Am I the only who ignores Universal?


Well-Known Member
Or walk through the park's entrance; Port of Entry. Or The Lost Continent?

@draybook @BryceM

I did walk thru the entirety of IoA. Is one section dedicated to young children worth the cost to me when they basically can't do much else? No, not to me!
It doesn't mean I think it's awful, it just means that for my kids age ranges there's a very small section of stuff and not much else.

I'm sorry we disagree, but WDW is an entire experience, and I don't get that feeling from UNI. It's a personal opinion.

EDIT: We did also ride different rides outside of HP. One of which was, at the time, completely run down and in need of a MAJOR refurb, which I hear it has gotten since we've been there, so I can't speak to it now.

Also, as my children get older I am sure we will add a day or two to UNI when there are more things for them to partake in. It has fun stuff and I enjoy it, just not as much as WDW. If you enjoy it more, kudos to you!

And I'd very much like to see it at Christmas! I'm sure it's beautiful.
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Well-Known Member
@draybook @BryceM

I did walk thru the entirety of IoA. Is one section dedicated to young children worth the cost to me when they basically can't do much else? No, not to me!
It doesn't mean I think it's awful, it just means that for my kids age ranges there's a very small section of stuff and not much else.

I'm sorry we disagree, but WDW is an entire experience, and I don't get that feeling from UNI. It's a personal opinion.

EDIT: We did also ride different rides outside of HP. One of which was, at the time, completely run down and in need of a MAJOR refurb, which I hear it has gotten since we've been there, so I can't speak to it now.

Also, as my children get older I am sure we will add a day or two to UNI when there are more things for them to partake in. It has fun stuff and I enjoy it, just not as much as WDW. If you enjoy it more, kudos to you!

And I'd very much like to see it at Christmas! I'm sure it's beautiful.

Well, calling Universal "cheap looking" is ironic when AK has dinoland and DHS has that god awful empty space between TSMM and backlot tour. And I would say that the Marvel streets look about the same as the streets of America.


Well-Known Member
Well, calling Universal "cheap looking" is ironic when AK has dinoland and DHS has that god awful empty space between TSMM and backlot tour. And I would say that the Marvel streets look about the same as the streets of America.

That's your opinion, of which you're entitled, and to an extent I agree.

I'm not trying to convince you I'm right, I'm just stating an opinion I have, and it seems you don't want to hear my opinion, just want to convince me yours is right and I am wrong. I am just simply giving my answer to the original question posted! :) Have a great day!


Active Member
We've been to WDW twice, never to Universal. DH said we'd do Universal at some point, but none of us like high speed, looping, jerky rides, so lots of things there wouldn't be for us. At WDW, the only thing we haven't done because of that is RnRC. We did Space Mtn. & won't make that mistake again! I would like to see the Harry Potter section, but not sure if it's work waiting so long in line for that one thing if not staying on site.


Well-Known Member
We've been to WDW twice, never to Universal. DH said we'd do Universal at some point, but none of us like high speed, looping, jerky rides, so lots of things there wouldn't be for us. At WDW, the only thing we haven't done because of that is RnRC. We did Space Mtn. & won't make that mistake again! I would like to see the Harry Potter section, but not sure if it's work waiting so long in line for that one thing if not staying on site.

So you've never been to Universal but you know it's full of "jerky" rides?


Active Member
So you've never been to Universal but you know it's full of "jerky" rides?
Maybe I should call them "thrill rides" instead of "jerky" rides?

I am a planner, so I've looked at Universal/IOA & the hotels associated with it, along with City Walk. We're just not a thrill ride family. That's all. DD is 8 years old now, so some of the "kiddie rides" might not even work for us now. I'm not saying we'll never go, just probably won't go anytime soon.


I haven't been to the actual UNI side in a long time, but my last trip we went to IoA. It was alright. I didnt see the hype around The Harry Potter ride or part of the park. i went on the ride 4 times and each time i felt kinda "eh" towards it. maybe its cause im not a big potter fan. Butter Beer was good. The roller coaster that used to be Dueling Dragons is awesome too, so is the Hulk. Spider man is good too. its a fun amusement park and is very different from any Disney park. but id say its worth going to!


