All WDW Resort Hotels non-smoking effective June 1st!


Confirmed on the Cast Member Intranet:

New Smoke-Free Policy

All Walt Disney World® Resorts, including Disney Vacation Club Resorts, will become smoke-free on June 1, 2007. During the past five years Guest demand for smoking rooms has been declining steadily. Currently, less than 3.5 percent of Walt Disney World's 24,000 resort rooms are smoking optional.

The new policy applies to all guest rooms, patios, and balconies, and designates outdoor smoking areas at all resorts affected by the change. Smoking is currently prohibited in all lobbies, restaurants, and convention spaces. This policy will allow us to better accommodate the large numbers of Guests and Members who request non-smoking accommodations and complements our efforts to provide our Guests with the healthy living options they are requesting.


Well Jamie's wife, I never said he was fat. The AMA guide for weight however does. Using that guideline he painted himself as lazy not I. He is the one that said being fat is laziness. I also never said he was an inconsiderate smoker. I have no judgement about him smoking period. I never took a stand on the smoking ban.

I will say this to you, it's obvious you love Jamie, I'm sure you want to keep him around for years to come. Encourage him to quit. He will live longer if you do.

When I was an active smoker, I never realized the impact my smoking had on my family's health even though I smoked outside, its residue was in my hair and on my clothes. My DD has asthma, when I would hold her, sometimes she would cough. I know now it was my seeped in smoke that caused that.

Every hour of every day I am but 1 puff away from smoking full time again. I view it just as if I was an alcoholic. I am sincere when I say:

As an addict, if you quit you will feel better.
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This is Jamie's Wife again:

If all of the people that are fat and in wheelchairs and motorized scooters at Disney are "disabled", then why don't they have their own? Why do they have to rent Disney's, taking one more away from a person who really needs one? My mother is considered disabled because she has Parkinson's disease, and she owns her own wheelchair. As well as many people that we know who have a disability that restricts them from walking long distances or walking at all.
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New Member
It also might help you handle anger managment issues better, too. Just saying :lol:

Seriously, all you "responsible smokers" are kvetching to the wrong cats. The people you need to vent your spleen towards are all the IRRESPONSIBLE smokers, the people who light up wherever and whenever, aren't courteous with where they blow their smoke, drop their ash or throw out their butts. As a fat, lazy non-smoker, I think I'm pretty tolerant towards smokers if they're considerate- ask if I mind, try to sit near a window, dont't throw butts on the ground, etc. But there are enough inconsiderate smokers that all the non-smokers felt the need to stand up for what they want, and apparently, wdw listened. So if you wanna be a bunch of WATBs, complain to the people who really screwed you over, your thoughtless carcinogen stick-lovin' brethren.

Yay! Way to go Slappy!!!:sohappy:
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Fried Chicken

New Member
I think it's a good thing. Disney probably has the right to ban smoking anywhere on their property, they are offering an alternative by having designated smoking areas.

I have to add, there is no such thing as smokers rights. Please find the part in the American consitution that says there is, enlighten me.
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New Member
I'm by no means a crazy smoker, yes I smoke. But I do not ever get smoking rooms cuz it's nasty. Nor have I ever smoked in one. I do think that the balcony thing is a little absurd. I always would go out with my cup of water then flush the butt. I think as long as the designated areas are ample and close there shouldn't be a problem. I have never had an issue with the designated areas in the park, nor do I feign a cigarette every five min. As long as a convienient spot is supplied that's all that matters.
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Active Member
Why not section off a portion of the resort instead a portion of the rooms to allow smoking? I mean if a group of balconies are all smoker friendly then who cares if they are out there. I know the decision has been made, but I was just thinking of more of a compromise than cold turkey since smokers spend money at the resort too. I do not care really. I would much rather see Disney enforce a ban on heelies than anything. Those are a fight waiting to happen now that I have experienced the annoyance of them at WDW.
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Well-Known Member
if they had a special enclosed smoking area, with a filtration system, a cigarette butt recycling program and made use take showers and launder our cloths after each smoke, people like them would still complain about it.

and if we stopped smoking, theyd just move onto something else.

some people arent happy unless theyr complaining or telling others what to do
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Well-Known Member
*handing out daisies to all the grumpy people*

Funny story...last time at the BWV, the guy next to us was smoking "funny stuff" on the balcony. I had to close the door when he was out there, lest my son were to get a contact high!

