Aliens in Great Movie Ride

Thunder Fan

Original Poster
Just got back form my recent trip (so sad to have vacation time over already) and when on the great movie ride noticed that the aliens barely make an appearance anymore. Last year at least you could see the alien coming down form overhead - this year it was so much fog/smoke and no movement at all and the one on the side barely lifted his head - was pretty sad when thinking about how close the alien used to get - has anyone else seen the alien not even making this appearance?

I really hope they update the GMR soon - it is looking very worn in some scenes.


New Member
Great! :fork:

Another broken effect? Come on....I love that thing especially when all the little kids freak out, that was the best a few years back when we brought our kids for the first time our young one was 7 and he freaked out :lookaroun

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
I'd love to see this scene updated with new AAs and sound like in the stretching room of the HM. Can you imagine how much more effective it would be to hear the aliens moving around above the ride vehicle before you see them?


Another reason why this attraction needs a desperate overhaul of the AAs. When we went, the alien only worked in one area and the propeller on the Casablanca plane wasn't working.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
After getting scared so badly when I was 7 at the aliens, I STILL (at age 27) get anxious before that scene. Though I hope it's not another broken effect, I'm secretly glad if there's more fog and less alien... :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
They do need to do a nice refurbishment of TGMR. I don't think they need to change the entire attraction, but they do need to fix up the AA's.


New Member
After getting scared so badly when I was 7 at the aliens, I STILL (at age 27) get anxious before that scene. Though I hope it's not another broken effect, I'm secretly glad if there's more fog and less alien... :lookaroun :lol:

I'm with you on that one! I'm 25 and the aliens scare me to death. If they do update and happen to 'forget' to put 'Alien' in I wouldn't be heartbroken. I might ride it more often actually.


Well-Known Member
After getting scared so badly when I was 7 at the aliens, I STILL (at age 27) get anxious before that scene. Though I hope it's not another broken effect, I'm secretly glad if there's more fog and less alien... :lookaroun :lol:

I didn't go on the ride for almost ten years for the exact same reason.

And my extreme hatred for The Wizard of Oz. :lookaroun


Naturally Grumpy
The Ripley character looks very phony by Disney standards, like something made for a high school play.


Not near as bad as the Zigfield girls in the beginning....they look like adult blow up dolls....:lookaroun or at least so I've been told...

As for the Aliens, they are working as they are supposed to...they've just been dumbed down at too many complained about the scene being too scary.

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
Not near as bad as the Zigfield girls in the beginning....they look like adult blow up dolls....:lookaroun or at least so I've been told...

As for the Aliens, they are working as they are supposed to...they've just been dumbed down at too many complained about the scene being too scary.

Too scary? Hell yeah it creeped me out as a kid, but that was part of the fun! I don't understand the need to keep dumbing things down because some kids are wimps. Stop pampering the kids and let them grow up. These are probably the same kids that leave Its Tough to Be A Bug screaming and crying because lights went out and they got poked a couple times. If this keeps up that show will shoot bubbles and rainbows at you.

Sorry for the old man rant. I just hate seeing rides brought to the lowest common denominator.



OMG! I can remember that ride when we first went... The alien that comes down from the ceiling scared the crap out of me and now I am 31 years old and still remember the first time I rode that ride... I took my sone on it back in 2004 and made sure I told him of that Alien BEFORE we rode... it's still a great scene though....


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I didn't go on the ride for almost ten years for the exact same reason.

And my extreme hatred for The Wizard of Oz. :lookaroun
How can ANYONE hate The Wizard of Oz? :eek:
Not near as bad as the Zigfield girls in the beginning....they look like adult blow up dolls....:lookaroun or at least so I've been told...

As for the Aliens, they are working as they are supposed to...they've just been dumbed down at too many complained about the scene being too scary.

:ROFLOL:Why do I not believe that! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
As for the Aliens, they are working as they are supposed to...they've just been dumbed down at too many complained about the scene being too scary.

Are you basing that on fact or are you just making an assumption?

As for Sigourney Weaver...


Looks like some CM snuck in behind the scenes one night with a bottle of hair relaxer.
They zipped her up real tight too for those cold Florida summers.

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