American Idol!


Well-Known Member

Some poor soul felt the need to give me a "Negative Rep Point" with the following comment: "If you don't like the show than don't watch it. Quite yer whining!"

It wasn't signed of course.

I wouldn't mind, but it's my first one and I was kinda hoping to earn it with a wilder post than a review of American Idol.


I'm not even sure what those points are all about, but if they're free, I want 'em!!!


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:
Constantine was awesome tonight! :sohappy: He did that song really well.

He didn't work the song at all. He tried to make it his own.. You can't mess with Queen.

BTW - Scott... You are way to full of yourself.

Scott is going home.


Well-Known Member
The_CEO said:
He didn't work the song at all. He tried to make it his own.. You can't mess with Queen.

BTW - Scott... You are way to full of yourself.

Scott is going home.

Constantine left out the best part of the song! And Scott is way to full of himself!

"You know what is real, I'm up here singing in front of millions of people that were to chicken to come on the show"
-Scott Savol in response to a comment by Simon Cowell on April 12, 2005

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Hey, has anyone else noticed that Simon seems to be trick questioning many of the contestants? Recently he asked Mikala what did she think of herself and she replied, "I think I'm fabulouse! And I think my fans are fabulouse!" which brought her populaarity down by a long shot. Then last night he asked Scott what he thought was real and he said "What I think is real is that I'm up here singing in front of millions of people who were too chicken to come on the show." Which will no doubt bring his popularity WAY down. Notice the trend here? Simon asks the contestants he doesn't like questions that gains a response that brings down their popularity down quite a bit, and they get voted off the show much quicker. If this is true, Simon must be ALOT more smarter than we think.


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
That's gotta be it...although I don't know why. He's really not that cute!

*cough*cough*sputter*cough* I'm gonna pretend I didn't read that :animwink:

BTW, it's not just teenagers...there's LOTS of 20-somethings (and some older) voting for him as well.
I had to work last night, so I only got in about 60 votes...otherwise, I would've gotten in my nearly 500 (give or take some) votes ;) I'll be able to do that next week, though, as I've requested Tues. nights off :lookaroun

As for the results tonight, I was ok with the bottom 3...although I still think Anthony should've been in the bottom 3. I knew Bo would be safe, but I'm glad to see he's not invincible. I really don't think it was Nadia's time to go, but I don't think she would've lasted much longer anyway (unfortunately...she was one of my early faves). Scott's definately going to be another John Stevens, I'm afraid.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
As much as I wanted Scott to leave, I knew that it was gonna be Nadia. I liked Nadia at first, but then she started to get a little on the boring side. Oh well. PLEASE VOTE SCOTT OFF NEXT WEEK! He's a big full of himself women abuser.


Well-Known Member
I was really disappointed with Nadia's departure tonite. I don't think she would have won the whole thing; but I don't think Scott in any way has her stage presence. Scott needed to go last week, he needed to go this week----I hope we don't have another John Stevens on our hands; as was mentioned before.


New Member
I'm starting to think Scott needs to stay until the very end. The longer he's on the show, the less time he has to go back and beat his girlfriend again. sigh

It's sad that people are accepting that behavior and still voting for him. I know I want an idol who beats people.

This show just continues to baffle me.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I think that there are people out there who hate the show and purposely vote for the weakest performer just to mess with the results. Seriously, how else can you explain Scott's continued success?

Good luck, Nadia, I'm sure you'll do fine.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
I'm starting to think Scott needs to stay until the very end. The longer he's on the show, the less time he has to go back and beat his girlfriend again. sigh

It's sad that people are accepting that behavior and still voting for him. I know I want an idol who beats people.

This show just continues to baffle me.
I don't understand it either how Scott slips through the cracks.

His comment on Tuesday and the way he made a scene walking back to the bench after finding out he is staying.

I'm losing faith in this show after being a fan for 4 seasons.


Well-Known Member
The_CEO said:
America must love woman abusers..


Yeah, Scott's a perfect American idol. The ideal man. Someone who deserves to be sorta an American icon. :rolleyes: [/SARCASM]

I can't believe that Scott manages to survive week in and week out. He is the worst singer of the group and he abuses women. I wouldn't want him to be American Idol based on that fact alone, regardless of singing abilities. I have zero respect for anyone who gets their jollies by abusing women. Unfortunately, I already view him as this season's John Stevens. He's the worst one, yet he seems to manage to squeak by every week. I don't understand what makes people actually vote for him.

I'm a bit disappointed that Nadia got voted off. Nadia has been among my favorites since the beginning. It's too bad that she had to go. I think it's a bit premature of a departure for her, though I don't think she'd have won it all. Just that she should have stayed longer than some who are still there.

Anthony has overcome a lot in his life, which I think is gaining him a bit of a symphathy vote. Overcoming a trachiotomy (?sp) and coming back to the point where he is now is nothing short of amazing.

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