I guess I don't have to worry about that this trip!

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Well-Known Member
My first concern is that Disney already had designated smoking rooms, usually in one section of each resort. There were no non-smoking rooms surrounded by smoking rooms. The resorts aren't set up like that.

Next, people are using the term 'smokers rights' and being asked where those rights are in the Constitution. They are there. Because smokers are still American Citizens and human beings, and are therefore covered by the same rights non-smokers are.

As for you non-smokers telling us 'addicts' to quit, that is the least appreciated comment we can hear. I quit smoking for almost two and a half years, and only recently started up again. Smoking is an addiction, a serious one at that, and alot of non-smokers think everyone can quit as easy as they did. That is not the case. Addictions are deep rooted in the brain, and all addictive tendancies, whether they be drugs, alcohol, smokes, or fetishes, are seated in the same section of the brain. Some people are hard wired for addictive tendancies. So please cut that out.

I think that Disney should allow smoking on balconies. If you smell some smoke from the next balcony, just close your doors. If it is a constant bother, like the guests are sitting on their balcony 24/7 blowing smoke in your direction, there's a different story. Most WDW guests are not in their rooms long enough to cause that many problems. Each time we have stayed at WDW as smokers, we haven't had the time to smoke more than a cigarette or two a day on our balcony. Disney could continue to provide ashtrays on the balconies.

But that is a moot point. The fact is they banned smoking in the resorts. As sad as that may seem for some of us, it's a fact and hopefully will be enforced. As for fellow board members calling for park wide bans on smoking, including smoking sections, that might be going too far. We smokers are aware of the health risks we are taking, and most of the smoking areas on WDW property are far enough off the beaten path so as not to bother non-smokers. It would also help if CMs were trained to ask guests smoking in non-designated areas to put out their smoke and proceed to the nearest smoke area. Sadly, the CMs are not told to do that, and are not going to do it until they are provoked.

Finally, I think they should ban perfume in the parks, because as an asthmatic, that bothers me a hundred times more than cigarette smoke. And the trams should be reoutfitted to not spew diesel fumes everywhere, because that actually sends me into an asthma attack, which makes riding the tram a bigger health risk to me than walking.

Finally, Jamie666, sweet avatar. RIP Dimebag.
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I think it's a good thing. Disney probably has the right to ban smoking anywhere on their property, they are offering an alternative by having designated smoking areas.

I have to add, there is no such thing as smokers rights. Please find the part in the American consitution that says there is, enlighten me.

It's probably near the section about "my right to breathe clear air". Oh wait, there's nothing about that either! I love a nice cigar from time to time. I'm not some drug addicted junkie, as smokers are often portrayed.

Fresh cut grass affects my allergies. My eyes start to tear up and I sneeze for about an hour, with just one whiff. I say we ban grass cutting!

What I really why DVC members weren't allowed to vote on this, with regards to the DVC properties. My uncle and my parents are DVC members, and are considered property owners, paying taxes and all. Usually, condo associations, residential communities, etc, will put things like this to a vote. But no such thing was done.

Perhaps they are doing this to force all of the smokers to the new SOSA's cigar bar in Downtown Disney that is under way. $$$$$
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Well-Known Member
I have had to get a wheelchair at last minute notice while in the parks. I had a serious foot injury from a car accident that doesn't give me too much grief in the day to day (thank gods) but can become horrible in an instant. I was up by Test Track one day and my foot suddenly felt like it was on fire and I was unable to put my weight on it without alot of pain. I had to send Mom and DH back up front for a wheelchair. I was quite embarrassed to have to endure the stares and nasty looks from other guests. Plus, I'm paraniod :lookaroun so I bet I imagine at least half the looks.
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I am excited that rooms will be non-smoking just out of pure selfishness:lookaroun (is that even a word?) I'm not a smoker and never have been.

