American Idol!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking Vonzell would go home next week too. I can see the build-up. A little bit of country, a little bit rock and roll. Who will come out on top? I hope it's rock and roll :D


New Member
I'll finally start paying attention to Bo once he figures out you don't have to hold and walk around with the entire mic stand for the whole song.


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents, a little late:

Carrie: 2 horrible performances

Bo: 1st one was boring, 2nd was by far his best ever!

Vonzell: considering she seemed to have some pretty upsetting internal "noise", I'd say she did awesome!

Anthony: I don't really remember his 1st, but his 2nd was TONS better than Carrie's version.

I was really hoping Carrie would go tonight, although I'm not surprised it was Anthony (not even votefortheworst could save him). I wanted her to go because I don't want AI to have their Carrie/Bo showdown, and because I still don't think it's right that Constantine left after one bad performance, but Carrie had 2 bad performances in one night...and several "just okay" performances. It just doesn't make any sense.
Having said that, I'm ok with how tonight turned out. Technically, those are the three strongest singers in the competition. They could all use a little work on their performance skills, though (some more than others *cough*Carrie*cough*).


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
I'll finally start paying attention to Bo once he figures out you don't have to hold and walk around with the entire mic stand for the whole song.



I'm so OVER that move already!

He should be too!



Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
My 2 cents, a little late:

Carrie: 2 horrible performances

Bo: 1st one was boring, 2nd was by far his best ever!

Vonzell: considering she seemed to have some pretty upsetting internal "noise", I'd say she did awesome!

Anthony: I don't really remember his 1st, but his 2nd was TONS better than Carrie's version.

I was really hoping Carrie would go tonight, although I'm not surprised it was Anthony (not even votefortheworst could save him). I wanted her to go because I don't want AI to have their Carrie/Bo showdown, and because I still don't think it's right that Constantine left after one bad performance, but Carrie had 2 bad performances in one night...and several "just okay" performances. It just doesn't make any sense.
Having said that, I'm ok with how tonight turned out. Technically, those are the three strongest singers in the competition. They could all use a little work on their performance skills, though (some more than others *cough*Carrie*cough*).
Wow. Everything I was trying to think of in that post. Yay you! :sohappy: :lol: :p


Well-Known Member
Anthony Federov was doing an interview on the radio this morning and said that there was nothing really going on in Vonzell's life to make her cry the other night.
He said she told him it was just the pressure of making it that far on the show.

I had been wondering if it was something liek a death in her family or something. Glad it was not!

Another interesting thing about the ratings for AI....

The ratings area actually DECLINING as the finale approaches.

MY opinion is that the talent is so much weaker this year than in the past that people are not willing to sit through the actual one hour performance show and are simply tuning in for the final 5 minutes of the elimination show to see who gets the boot.

This is opposite of what has happened in the past and was being counted on for this year. With falling ratings numbers, sponsors will start jumping ship and the show iwll be less profitable. That's sometimes the first sign of a show being pulled off the air.

I found that interesting....



New Member
I bet it is Elizabeth. I just saw on the news all the people lined up to support him.
Looks crazy. My sister said it was, she lives over there by you. :lol:


Well-Known Member
LouDisney said:
Bo is home today and he has been all over the news this morning. They are having a big parade today for him.

Wonder if his Grandmother is the Grand Marshall????


She was funny to watch the other night!




Well-Known Member
LouDisney said:
I bet it is Elizabeth. I just saw on the news all the people lined up to support him.
Looks crazy. My sister said it was, she lives over there by you. :lol:
Lol, your sister is right! Closed roads and all. It's a good night to say home. :lol:


Well-Known Member
ditzeechick02 said:
so, who thinks Carrie and Anthony are together??? LOL I sure do! They would be soo cute together! :)
LOL! I posted a whole post about that in my LiveJournal! I got all excited about it Wed. night! But supposedly Anthony still has a girlfriend...I dunno. Either Carrie and Anthony are really close friends, or they're together. But they'd be SUCH a cute couple!


Account Suspended
Anthony Federov was doing an interview on the radio this morning and said that there was nothing really going on in Vonzell's life to make her cry the other night.
He said she told him it was just the pressure of making it that far on the show.

I had been wondering if it was something liek a death in her family or something. Glad it was not!

Another interesting thing about the ratings for AI....

The ratings area actually DECLINING as the finale approaches.

MY opinion is that the talent is so much weaker this year than in the past that people are not willing to sit through the actual one hour performance show and are simply tuning in for the final 5 minutes of the elimination show to see who gets the boot.

This is opposite of what has happened in the past and was being counted on for this year. With falling ratings numbers, sponsors will start jumping ship and the show iwll be less profitable. That's sometimes the first sign of a show being pulled off the air.

I found that interesting....

We can only hope! The talent sucks this time around and they are all really boring. It should have been cancelled after season 2 IMO...

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