Al Lutz: Carsland for WDW, FLE not Bringing in Guests


Well-Known Member
On the contrary, I grew up going to WDW nearly every year of my lfe. I never experienced DL until I was 30 years old, when I got stationed out here. I was also in the 'hate DL box' for no reason, like many people that live out east. I found that to be so baseless, I'm almost embarrased by my previous thought processes about DL. I've been to Universal twice, and the rides are great. REread my post. I said the lands aren't engrossing, not the rides. The rides are pretty great. Some really great. As for the theming, it equals Six Flags ish' territory.

You should really invest in a 'jump to conclusions mat', since you're so good at it. I don't fight on these boards, because that is just dumb. Just respect my opinion, and I'll respect yours. thx.
and grow up a bit.
It's okay if you don't like visiting the parks. It's okay to only want to visit Walt Disney World. But to say that this looks like Six Flags...













... Just baffles me.

Sorry, it's a major pet peeve of mine when someone on this site refers to Universal as Six Flags. It just... Isn't even logical. It doesn't make sense. It's like if someone walked up to you and said your local amusement park has better theming than WDW. It will, of course, upset you.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps, but I didn't see it.

Congruent isn't the word you were looking for there. incongruent maybe. :)
Well you know when someone has no argument when they start attempting to correct your grammar. Also read my sentence. I said I didn't find your experience very congruent. I used it just fine. Yes I could have said I find your experience incongruent as well but either way works. But either way, if you want someone to take you seriously, don't finish your argument by retorting with a grammar lesson.


Well-Known Member
Dinoland USA is a great start to a land, I actually think Dinorama could even work as a concept. Instead of the Primeval Whirl ride system how about a family friendly trackless ride that tells the same story? The setup is that it will essentially be a fun house type ride but the execution would be substantially more.

@EddieSoto explained in one of his epic threads that this was the goal with Pooh's Hunny Hunt. They didn't have an elaborate set up to the ride and guests are pleasantly surprised when the attraction plays out as it does.

People that praise Dinorama will talk about the backstory that was essentially overwritten to compensate for poor execution (presumably due to lack of funds). I really think that theme and backstory could actually work, just not as executed. Of course option two would be to level the entire area, rid themselves of the stink of what it is and come up with a new concept.

I wasn't aware that Seusslanding was an entirely new theme park. So when they make Harry Potter it's own "park" will they have 4 parks now?

Pacific Wharf does have some excellent theming and good food though... It would fit in nicely in World Showcase...

Yes and no. As an indoor land under the tree perhaps they could take a few of those A/B tickets. I don't think there are a lot of options to replace It's Tough to be a Bug, while a perfectly fine show it's not for everyone and something that is housed inside the park icon should be grander.
Not to replace Bugs but in addition to it.


Well-Known Member
It's okay if you don't like visiting the parks. It's okay to only want to visit Walt Disney World. But to say that this looks like Six Flags...

... Just baffles me.

Sorry, it's a major pet peeve of mine when someone on this site refers to Universal as Six Flags. It just... Isn't even logical. It doesn't make sense. It's like if someone walked up to you and said your local amusement park has better theming than WDW. It will, of course, upset you.

I wouldn't get too worked up over it. Chances are the person who is saying such things has never experienced Uni and is just throwing down from a closed-minded pixie-duster pov.

People need to *experience* the place before they see the light. If they don't bother....they'll continue to put it down because it makes them feel better about the value they're getting for their pixie dust.


Well-Known Member
Where's that shop that sells the stale bagels? Right before the turn into that part of the park. Moon bakery or whatever. lol..

nice pics. I've got some from that angle too. I never said I didn't like Uni. man you guys are so on edge.

Stale bagels? I assume you're being serious. Clearly you had an experience that I've never had in countless trips to IOA. The bakeries at Universal slay what they have at WDW.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, it's a major pet peeve of mine when someone on this site refers to Universal as Six Flags. It just... Isn't even logical. It doesn't make sense. It's like if someone walked up to you and said your local amusement park has better theming than WDW. It will, of course, upset you.
What I find amusing is a tendency I have noticed, Disney fans calling something else to be like Six Flags but then later praising Disney for when they use an expensive version of the Six Flags design model, like the Value Resorts.


Active Member
Same thing was considered several years back for Mullholland Madness.
It would be an imprivement, no doubt, but an indoor cheap, portable, spinning mouse coaster is still a cheap, portable, spinning mouse coaster.

Well, Crush Coaster in Paris is AWESOME, isn't it the same exact track with similar spinning cars?



