Alligator in the water around tom sawyers island....


Well-Known Member

These are small gators at the park. They are not large enough to "eat" someone.

I live in South Florida in the same county as the Everglades and we see them all the time, even in parking lots.

As someone said, Alligators are very lazy and have no interest in humans unless you approach a nest. Plus, once they eat they become even lazier and there's nothing but food floating in that area at Disney. Rest Assured, those gators are small and lazy.

I agree. I just moved to Indy 5 months from SW fla too.I was an Account Mgr for COKE and one of my areas was Everglades City in Collier County.I lived in Cape Coral next to Ft Myers.I would see hundreds or Gators a day especially certain times of the year around mating season.I remember getting out of my Coke van in an Air boat ride parking lot to see and account and not more than 3 feet was about a 6 footer.I slowly walked away from it and it didnt move-It was sunning itself .Gators ays have been here for millions of years and will be for a million more and even though Disney is doing what they can to keep them out its hard to ensure 100% they will never get in-after all it was a huge swamp before.


New Member
I have pictures from last visit in "99 of a gator in the water in front of Aunt Polly's, but he was small only about 3 feet.

149 Days and I am there, I will keep an eye out for the gators, the herons, the egrets and whatever wildlife there is to see:wave:


Well-Known Member
This is a serious problem. Do we know that these are actual American aligators? It's possible that they could be "Caimens". ( they come form south America but they do live in FL too now) These are similar to crocodiles and are extremely agressive (unlike their aligator cousins)

If this is the case, Disney has a nasty problem on their hands. They are looking at a public relations nightmare if a Caimen launches from the water, grabs a child and drowns him/her. (that would most "un-magical", to say the least)

There is a time for everything,...and the time to "panic" is now.

Disney needs to hunt these beasts down and kill them as fast as they can.

Do it for all the children of the world!

CT :hammer:


Active Member
They're not caimans... they're american alligators and they've been there for years. While I'm not naive enough to think something won't happen, I don't think you necessarily have to kill them, there are plenty of ways to capture and relocate them. At the moment they've haven't bothered anybody, and like I said they've been around the Disney property since at least 1989 and probably before. They will continue to grow but killing them isn't necessarily the answer.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
This is a serious problem. Do we know that these are actual American aligators? It's possible that they could be "Caimens". ( they come form south America but they do live in FL too now) These are similar to crocodiles and are extremely agressive (unlike their aligator cousins)

If this is the case, Disney has a nasty problem on their hands. They are looking at a public relations nightmare if a Caimen launches from the water, grabs a child and drowns him/her. (that would most "un-magical", to say the least)

There is a time for everything,...and the time to "panic" is now.

Disney needs to hunt these beasts down and kill them as fast as they can.

Do it for all the children of the world!

CT :hammer:

They're not caimans. Caimans don't look like that. I agree that there is a potential problem, however, could you imagine the negtive PR if the media got hold of the fact that Disney was killing animals? Good Lord, that would be all over the news, and would be a terrible PR disaster for them. What they're doing now *seems* to be working, but I can understand the concern of some people.


New Member
Once the gators become a certain size they must be destroyed because they are no longer afriad of humans, no fear of mans=attacks.


Active Member
Where do you get that information from? I'm aware that the absence of fear of humans is dangerous but I've never heard that if a gator gets to be a certain size, it gets destroyed.

Also, all the CM's I've talked to about the gators never seemed to be too bothered by it. In fact some claimed that the gator around Tom Sawyer's Island came around ever day to get a turkey leg, he never went near any guests, he just waited in the water behind the stand and I guess eventually the staff gave him one.

Let's face it though, with the vets and animal experts they have on hand over at Animal Kingdom, I think there's a way they could safely trap and relocate the animals if they become a problem. I doubt there'd be a necessity for the animals to be destroyed.


Well-Known Member
Did you all hear the news? The alligator was found with a clock in his belly. Disney Management accused him of impersonating the alligator from Peter Pan and they kicked him out of the park!!


Well-Known Member
Where do you get that information from? I'm aware that the absence of fear of humans is dangerous but I've never heard that if a gator gets to be a certain size, it gets destroyed.

Also, all the CM's I've talked to about the gators never seemed to be too bothered by it. In fact some claimed that the gator around Tom Sawyer's Island came around ever day to get a turkey leg, he never went near any guests, he just waited in the water behind the stand and I guess eventually the staff gave him one.

Let's face it though, with the vets and animal experts they have on hand over at Animal Kingdom, I think there's a way they could safely trap and relocate the animals if they become a problem. I doubt there'd be a necessity for the animals to be destroyed.

Feeding aligators is bad. Doing that trains them to associate humans with food and it makes them larger.

If they have constant contact with humans and are a certain length or larger, they are usually put down if caught.

Hopefully these guys are just really good animatronics.



Did you all hear the news? The alligator was found with a clock in his belly. Disney Management accused him of impersonating the alligator from Peter Pan and they kicked him out of the park!!

That was of the best things I've read recently...

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