Am I obsessed with Disney?


New Member
This is like a DA meeting, eh?

"Hi, my name is Bryan and I am a Disneyaholic..."

I took my wife for her first time while we were dating back in May 2004...she never understood my Disney Addiction until after that trip.

We've since gone there on our honeymoon (October 2005) and have already planned our next trip (May 2006) to try and recruit her parents into the Madness....uh, Happiness! :p


marni1971 said:
Hi, all.

A pic of my model is in my WDWMagic photoalbum. For the "technical" bits read my coments below it:

sadly, I`ve kept it up to date, so this does mean Leave a Legacy, M:S and the wand are on it now. I`ve recently noticed The Land has been missing it`s boat storage building for 16 years; when the ladders are out again I`ll correct it :D

Ok you win! How awesome!

Can anyone top that??

Post your pictures if you can!

By the way I have always pictured most homes in the UK to be smaller than their average American counterparts, cost of real estate and all? What did you do put the kids in bunk beds to fit that model in their room? :lol:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Teenchy said:
What did you do put the kids in bunk beds to fit that model in their room? :lol:

No kids - I`m too much of one myself (at 34 - must be a Peter Pan. Without the tights of course)

The model is hanging on the wall above the stairs. Kind of like a 3D painting.


New Member
3dwarfs said:
I'm am 28 also and feel the same about Disney. In 3 months I'm taking my children who are ages 8 & 9. It will be their 1st time there and I'm more excited then they are.

I'm always probably the most excited in my family except for my daughter who is a close second. My wife really enjoys it but my son is at that age where Disney isn't as cool. I'm glad to see them add rides like Everest.


New Member
David said:
Obsessed? Hey count me in.

I was a late bloomer as far as visiting WDW. I had grown up a Disney fan, but had never been to the parks. We took our first trip in 1997 with our then 4 year old, returned in 2000, 2002, 2004, Disneyland in 2005, and will be back at WDW in October.

I have good friends who understand the magic that Disney can cast over you, and it's fun to chat with them about things to do and see and plan trips. While we have gone on cruises, Hawaii and other nice trips, I still prefer Disney above them all. 204 days can not pass by quickly enough!

Hey, David. I live close to you in Hoover, AL. I too only went to Disney one time while growing up in 1982 on my senior trip of high school. Since then my wife and I went in 93 and then 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005 with our kids. I too prefer Disney over other vacations.


I am just as Bad, and I am 35! I used to take my Girlfriend and her Son. We went twice in 05, the yr she died. Its very tuff to plan my trip this yr. I had a dream the other week... that we ALL were going and was worried in my dream how she would do beaing sicker this time(she had brain cancer, for 4yrs) When I woke up it seemed so real...for a sec I was awake still worring about her. I know She is in Heaven and is having a even better time then we ever had at the parks. This year I will be going with my partents and 2 younger brothers. I know It will bring joy and sadness to watch her favorite fireworks "Wishes" We played the sound track at bed time most nights...Her Wish was not answered but will be one day when we join her for the REAL Happiest Homecoming!


Active Member
Showed your model pix to my class and let them read the posts in this thread. My students thought the model was cool ("tight" and "off the chain") and expressed happiness that I had contact with others as Disney DIZZY as I am:lol:

21 days until our "yellow limo" is Orlando bound (27 teens-school bus-930 miles:hammer: :sohappy: )


New Member
I think all of us entering here every other day to read or to post are obsessed with Disney!!

I work just to think of my next vacations on WDW, this year we add Disneyland and will try to go more often. Hoping next year we can go with my sister and her family.


Active Member
GTOKID said:
I am just as Bad, and I am 35! I used to take my Girlfriend and her Son. We went twice in 05, the yr she died. Its very tuff to plan my trip this yr. I had a dream the other week... that we ALL were going and was worried in my dream how she would do beaing sicker this time(she had brain cancer, for 4yrs) When I woke up it seemed so real...for a sec I was awake still worring about her. I know She is in Heaven and is having a even better time then we ever had at the parks. This year I will be going with my partents and 2 younger brothers. I know It will bring joy and sadness to watch her favorite fireworks "Wishes" We played the sound track at bed time most nights...Her Wish was not answered but will be one day when we join her for the REAL Happiest Homecoming!

I cried when I read your post. I'm glad you will be sharing the magic with close family this year. Younger brothers always help keep perspective and avoid melancholy:lol: Gotta luv 'em!

21 days until we are Orlando bound


Well-Known Member
Count me in as well as a late bloomer with Disney Passion!

My wife recently asked if we were ever going to vacation anywhere else.......
I said Maybe?

