American Idol!


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Well, while all the evidence points to it being true, the reason he waited til now was because it's publicity to get his name back out into the public right before his album drops. Whether he admits that or not, it certainly played into the "Hey, now's a good time to tell people" decision.
Yeah, which makes it even worse for him.

I guess it's a "wait and see" situation. We'll have to wait and see how the ratings or whatever are affected. How Paula is affected.

I wouldn't automatically assume Paula is finished. Which is why we have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
I was just hoping for contestants from the top 12 to make an appearance. It's been far too long since I've had a little Kimberly Caldwell in my life.
Watch the TV Guide channel. You can get your fix there.


Well-Known Member
Another thing I found weird is everytime the guy asked him something, Corey would stick new details in there. The only thing that has me believing him is the message on the phone. Because everything else could've been planned, paid off, whatever. People are so slick these days, it wouldn't be surprising if this sorry excuse for a man planned the whole thing.


Premium Member
nibblesandbits said:
Oh...did you notice how cocky he was tonight when he was told to go sit on the couch? He started clapping for himself and pointed up to the sky. I could see Anthony telling him...dude, it doesn't mean anything.

HEHEHEHE....yes that was hilarious. I was thinking "Scott, don't you know that's not the winner's couch?"

As much as I don't like Anthony either, it would have sucked to have been voted off on his birthday. He can leave next week instead. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I don't believe the Fallen Idol story at all. It all could have been fabricated. Some of the following things don't make sense:

1. If he and Paula had a special untraceable Sprint phone, why was he calling her from his parents' house and she doing the same.
2. Why would Paula go out in public with this guy? Someone is bound to notice!
3. How did he manage to surpass American Idol security at the hotel?? He's like a thug wannabe...he doesn't possess any skills.

Bottom line is, this guy has nothing to lose, but everything to gain. What makes this even more suspicious is the time that this broke out and numerous clips they showed of him recording his new album which of course every song relates to his affair with Paula. I don't think this guy made this up because I don't think he is smart enough. Someone is coaching him through this in hopes that he might have a successful record.


Well-Known Member
No way do I believe Corey Clark! I knew within 10 minutes that the guy was a complete fake. If I woman can pull off a hoax with a human finger in a bowl of chili, and make it seem believeable, Corey Clark can pull a hoax like this off and make it look believeable. None of the "evidence" really proved anything. The only thing was the message on his phone...but who knows if that was actually a recent call or not. That could've been from when he was kicked off the show. And it could've been something that was completely taken out of context. I think it was simply a publicity stunt.

As for Idol tonight...after a week of greiving, it's finally time to celebrate! And I loved how when Anthony was going to the couches, he said "it's not over". And how when Scott was told to go to the couches, he was all happy but Anthony goes "!" lol! Classic! My sister and I have a new-found respect for Anthony for pretty much telling Scott to shut his fat mouth. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have to chime in here- I totally do not believe Cory Clark- I think it's just too convienient that all this is coming out 2 years later right before he has an album coming out. Just too shady for my liking. And I am sorry, but if they went out together don't you think there would be pictures of them in tabloids and stuff (isn't the paprazi everywhere???)

I think his parents and his friends are in on the whole deal- he probably said "when I get famous, I will give you some money" or something like that. The whole thing is just too shady for me. As for the message on the phone- umm, there is so much technology now that someone could have called his phone (maybe even himself?) and left a message like that and sounded like Paula.... I mean really....Just not believeable. How on earth could he have stayed at her house at night when all the contestants were living in the same house- did they ever have his roomate on there saying that he was out?? Not that I know of. Just too much missing from all of this.

As for Idol I :sohappy: when they said Scott was going home! He just had a bad attitude and really got on my nerves (plus he wasn't that great of a singer....) I am so glad that he is gone. :)


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
As for Idol tonight...after a week of greiving, it's finally time to celebrate! And I loved how when Anthony was going to the couches, he said "it's not over". And how when Scott was told to go to the couches, he was all happy but Anthony goes "!" lol! Classic! My sister and I have a new-found respect for Anthony for pretty much telling Scott to shut his fat mouth. :sohappy:

I loved how Anthony did that to Scott!! Hilarious! He knew that sitting on the couch wasn't a good thing (after all, how often has he been in the bottom 3 lately??)


