better sounds from the men's room in the local White Castle.

Top Three - Carrie, Constantine, and Bo with Vonzell right there as well. I think Carrie has the best overall voice and that should be enough.

They need to do a Beatles night or maybe a "British Explosion" theme.

Alos, Paula did finally say something I agree with, the back-up band has done a phenomenal job so far. Except there are times when they are too loud and overpower the singing.


Well-Known Member
All I know is one thing, they should NEVER do musicals again! I love musicals, but tonight I don't was just bad. I think it was b/c a lot of people (like Bo, Carrie, and Nikko-even though Nikko did attempt to put a R&B vibe on his song) have their own style that didn't fit in with the theme for last night. I also don't know if it was b/c AI couldn't get good songs cleared or what...but last night was just horrible.

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