Well-Known Member
Do have to disagree here though. I've heard hundreds of stories where the manager does not back up the CM even though the CM was completely correct and only enforcing the rules they were taught to enforce. The manager would rather throw that CM under the bus than make themselves look bad in the eyes of that guest, even if it means allowing the guest to get away with breaking a rule. It's kind of a toss up and depends on the manager, it seems. Usually if there is any "belittling" its usually something completely ridiculous like "what do you mean I can't bring my newborn baby on Tower of Terror??"

But yeah, your overall post is dead on - there's an overall negative aura that is infectious. There's no pride, and there's no real incentive to be that great, idealistic CM.

I would strongly back up your contention that Disney managers do NOT support CMs when they get involved in any sort of ugliness with guests. I know of NUMEROUS instances when CMs have been physically assaulted by guests and just by not allowing themselves to be injured further were terminated for defending themselves. I know CMs who have been spit on, told they should be dead etc. Very ugly behavior and management was just afraid of losing guests/$$$ (yes, that's all you are to Disney ... a shoutout here to my buddy Merfie who apparently got kicked off the DISBOARDS for telling folks that CMs really didn't wish them all a MAGICal day and Disney really didn't love them or their brats).


Well-Known Member
Yup, that's a huge chunk of Disneyland's clientele right there. And for the most part, they "get it" as good Southern Californians have since the 1950's.

I've got a good friend in Georgia who has kids and now young grandkids, and he makes a WDW pilgrimage every two years or so. He totally doesn't get it, and neither does his wife. They do it because they have disposable income and children and grandchildren, and something tells them they are supposed to do that every few years to be good Americans. But the man could care less, and doesn't give a rats behind who Walt was or why he did what he did. And he doesn't care that the animatronics on WDW's Jungle Cruise are rickety and decaying, because it's just "fake" anyway.

In Southern California, that type of parent is subject to a wary eye from the rest of the dinner party guests, most of whom have Disneyland Annual Passes and know all the important Disneyland dates and Walt facts and lyrics to the songs of all the good rides.

There were people like that in Central Florida in the 70s and 80s ... back when O-Town was part of the south, when Kissimmee was a friendly little town know for its rodeo and not where you could score your drugs and when Four Corners was endless orange groves. When The building boom became nonstop in the 90s (yeah, they paved over paradise and put in a parking lot and lots of strip malls ... and subdivisions ... and apartments ... and quickee marts and ...) most of those folks headed for hills.

Central Florida is very transient now. And many of the old-time Disney lovers that are still around don't quite enjoy or visit the place as they once did largely due to costs and the hassle. 20 years ago you could drop into Disney for a nice dinner after work. Now, ... well, ... you know the story: DDP, ressies made six months ahead, price points that are absurd.

There is no loyalty for locals, no great discounts, no nothing really. And if people who only visit once in a year or two find the parks stale and neglected, what do you think locals are going to think?

I know many who would love to return to Disney like they once did, but the company's business model really has made them irrelevant ... and the attitude of TDO toward them shows.

Yeah, DLR and WDW are soooo different.


Well-Known Member
agree... go to a mcdonalds and then go to a chick filet and tell me who has the better customer service

Or go to a McD's in any country NOT starting with a U and ending with an A and compare to a McD's here ... so the Prez wants a $9 minimum wage? How about an $11 an hour one?

Go see what an In N Out pays its workers and see what kind of quality experience you receive.


Well-Known Member
Or go to a McD's in any country NOT starting with a U and ending with an A and compare to a McD's here ... so the Prez wants a $9 minimum wage? How about an $11 an hour one?

Go see what an In N Out pays its workers and see what kind of quality experience you receive.
never had an In N Out Burger here great things about them..then again ive only been to So Cal once

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Or go to a McD's in any country NOT starting with a U and ending with an A and compare to a McD's here ... so the Prez wants a $9 minimum wage? How about an $11 an hour one?

Go see what an In N Out pays its workers and see what kind of quality experience you receive.

You just had to mention In N Out, didn't you? That sounds good right now.

Their workers get made over minimum wage... Starting price, maybe ten or eleven dollars per hour. The customer service is outstanding.


Well-Known Member
Could be worse... it could be devoid of anything to do besides resturants and stupid tours (like Pacific Wharf in DCA).

Well, they did recently plus the area by opening a Ghirardelli there. ... And one aspect of DCA 1.0 that was supposed to come in Phase II was a San Francisco-themed ToT behind the wharf. But we all know what happened there.


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of Disney fans go into Universal bound and determined to hate the place. And low and behold, they do.

UNI fans tend to love the place for what it is and is becoming, not because of some weird, unnatural, emotional pull (cult-like? religious?) to the Disney BRAND that many Disney fans have.

I go to every theme park operated by a top company expecting the best and move on from there.

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