Well-Known Member
No question Corey Clark is an opportunistic jerk. The timing of this story with the release of his CD is more than coincidental. Also, the evidence that there was an actual affair is minimal: he claims it and his mom claims it. That's about it. However, the evidence that a judge had improper contact with a contestant is pretty solid. You've got his word, his parents' word, his friends' word, the phone records, the Sprint store clerk, the clothing purchase, the voice mail message, and his description of the interior of her house. That's an awful lot of circumstantial evidence. His friends in particular would have to be the greatest actors in the world to have come across as genuine as they did and still be lying.

1. If he and Paula had a special untraceable Sprint phone, why was he calling her from his parents' house and she doing the same.
2. Why would Paula go out in public with this guy? Someone is bound to notice!
3. How did he manage to surpass American Idol security at the hotel?? He's like a thug wannabe...he doesn't possess any skills.
1. With as much phone contact as they allegedly had, I think they would get too comfortable that they wouldn't be caught. Using landlines are easier sometimes.
2. Paula would go out in public with him, because, well, Paula's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I think her comments throughout the seasons of Idol are indicative of someone who is not a critical thinker.
3. I would imagine the contestants are not on house arrest at the hotel and can come and go pretty much as they please.

She's a nice person, but I believe she compromised the integrity of the show and will be forced to step down. He's a jerk, and I hope his CD tanks. But I believe his story.


Well-Known Member
You know what, I totally missed Anthony telling Scott not to read too much into his going into the couch. I remember seeing Anthony smile, but that's it. Damn, I would've liked to see it! Maybe on one of the entertainment shows they might repeat it.

And I still want to wait and see what happens. If she is forced to step down, the entire show must end. She is a big part of the show, whether we like it or not. It would be like not seeing Simon or Ryan. Just can't happen. If it happens, we can't expect the show to survive much longer.


Well-Known Member
GenerationX said:
3. I would imagine the contestants are not on house arrest at the hotel and can come and go pretty much as they please.
Carmen Rasmussen from Season 2 was on The Today Show yesterday. She said they had a security guard with them at all times, protecting them and keeping them away from the judges. She said there was no way that they could have been together without security knowing about it.


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
And I still want to wait and see what happens. If she is forced to step down, the entire show must end. She is a big part of the show, whether we like it or not. It would be like not seeing Simon or Ryan. Just can't happen. If it happens, we can't expect the show to survive much longer.
I think the show would thrive without her. She's a ditz. She can't say anything critically constructive about anybody, virtually rendering her useless for what a judge is supposed to do.


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
I think the show would thrive without her. She's a ditz. She can't say anything critically constructive about anybody, virtually rendering her useless for what a judge is supposed to do.
Yeah, but I think she has a fanbase for playing off the "nice" image. And we have learned how dumb the viewers can be ::coughscottcough::. So there may be people that look forward to hearing her positivity on the show, much like I look forward to Simon's wonderful comments :D. I think maybe it could succeed without her, but much like Three's Company and other shows, it won't feel the same. I loved Three's Company after Suzanne Somers, but it didn't feel the same. ::shrugs:: Oh well.


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Yeah, but I think she has a fanbase for playing off the "nice" image. And we have learned how dumb the viewers can be ::coughscottcough::. So there may be people that look forward to hearing her positivity on the show, much like I look forward to Simon's wonderful comments :D. I think maybe it could succeed without her, but much like Three's Company and other shows, it won't feel the same. I loved Three's Company after Suzanna Somers, but it didn't feel the same. ::shrugs:: Oh well.
I see your point. The show would tank without Simon.


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
I see your point. The show would tank without Simon.
Take away Paula, but don't take away Simon. I'll trade in Randy, Paula, and Ryan. But the show would definitely not be the same without him :D


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Take away Paula, but don't take away Simon. I'll trade in Randy, Paula, and Ryan. But the show would definitely not be the same without him :D

I totally agree- without Simon the show would tank!


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
Carmen Rasmussen from Season 2 was on The Today Show yesterday. She said they had a security guard with them at all times, protecting them and keeping them away from the judges. She said there was no way that they could have been together without security knowing about it.
You make a good point. Perhaps he slithered out without security's knowledge?

I agree with everyone that it would be difficult to have the show without Simon. The others? Eh, they could find replacements. If anyone saw the American Idol nasty parody show Superstar USA, you would have seen my choice for Paula's replacement: Vitamin C (a.k.a. Colleen from Eve's Plum). Snarky and hot, a beautiful combination.

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