Always wanted to go to WDW as a kid, it was something that never happened. It seemed like something would always come up. Time and time again we were told, maybe we would go next year, but it never happened.
My mom says now, that my dad was just too cheap!

Anyways, I digress. In the Fall of 2002, we had an opportuntity to visit Disneyland Paris. I thought it was the greatest! And everywhere I looked they said it was no comparison to the US parks.

Finally in September 2004, we made our first trip to WDW. In fact, we bought Premium Annual Passes, this was before I had ever visited a US park! (My wife had been several times during her childhood) We loved it and returned in Dec 04, May 05, Jun 05, and Sep 05. My daughter is 2 1/2 and has been to the parks 5 times. She can identify virtually every Disney Character from Baloo to the Princesses. She sings along to the many many Disney CD's we own.
In fact, in order to get her to try shrimp for the 1st time, we told her that Mickey Mouse likes shrimp!:lol:
So now whenever she eats them, she tells everyone.

We are visiting DL in May for the 1st time, and it will be my sons first trip to Disney, and we already have our September Vacation in WDW booked as well.

But like others have said, it is so much more than that. I really use thoughts of Disney to pick me up when I am down or having a tough day.

So to answer the original question, YES!!!:sohappy:


New Member
lcsrig said:
I'm almost 34 and I feel EXACTLY the same way. Checking last info, listening to music on the web, posting/sharing on forums. I believe that the forums have made it much easier in between trips, too.
Hey CajunCinderella.... I'm just a few miles away!!!!

I grew up in Raceland, pretty much in the middle of you both. You and CajunCinderella may want to read the current edition of the mousesavers newsletter. There is an article about the "new" train engine about to be dedicated in Disneyland. Turns out it was used by the Laurel Valley sugar refinery over hundred years ago. Oh, yea back to the thread, I'm a 35 year-old "Disney-addict" also. The good news is my wife and daughter aren't far behind, so I have a built in support group.


New Member
villianess said:
So - My husband thinks I'm "obsessed" with Disney.
I'm 28, and I LOVE the Disney parks! I'd rather go to DL or WDW than any other place for vacation - year after year. When I work out, I remind myself how I want to be in great shape for our Disney vacation. When I have a bad day, I think of myself on HM or POC. I always keep up to date with all the latest park news, read forums here everyday, listen to Podcasts, fantasize about maybe someday being a CM....I guess I've got it bad. :)
Anyway - are there others out there that are my age or older and still think the Disney parks are the greatest? Maybe it's because I never got to go as a kid....or maybe it's because I still believe in the mouse's "magic." Either way, I'm not a total wierdo because I enjoy things like looking at POC rehab pics, am I??

Yes .. yes obsessed .. you are ! :D


New Member
villianess said:
So - My husband thinks I'm "obsessed" with Disney.
I'm 28, and I LOVE the Disney parks! I'd rather go to DL or WDW than any other place for vacation - year after year. When I work out, I remind myself how I want to be in great shape for our Disney vacation. When I have a bad day, I think of myself on HM or POC. I always keep up to date with all the latest park news, read forums here everyday, listen to Podcasts, fantasize about maybe someday being a CM....I guess I've got it bad. :)
Anyway - are there others out there that are my age or older and still think the Disney parks are the greatest? Maybe it's because I never got to go as a kid....or maybe it's because I still believe in the mouse's "magic." Either way, I'm not a total wierdo because I enjoy things like looking at POC rehab pics, am I??

Yes!! We are all obsessed!!! MWHAHAHAHAH!!! I Wuv Disney!!! :lookaroun What are you talking about?? I didnt just say the word "wuv"! Stop looking at me that way!!!! :brick: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Well dont feel bad I am a 35 year old prior Air Force guy who screams as loud as my kids when we are drivng up to the entrance to WDW-EVERYTIME!
Id rather go to any Disney park than any other vacation spot.When my wife wanted to take a trip to Europe instead of WDW I readily agreed for the fact that I dragged her to Disneyland Paris:p


New Member
I'm obsessed, and proud of it. Often times at work I find myself reciting all the dialogue to HM and singing the songs from Splash Mt and POTC. I hum Wishes, Spectromagic, Illuminations, Fantasmic, and even Fantasy in the Sky. It's what gets me through the day. I play guitar in a band and we just released a CD, we're coming along quite nicely; however, I'm willing to give it up and lose a few friends to move to Fl. and become a CM.

My friends have labled me "nerd" and I welcome it. I love WDW and just about everything associated with it.

It makes me happy to come here and see that there are many, many others who feel the same, it helps (along with pics, videos, and soundtracks) to keep the magic alive for me.


Active Member
Another Louisianian has been "hooked"!! :wave:

4 days until we are ºoºrlando bound with 27 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy:

My 100th post:D

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