Alligator in the water around tom sawyers island....


New Member
I have been just reading these forums for about a week now, but after reading this I had to register to post!
I grew up in Miami on a canal with alligators in it. We had a fence but it was more to keep us in then them out. (We liked to swim in the camal during the summer when our parents were at work).
We also used to build makeshift rafts and float down the middle of the canal like tom sawyer wannabes. Alligators will only attack if threatened.

(But they do like to eat dogs, it's like their caviar......But that's another story.)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by upspatty
(But they do like to eat dogs, it's like their caviar......But that's another story.)

iyt is true, i dont know how many times an alagator was removed from my creek because it tried to eat my neighbors dog....

i dont get it, it is like msot cats and mice, they go after it for no reason....

(my dog goes after ducks forno reason, but i keep him away from a 2 Year old gator thats in my creek now...)


Well-Known Member
Right now I live in Massachusetts. We don't have a gator problem up here. Up here though, our big animal problem is coyotes. They're becoming as common as gators in Florida. I was walking back to my house from the train late one night and saw one coming up one of the main roads and then it turned down my street. By the time I got to my street it was nowhere to be seen, but it could have been very bad otherwise. The coyotes here have no fear of people and have actually attacked a few children in the last couple of years. Coyotes are not, unfortunately, lazy hunters. If something looks about the right size to be taken down for food, they go for it. Funny thing is, I'm moving around October to go down to Florida and gators are the thing my wife is worried about. I would rather deal with gators than the coyotes, though.


New Member
What? Gators in Tom Sawyers Creek? That water looks lime green some of the times and one of the boat operators told me that they chlorinate and purify the water so that fish and other species dont inhabit there to protect the park guests. Im really confused as to how the water looks brown and normal. Huh! :confused:


Well-Known Member
You are troubled by the Coyotes? I am up in Mass, too, and we have had them around for years. They do seem to have a problem with dogs and especially cats, but maybe because we are in the woods out here it's not that threatening.

The big pest we have now is skunks! But in all I am definitely seeing a major comeback of wildlife. I think we are going to be in a big swing as populations ebb and flow - a while back we were having a big moose problem, and then for two years we had like a dozen bear sightings in the region. Now it's coyotes, and I bet something else starts showing up. Notice how many hawks seem to be flying around now?

Maybe we need to get some alligators up here to cut down on the coyotes!


New Member
A child was attacked a few years ago on WDW property by a gator, I believe in the Fort Wilderness area. The child got bit on the leg, The family sued and won. Who knows what REALLY happened though. Like I've said before gators are stupid and lazy and you almost have to cause yourself to be attacked. I am more intimidated by pitbulls or snakes then of gators. But I also carry a firearm so most situations I would have the upper hand. One of my old high school friends got bit by rattlesnake last year and had to walk a couple of miles for help,he nearly lost his leg. He was hunting and the rattler was coiled at the base of a palm tree,he didn't see him until the snake had already hit him. He killed it with the butt of his rifle and brought it with him. From what I've been told its about 6 feet long. Most people under estimate the power of snakes.Shows like the "Crocodile Hunter" cause people to have a false sense of security. Everybody, when in Florida BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS!
speaking of gators, i work at space mountain and we have a gator in the water on the side of space mountain. sometimes you can see him/her baking in the sun or their snout sticking out of the water. One day it was waiting by the emergency exit doors. Animal control has been called a few times but by the time they arrive it is gone. Recently it made it to the security guards infront of the MO-7 parking lot and was apparently taken away. Not sure if it is the same one though because later that week we saw it back in the water. it is only about 3ft long. nothing too scary. we try not to bother it.


New Member
Originally posted by lamarvenoy
A child was attacked a few years ago on WDW property by a gator, I believe in the Fort Wilderness area. The child got bit on the leg, The family sued and won.

Got any proof to this? Never heard this one and I've been here 7 years... nature of the beast, I tend to hear about these situations and I've NEVER heard this one.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Number_6
Right now I live in Massachusetts. We don't have a gator problem up here. Up here though, our big animal problem is coyotes. They're becoming as common as gators in Florida. I was walking back to my house from the train late one night and saw one coming up one of the main roads and then it turned down my street. By the time I got to my street it was nowhere to be seen, but it could have been very bad otherwise. The coyotes here have no fear of people and have actually attacked a few children in the last couple of years. Coyotes are not, unfortunately, lazy hunters. If something looks about the right size to be taken down for food, they go for it. Funny thing is, I'm moving around October to go down to Florida and gators are the thing my wife is worried about. I would rather deal with gators than the coyotes, though.

You're right the coyotes have been a huge problem up here in recent years. Especially for little kids who don't know what they are and may mistake them for dogs. Skunks are pretty bad too. We have lots of raccoons and squirrels too. And for the first time, we have a woodpecker in our backyard this year! I've never seen one of those in Massachusetts!


Well-Known Member
And for the first time, we have a woodpecker in our backyard this year! I've never seen one of those in Massachusetts!

We get them all the time. They love dead standing trees - so if a lot of dead tress were knocked over by the snow and ice it may not draw them as much. Part of me is glad that we are seeing so much more wildlife now, but then I also worry because it is really making it's way into the populated areas, and I think that is becasue they are doing so much clearing when they make new houses.

I have actually heard about that other alligator, but I thought it may be a hoax. If you saw it, though, then I wouldn't doubt it. Kind of makes a good home, it probably feels. I am surprise that they like being that close to all the noise and commotion, though.


Well-Known Member
Could this be for alligator eradication???

Tom Sawyer Island will not be operating July 25 - September 25, 2004 however we recommend Swiss Family Treehouse as an alternative during this time :hammer:


New Member
gators in florida are like rats in NYC.

they're there people. nothing much they can do about it.

Alligators are docile? then i see no problem. is the animal roaming around where the people actually are? i don't mean where it is in WATER where we aren't allowed to be, but as in walking down Main St. is that what it is doing? if not then there isn't much of a threat.


Well-Known Member
That could be kind of fun for the studios. Miami Vice was an ABC show, wasn't it? They could bring that back, and have a Don Johnson look alike walking around with a pet alligator. Then you could have a roller coaster based on his Ferrari.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cloudboy
That could be kind of fun for the studios. Miami Vice was an ABC show, wasn't it? They could bring that back, and have a Don Johnson look alike walking around with a pet alligator. Then you could have a roller coaster based on his Ferrari.
Nope, sorry Crocket and Tubbs were on NBC:(


<B>Isn't there a way they can build some kind of fence around WDW to keep gators out? A gator shouldn't be able to just walk into the park whenever it pleases...</B>

...yeah, it should at least have to pay half price! :hammer:


Just got home yesterday :( . But guess what I saw. Yup an alligator sitting under the foot bridge that leads from the country bear jamboree over to Splash/Big Thunder Mountains in the Tom Sawyer lagoon.

I was just standing there when I saw a few people staring down at the water. I walked over to take a peak and there he was, head floating on the water just sitting there. I watched him for a good time while I was eating myu turkey leg as periodically he would swim under the bridge to about 5 - 10 feet from where the Splash Mountain separator is and back again. He seemed about 4 1/2 to 5 feet long not huge by any means.

Then I noticed a cast member doing the same, following him back and forth. I asked her what as up and she said that he only comes up when there are alot of birds near by, which I saw sitting up across the barrier to SM. He does not try to get into SM. She was also there to make sure no one does anything stupid which Im sure some people do like throw him food. Ill have pics of him as soon as I develop them.


New Member
This was Sunday (the 13th):


New Member
so nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want definitely gators in adventureland in my home park DISNEYLAND PARIS. It makes the place so natural! wahu!

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