American Idol!


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
We can only hope! The talent sucks this time around and they are all really boring. It should have been cancelled after season 2 IMO...
My best friend feels the same way.

I think after a while it did get extremely boring. I sometimes have forgotten to watch, and that's never happened :lol:


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I think after a while it did get extremely boring. I sometimes have forgotten to watch, and that's never happened :lol:
Just out of curiosity, did you forget to watch while Constantine was still around? Once he was ousted, I became extremely bored with it...but I don't know if I'm just being biased or if he was really the one that brought a little flavor this season.


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
Just out of curiosity, did you forget to watch while Constantine was still around? Once he was ousted, I became extremely bored with it...but I don't know if I'm just being biased or if he was really the one that brought a little flavor this season.
I actually forgot to watch the week he was ousted :hammer: But I think that has to do with the fact that I was watching the Marlins game. Ever since they came back, I forgot all about AI and have no interest in watching that over baseball :D


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I actually forgot to watch the week he was ousted :hammer: But I think that has to do with the fact that I was watching the Marlins game. Ever since they came back, I forgot all about AI and have no interest in watching that over baseball :D
Oooooh....alrighty then. I've never been a big sports fan, so it's never interfered with my AI fixation. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
Oooooh....alrighty then. I've never been a big sports fan, so it's never interfered with my AI fixation. ;)
Yeah :lol: I wasn't really fretting though. I was more curious during Wednesday's show more than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My GOD, can they not get the numbers right? Ryan said Vonzell was IDOLS05, and then corrected himself to 04. Then he had to come back and remind folks that it really was 04.


Well-Known Member
Vonzell: First song- Good; Second song- Better; Last song- AWESOME!!! Simon picked the perfect song!

Bo: This was definitely Bo's night, and "Can't get no Satisfaction" was icing on the cake :sohappy:

Carrie: :snore:...May I just say that she did not do Shania's song justice. I love that song...I hate the way she sang it.

*sigh* I wish Vonzell and Bo could make it, but whatever. As long as Bo wins, I guess I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
I normally just troll watch this thread, but must throw in my comment tonight of "Goodbye Carrie". :wave: Despite what Simon said of "I think that was good enough to get you into the final," I digress. Her performances went from OK to average to blah. I know I'll take :fork: for this, but if I said this about ANYONE I would.


Well-Known Member
Kingdom Konsultant said:
'Bo is going to take the title... He Rocks!!
I agree (and not because he's from here). Not many people can pull off "Don't Let the Sun Go Down". He was totally amazing tonight!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
This was a great night! Man, its gonna be upsetting to see any of them go.

Vonzell: First song, probably the worst of the night. Good, but a little flat. Second song: Much better! I enjoyed it. Third song: Perfect choice Simon! :sohappy:

Bo: First song, great! Second song: UNBELIEVABLE. By far the best of the night. Third: That was fun!

Carrie: First song: Great one! Second song: *drools* Scuse me, I need to take a cold shower. Third song: PERFECT song choice. Randy hit the nail on the head with this one. She did the song justice, and sounded brilliant!

This was really a great night for all the contestants. Which one to leave though? Heck! I don't know! They're all so good. I have a feeling that it will be Vonzell though. :(


Well-Known Member
DisneyJoey said:
I normally just troll watch this thread, but must throw in my comment tonight of "Goodbye Carrie". :wave: Despite what Simon said of "I think that was good enough to get you into the final," I digress. Her performances went from OK to average to blah. I know I'll take :fork: for this, but if I said this about ANYONE I would.
No you won't...I completely agree :D :wave:

I know...know Vonzell will probably leave. Which is a shame. She's a much better performer and singer. And Bo...Bo is in a class all his own. But Carrie will make it to the finals. This season was full of disappointments, one more shouldn't kill me.


New Member
Vonzell = She has an incredible voice, undeniably. The thing that has always bothered me since day 1 about Vonzell is between musical phrases, she'll throw a wink, or a grin, or a hair flip into the song. Regardless of what she's singing about. I'm glad one of the judges mentioned this "cutsiness" tonight, although now is a bit late to be offering constructive criticism. She talented. She's no LaToya or Jennifer Hudson, but she's very talented.