Well-Known Member
Hey don't knock the dew. I'm not a medical professional so don't try this at home. I worked with a guy who's son was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed ridilan. With medication he improved dramatically and started doing well in school. At one point he was away from home and fogot the pills and called his doctor for an emergency prescription. The doctor told him to try a cup of coffee. The caffeine is similar to the stimulant in his medivation. He did and it worked. He took his kid off of medication and started giving him coffee every morning. If he is out somewhere where he can't get coffee he subs in Mt Dew. Moral of the story is the Dew can actually help calm a kid down. It also helped me graduate from college, lots of all nighters before finals.
yeah, I have several friends that started coffee with their kids. It's done wonders!
(I also drink a lot of caffeine- helps with my focus issues.)


Well-Known Member
I have come to the conclusion that WDW fans simply are not going to like Universal no matter what they do or build. It's probably best they just stay in "the bubble".
Well, part of it is a cost ratio. I truly could not see adding the cost of Uni when we had..tix for Disney more day at Disney would be $10. Not until I was sure we could make it worthwhile. I do get why people see Uni and think coasters.
This will be our first year at Uni, after 5 straight years of Disney only.
1. Harry Potter. That alone would have made me go. We are all HUGE Potter fans, and nothing Disney has done lately can compare to one of our favorite universes coming to life in an immersive setting. We can't wait to see Ollivanders, and Honeydukes, and the Hogshead.. oh, yeah, and the ride, too! (although my youngest one is way too scared to go on the ride!)
2. We got a good deal on tickets, and the hotel. With the hotel, we get early admission to WWOHP and an express pass. This made us stay at UNI, rather than Disney. I appreciated the upfront honesty. The fp+ is killing me.
3. Our son just turned 11. He loves roller coasters, and until this year, he was content with Disney style coasters. All of a sudden- he wants bigger! It will be odd, since we will spend a lot of time split up- My 8 year old won't go on anything like a coaster, or anything fast, or high in the air, etc, etc. I am happy Uni seems to have a LOT of cool play areas for kids. I wish Disney had a couple more! She adores Honey...and the dinosaur playground.

I do understand why people who want to get the most bang for their time would choose Disney when the kids are younger, then transition to Uni as they hit the tween/teen years.
Seuss areas, playgrounds, etc. Seems like Uni is doing much to try and drag in the younger kids. They need to work on advertising that more- because, on the surface, it does seem to be more about thrills. Many of the movies rides there are based on aren't exactly family friendly either. My kids have not seen most of them!
3. Our son just turned 11. He loves roller coasters, and until this year, he was content with Disney style coasters. All of a sudden- he wants bigger! It will be odd, since we will spend a lot of time split up- My 8 year old won't go on anything like a coaster, or anything fast, or high in the air, etc, etc. I am happy Uni seems to have a LOT of cool play areas for kids. I wish Disney had a couple more! She adores Honey...and the dinosaur playground.

This is exactly what I mean to say by Universal being less of a "family" park than Universal. Waiting around for the older kids and mom to finish up the big ride while I sit around with the little ones and wait isn't my idea of family fun. This is something the blind defenders of Universal are choosing to ignore. I love Universal, the resort is probably my favorite place to be, but even I can see that it's not the ideal destination for all families.


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what I mean to say by Universal being less of a "family" park than Universal. Waiting around for the older kids and mom to finish up the big ride while I sit around with the little ones and wait isn't my idea of family fun. This is something the blind defenders of Universal are choosing to ignore. I love Universal, the resort is probably my favorite place to be, but even I can see that it's not the ideal destination for all families.

Well, this blind defender spends just as much time split from his wife and daughter while they ride: Soarin, Star Tours, ToT, RnRc, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Expedition Everest, spinning ride in dinoland, Tea Cups, Mission Space, Test Track and soon to be the Dwarves Mine Train ride.

So, this blind defender knows what he's talking about when he says that Universal has just as much for sissies as WDW.

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