Thank you. I see I'm making my point clear.
This entire rumor is pathetic so naturally anything that follows would be less than credible.
That is the point. At least that is what the anonymous blogger said the bus driver's cousin's bookie claims.
HA! :lol::lol::lol:
So... Let me get this straight.
FL plans get leaked. You, along with many others, wet their pants. To the point of embarassment. You start talking about how great this is going to be. You start talking about the detail (even though it was a blueprint with absolutely NO detail). WDW is getting the attention you said was on the way all along. You even start armchair engineering a phase 2 beyond the project.
Yet there was no confirmation the blue prints were even real, or potentially the latest design that was actually a "go". Even though if I didn't know any better, listening to you, I'd have thought half of the project was already completed.
At no point did you show any hesitation that this was GOING to get built.
Now... For the past week or two, sources have been saying the budget for this project has been slashed.
And you call the "slashed budget" report a "pathetic rumor".
And when questioned why you think Lutz is wrong, you point to his changing of a reason why their new dragon doesn't work. Of course, you didn't mention anything about how he was the first to report the dragon didn't work in the first place... Or about the press event that wasn't going to go off, or the removal of Flotsam and Jetsam. And that's just what he's broken about Fantasmic. Listen... He may have a bias against WDW. That doesn't mean his info is wrong. That just means he laughs harder when he's right.
Let me bullet point a couple things for you:
- If the budget has been cut, it's not because they're going to use the money to the betterment of other areas that need it. That's not how they operate these days. You can't point to one case of this, where MANY people can point to MANY cases where projects were scaled back or not done at all. If money is cut, it's because they don't want to give up profits. Believing anything less is nothing short of stupidity.
- Lutz knows what he's talking about. He may have a slanted view, but you better take what he says to the bank, even if you don't like it. It's well known that he's broken stories that made people throw fits inside TDA. As usual, just because what he reports isn't what you want to hear, he's wrong.
Also... I'd like to know when I get to say "I TOLD YOU SO". I said from the second I saw those plans that we wouldn't see that exact build. And I still say that. When we see bulldozers (and not a second sooner... Not even at the D23) I'll believe it.
It's getting pretty obvious that your stances you take on things are to get a reaction out of people. It's getting old.