Well-Known Member
I agree that reading this stuff can taint your viewpoint about the place unless you are able to be objective and make your own decisions about what is real and what is 'pie in the sky'.Do you think WDW is missing some magic because all of these bashing threads? The more I come here and read the threads the more the magic gets spoiled. Luckily I went to WDW a couple of weeks ago and saw it wasn't the doom and gloom posted here.
But in response to the comments regarding DLR, do you think that WDW is getting less attention because $ keeps testing funneled to alternative projects like DCL, AbD and Aulani? It feels like WDW bears the brunt of those endeavors while DLR is allowed to be 'just' a theme park.
Before I ever started being heavily involved in the boards, I was starting to feel something that I wasn't able to identify. Something that didn't catch my imagination like it had in the past. If you read my posts even I am amazed by how much I fluctuate between "heaven and evil empire", from post to post. That is because I take individual situations and judge them for myself, not to please someone else wanting me to agree with them. Some of the disaster conversations are in making a mountain out of a molehill mode.
I guess I see things differently and tying into what you said, people are set on the fact that the money being spent on NextGen is money that could have been used to build new attractions. I suppose it could have been but only those that do not understand business at all would seriously think that would have happened. That is why WDI is a separate department as are marketing and accounting. They have their own agenda's and compete for non-budgeted money. This entire expense is not coming out of WDW's budget, it is being spread out over all the Disney Parks as well as Marketing and Accounting. It was never intended to go into new attractions and never would have.
Back to my original thought, before I ever consciously thought about what was a problem, I noticed that so many attractions were closed or closing, nothing was slated to replace them (sorry, but meet and greets do not qualify as replacements). I noticed while walking half way across the park, that counter service areas were closed and on days when you could barely walk through. I found myself having to choose from a 6 item menu of stuff that I wouldn't have even considered having if I hadn't been quite so hungry. All the while sputtering to myself about why I was being herded into THEIR choice of where I should be eating.
Flashing back to pre-Fastpass days, either there was more street entertainment or the fact that I wasn't concentrating on getting to the ride before my window closed allowed me to enjoy it. Maybe it started when I had to, (you name the reason, it doesn't matter) stand in an immobile standby line to see my favorite ride and witnessed the anger of people around me when they stood there sweating while others just arriving breezed on by. Contrary to the common self absorbed belief that those people were mad at those walking by, they weren't, they were mad at Disney for creating a situation that put them there. That is one of the things that I noticed at Universal. For a fee, I could purchase a ticket that allowed me to use EVERY attraction that had an express lane. No running back and forth getting a FP, timing it or anything else. Buy it once and use it on every designated ride (once) and when you got there, not 3 hours from now. Even though I didn't buy one, I noticed that the standby line was very calm. No anger, nothing. We all understood that we could have done the same thing if we had been willing to pay for it. No chances, just buy it. A much happier group of people, thus a much better atmosphere. You could stop and watch the street shows and not worry about it. You could walk the 10 steps or so to the next ride or attraction you wanted to see and not have to zig-zag. It was not work, it was just fun. AND it did so remind me of the days when I became a WDW fan and at the same time it made it perfectly clear to me, why I had lost that loving feeling.