Am I obsessed with Disney?

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I haven't been to Disney since Late January, and feel like I'm overdue for the next trip already. I've got over 8 gigs of Disney media on my computer, a collection that is constantly growing as well.


wishiwzthere said:
Disney isn't just a state of mind, age, or mentality. It's a state of happiness. It is the place that I and many others like yourself go, and feel total complete happiness, satisfaction, and always can recoup memories of our childhood and or past visits (and always with a smile) and I've passed this wonderful place and experience on to my children and you will also. Everyone has a special, magical place, and everyone on this board will agree, that our's and yours is Disney. Grasp it, and pull all the magic in and it will be with you and yours through out your life.:wave:

I don't think I've ever read it expressed better!


Park History nut
Premium Member
I thought most of us here were obsessed...

To make you feel bette,r some of my more severe symptoms are:

Mickey tattoo


spent over £1000 now on rare books

have over 80 hours of park audio and umtpeen days of video

have a huge scale model of Epcot

save up when I/we can for Disney holidays - wouldn`t go anywhere else

spend most spare time on Disney boards, or editing Disney park videos


Well-Known Member
Yes you're obsessed, but you came to the right place. I would have to say that 75% or more of the people who come here are in the same boat as you.:lol:

I know I'm obsessed, I've visited WDW almost every other year since before I was born (parents when when my mom was pregnant with me). I'm 29 now and I still love going to WDW.

I'm terribly excited now cause we will be taking my niece next summer after she turns 5. I'm so excited to be able to see Disney thru her eyes. I'm already planning it and its over a year away. :p


New Member
I'm am 28 also and feel the same about Disney. In 3 months I'm taking my children who are ages 8 & 9. It will be their 1st time there and I'm more excited then they are.


New Member
Disney Fan

You are not weird at all. I am 36 years old and have a Disney room. It is my "happy place". I have a large Big Fig collect and my disney animation. It helps me when I am sad. Better a Disney room than drugs...right? Live is short- do what makes you happy.


Well-Known Member
I'm 18 years old and I love Disney just as much as the women who made this post and everyone else who replied. I would also rather go there on vacation all the time. As a matter of fact, when I went last year with an EX! girlfriend, she said I kind of ruined the vacation for her. Why you ask? Because I would not stop pointing out hidden mickeys and giving her ride facts.


Active Member
Hello long lost sister!!! My husband and I take several of our high school students to WDW every Easter break. I'm infecting...I mean teaching kids to appreciate one of ( if not the) best run companies in the world. Yeah, that's what I'm doing....creating business savvy citizens. Yeah, Yeah, that's what I'm doing:lol: I am new to this site, also. If you ignore some of the negative posters/postings and only pay attention to the ones who are here because they love all things Disney, you will find a wealth of knowledge and can feed your obsession, I mean passion. Infected: two teachers, three offspring, & 150 (and counting) students:D

23 days until the "yellow limo" is ºoºrlando bound (27 teens-school bus-930 miles:sohappy: :hammer: :sohappy: )


New Member
I'm 41 years old and the one obsessed with Disney in my family. We went in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005. Live about 500 - 600 miles away. My 12 year old son and wife probably think I'm obsessed. My 10 year old daughter said it is the most fun place to be short of Heaven. We are going to Universal this year and to Sea World. Think I'm gonna half to work in 1 day out of 5 to go to Animal Kingdom so we can ride Everest. Some friends at my son's school are moving to Orlando. My wife told someone that her husband would love that because then he could go year round to WDW. I enjoy reading these forums, watching stuff about disney on travel channel, etc. It is a lot of fun to countdown the time to a trip to Disney.


marni1971 said:
I thought most of us here were obsessed...

To make you feel some of my more severe symptoms are

Mickey tattoo


spent over £1000 now on rare books

have over 80 hours of park audio and umtpeen days of video

have a huge scale model of Epcot

save up when I/we can for Disney holidays - wouldn`t go anywhere else

spend most spare time on Disney boards, or editing Disney park videos

You have a model of Epcot??? Can we see it? :sohappy:

Oh, by the way sign me up for obsessed :wave:


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
I thought most of us here were obsessed...

To make you feel some of my more severe symptoms are

have a huge scale model of Epcot

Hey, Marni, do you have photos of that model you have?

William Marsden

New Member
Good and Bad News

The bad news - you may be obsessed

The good news - as these posts reveal, there are lots of people who are obsessed. I proudly count myself as one. So think of this; you and I are very much alike.

The bad news - I'm really wierd:wave:


New Member
Many people here are. I'm twelve and I'm about as bad as you, but I would like to be a CEO or a Immagineer. :) My mom had a paint a castle with glow in the dark fireworks.


New Member
There is NOTHING wrong with being obsessed with Disney. :p It's no different than anything else. Some people golf several times a week, or spend their free time going to every football, baseball, etc game out there. Others go to Vegas several times a years to gamble, etc. Now, to me THAT'S excessive! I don't understand it at all. To each his own, I guess.

Don't worry - you're among fellow Disney freaks here and shouldn't feel one bit bad about it! :D

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