My only problem with people smoking outside is my upstairs neighbor. He comes out of his apartment (saving his family from the smoke) but pulls up a chair literally 6 inches away from my open bedroom window. My apartment is pretty small so the smell very quickly travels throughout the whole place. I still don't have him quite figured out yet because he only does this once a week. Where does he do the rest of his smoking?:shrug:

For all of those who have quit :sohappy:
For those who are trying to quit....I have read that smoking is the hardest "drug" to quit. It is harder than alcohol and drugs such as cocaine. Many people need multiple attempts before it finally works. Keep on trying and eventually it will work for you!
For those not trying to quit. Maybe someday will be your day:)

I should learn not to post at night....I'm not sure if any of this sounds right, and right now I'm to tired to attempt to fix it.:p
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Well-Known Member
I am excited that rooms will be non-smoking just out of pure selfishness:lookaroun (is that even a word?) I'm not a smoker and never have been.

My only problem with people smoking outside is my upstairs neighbor. He comes out of his apartment (saving his family from the smoke) but pulls up a chair literally 6 inches away from my open bedroom window. My apartment is pretty small so the smell very quickly travels throughout the whole place. I still don't have him quite figured out yet because he only does this once a week. Where does he do the rest of his smoking?:shrug:

For all of those who have quit :sohappy:
For those who are trying to quit....I have read that smoking is the hardest "drug" to quit. It is harder than alcohol and drugs such as cocaine. Many people need multiple attempts before it finally works. Keep on trying and eventually it will work for you!
For those not trying to quit. Maybe someday will be your day:)

I should learn not to post at night....I'm not sure if any of this sounds right, and right now I'm to tired to attempt to fix it.:p

Yes it made sense. Also, where on LI cause I'm from Lindenhurst and also again friggin' cute kitty!!!!
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I might interpret that as being a little harsh, but I'll assume you meant one day will be their day to try quitting. :lol:

Yep thats what I meant! I meant nothing mean or rude....just maybe someday they will want to quit...or maybe biggie to me! See what I mean about the typing while tired thing:brick:

Yes it made sense. Also, where on LI cause I'm from Lindenhurst and also again friggin' cute kitty!!!!

East Meadow. Thanks. She's my spoiled baby:D
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Well said PigletIsMyCat!

This is Jamie666's wife (yet again!)...

As I said before, I would love for him to quit, but on the same note, I do understand what he is going through. I am ex-smoker myself.

We are not all the white trash, unsophisticated imbeciles that you seem to think we are. I would never "just light up in a car with non-smokers" as someone stated earlier, and neither would my husband.

By banning smoking alltogether (well, pretty much alltogether) from WDW Resorts, Disney is alienating their loyal patrons who happen to smoke. And just as Piglet and someone else stated earlier...I too have asthma, and some of the worse things for me are freshly cut grass, dandelions, pollen, and people who practically shower in their perfume and cologne. Should I assume that Disney will make sure that no one will overuse their perfume so that I (and many others) will not become ill? Oh yes, and I am highly allergic to I think that all restaraunts in Disney should stop serving anything with mushrooms because there is a chance that my food could become contaminated with them and I will end up in the ER with severe breathing problems due to my throat closing up on me. Oh, and not to mention those crazy wasps and bees that I am allergic to as well...we need to get rid of them at WDW too.

I am not saying that smokers should walk around the park or the resorts with their lit smokes, all I am saying is that they (Disney) need to accommodate them in the same manner that the accommodate non-smokers and the overweight people on scooters. :veryconfu

And to PSU_Princess...Tell that nasty, rude neighbor to stop smoking by your window! You have every right to do so! See, those are the type of people who gives smokers such a bad reputation.

I need to go to bed now :snore:

Oh, and thanks for the daisies CiCiwoowoo! :animwink:
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I am not gonna go thru 8 pages of "lets bash smokers" drivel... sooo... where are we supposed to smoke now? :confused:

I'll be damned if I am gonna stand out in the rain, with no cover, next to a dumpster, to have a smoke at the resort I am staying at.
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