Bo = Still can't stand him. If he ever gets tired of performing, he can become a professional baton twirler though. He can't seem to put the microphone stand down, so I'm sure he could parlay that habit into baton twirling quite nicely. If he wins, I won't be buying his album. If he loses, I won't be buying his album. He'll definitely have one, and that's awesome for him and his career. But I couldn't care less.

Carrie = She's gotten boring onstage. Her vocals are by far the best and most powerful in the competition, but lacks the spark to take it over the top. She peaked too soon with "Alone" and I've spent the entire competition waiting for another moment like that. It never came. If she wins (or loses), she is the one I am most likely to purchase an album from. Or at least burn a friend's copy ;)

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Vonzell = She has an incredible voice, undeniably. The thing that has always bothered me since day 1 about Vonzell is between musical phrases, she'll throw a wink, or a grin, or a hair flip into the song. Regardless of what she's singing about. I'm glad one of the judges mentioned this "cutsiness" tonight, although now is a bit late to be offering constructive criticism. She talented. She's no LaToya or Jennifer Hudson, but she's very talented.

Bo = Still can't stand him. If he ever gets tired of performing, he can become a professional baton twirler though. He can't seem to put the microphone stand down, so I'm sure he could parlay that habit into baton twirling quite nicely. If he wins, I won't be buying his album. If he loses, I won't be buying his album. He'll definitely have one, and that's awesome for him and his career. But I couldn't care less.

Carrie = She's gotten boring onstage. Her vocals are by far the best and most powerful in the competition, but lacks the spark to take it over the top. She peaked too soon with "Alone" and I've spent the entire competition waiting for another moment like that. It never came. If she wins (or loses), she is the one I am most likely to purchase an album from. Or at least burn a friend's copy ;)
You nailed it!!


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Vonzell = She has an incredible voice, undeniably. The thing that has always bothered me since day 1 about Vonzell is between musical phrases, she'll throw a wink, or a grin, or a hair flip into the song. Regardless of what she's singing about. I'm glad one of the judges mentioned this "cutsiness" tonight, although now is a bit late to be offering constructive criticism. She talented. She's no LaToya or Jennifer Hudson, but she's very talented.

Bo = Still can't stand him. If he ever gets tired of performing, he can become a professional baton twirler though. He can't seem to put the microphone stand down, so I'm sure he could parlay that habit into baton twirling quite nicely. If he wins, I won't be buying his album. If he loses, I won't be buying his album. He'll definitely have one, and that's awesome for him and his career. But I couldn't care less.

Carrie = She's gotten boring onstage. Her vocals are by far the best and most powerful in the competition, but lacks the spark to take it over the top. She peaked too soon with "Alone" and I've spent the entire competition waiting for another moment like that. It never came. If she wins (or loses), she is the one I am most likely to purchase an album from. Or at least burn a friend's copy ;)
Excellent analysis, nicholas.

I also preferred LaToya and Jennifer Hudson last season. Jennifer's rendition of Circle of Life was the highlight of that season. I thought Clay's Bridge Over Troubled Water was the highlight of the previous season. But I digress. Clive was the one who mentioned Vonzell's smiles despite the subject matter of the song. Still, I thought her first song was vocally outstanding.

Bo's first song was good, I didn't know the second one, and for his third song Paula stupidly picked Satisfaction - a guitar-driven song requiring no vocal range. PUT THE MIC STAND DOWN!

I've always thought Carrie's been pretty wooden onstage. She sort of came out of her shell during Alone and Love is a Battlefield. Her last two songs were okay, and instead of what she did sing, Randy should have had her sing Shania's Still the One. She would be great on that. Anyway, her first song, Crying, was truly phenomenal. Her best performance all season. Great vocals, nice emotion. Dare I say the highlight of the year. I believe SpongeScott predicted a Carrie victory after her tryout. I think he may be right.

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