Ahsoka D+ Show (Spoiler Thread)


Well-Known Member
Lost knowledge maybe? Missing resources?

It's still unsaid what is left of the Dathomiri on the planet now. It's inferred Thrawn is long hauling corpses for the mothers.. but we don't know why they need to be taken in this form if it's the same mothers that would resurrect them... why not just it there and ride some purgil to where ever?

All of this suggests the mothers on the planet are isolated or lacking things they need to rebuild their numbers. Could be knowledge, could be specific people, could be resources, etc.
Could be their lack of cool green-flame-y Nightsister magick. Only so much you can do with three totally-not-a-threads-of-fate-allusion orbs. 😏


Well-Known Member
I've liked the story so far, despite the dialogue. Something struck me on the second viewing (besides the bad scripting).

When Mon Mothma asked Hera if Leia actually authorized the mission, Hera said "she will eventually". I wonder if that is a foreshadowing of Leia (and Han and Luke) getting involved "eventually" as in for the movie.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
And now we see why Leia went rogue and created a vigilante military group.

Filoni is always making connections and justifying everything in the canon that people questioned or had issues with.

But remember, we had insider scoops that Disney is going to declare the sequel trilogy non-canon and start over!


Well-Known Member
And now we see why Leia went rogue and created a vigilante military group.

Filoni is always making connections and justifying everything in the canon that people questioned or had issues with.

But remember, we had insider scoops that Disney is going to declare the sequel trilogy non-canon and start over!
I'm actually not sure how much of that is sarcasm or if all of it is sarcasm. I understand now that Leia may have authorized it after the fact and indeed goes rogue a bit. However, I do still hold to the idea that they WILL bring in the trio at some point (with Leia being behind the scenes).

I've read an article that LFL is missing an opportunity by not flat out recasting Luke and Han. I think it will happen.

On another note, I also still hold onto the belief that the Witches of Dathomir will continue to play a role in coming films. Let's see what happens in the finale before I claim any theory.


Well-Known Member
But remember, we had insider scoops that Disney is going to declare the sequel trilogy non-canon and start over!


Well-Known Member
So (depending on what happens in the finale), what do people think about recasting Baylon? I saw yes, they should.

My nominee would be Jonathan Frakes.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
So (depending on what happens in the finale), what do people think about recasting Baylon? I saw yes, they should.

My nominee would be Jonathan Frakes.
That's a great question. He's my favorite character in the show by far. I would say yes, go ahead and recast. The character is almost always bigger than the actor who played them. I would have recast black panther, I thought it was fine to recast Solo... I have no clue who would be a good replacement though.


Well-Known Member
So (depending on what happens in the finale), what do people think about recasting Baylon? I saw yes, they should.

My nominee would be Jonathan Frakes.

He's too old. He still has a fantastic presence on screen. Was much more youthful than Stewart in Picard s3. However, he is too old and doesn't have the physicality. You could really see it in the scenes when they had to move about. Even though they tried to shoot around it.

If they could get a good wig, Graham McTavish would be a decent choice.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
Recasting is always fine to me. Heck, I thought Annette Benning would have made a good Leia after Carrie Fisher passed away.

Look at Star Trek. They've recast iconic characters multiple times and it's fine. Even Kirk, which is a tough sell given how well known William Shatner was in that role.

Granted, Solo suffered a bit because Harrison Ford is one of those actors that no one can touch in terms of charisma and star power.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Well that was a big plate of letdown stew. Unfortunately like most of the D+ shows, they just can't seem to stick the landing. It's a shame too because the show had a lot of potential. This whole show should have revolved around Balon and his apprentice. Whatever his motivation was, should have been resolved and that ark completed. And that could have been the lead in for Thrawn and what will happen in season 2. This season was just a part one, and that's not very fulfilling in my opinion.

It's really not that the show as a whole was bad, it just wasn't fulfilling. I really do wonder what the overall engagement was fir the show. I just can't see it having resonated wth the average person.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Well that was a big plate of letdown stew. Unfortunately like most of the D+ shows, they just can't seem to stick the landing. It's a shame too because the show had a lot of potential. This whole show should have revolved around Balon and his apprentice. Whatever his motivation was, should have been resolved and that ark completed. And that could have been the lead in for Thrawn and what will happen in season 2. This season was just a part one, and that's not very fulfilling in my opinion.

It's really not that the show as a whole was bad, it just wasn't fulfilling. I really do wonder what the overall engagement was fir the show. I just can't see it having resonated wth the average person.

I don’t understand this opinion 😭


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well that was a big plate of letdown stew. Unfortunately like most of the D+ shows, they just can't seem to stick the landing. It's a shame too because the show had a lot of potential.
I think the ending was great, a little predictable, but great nonetheless. Ranks pretty high in D+ shows for me.
This whole show should have revolved around Balon and his apprentice. Whatever his motivation was, should have been resolved and that ark completed. And that could have been the lead in for Thrawn and what will happen in season 2. This season was just a part one, and that's not very fulfilling in my opinion.
I don’t really understand what you’re saying here. Baylan & Shin were introduced as antagonists for Ahsoka (the central character of the show). I’m not saying that I don’t agree that some details of their motivations are unclear, but truthfully I don’t care. The two of them are not the “focus” of any new arc for Star Wars. It’ll be Thrawn vs the Mandoverse


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I think the ending was great, a little predictable, but great nonetheless. Ranks pretty high in D+ shows for me.

I don’t really understand what you’re saying here. Baylan & Shin were introduced as antagonists for Ahsoka (the central character of the show). I’m not saying that I don’t agree that some details of their motivations are unclear, but truthfully I don’t care. The two of them are not the “focus” of any new arc for Star Wars. It’ll be Thrawn vs the Mandoverse

Thrawn is Ezra's arch, and they're together. There's a story there of how Thrawn did not, in fact, resurrect the Empire. Some heroic figure somehow stopped him from making the First Order more formidable.

There there's Baylen and Twitch Girl, who are Ahsoka's and Sabine's arches.

There's a whole story to tell of the secrets of this planet as well as the conflicts between its species and how all those Force users will direct its outcome.

Grist for the mill for Mando 4 and Ahsoka 2.

This has been great Star Wars.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member

Thrawn is Ezra's arch, and they're together. There's a story there of how Thrawn did not, in fact, resurrect the Empire. Some heroic figure somehow stopped him from making the First Order more formidable.

There there's Baylen and Twitch Girl, who are Ahsoka's and Sabine's arches.

There's a whole story to tell of the secrets of this planet as well as the conflicts between its species and how all those Force users will direct its outcome.

Grist for the mill for Mando 4 and Ahsoka 2.

This has been great Star Wars.

Really truly.

The fight scenes in this episode, zombie troopers, the emotions hit, force ghost Anakin … all thrilling.

And honestly, looking at the social media chatter, for once it’s almost all wildly positive elation and excitement.


Well-Known Member
So Sabine just speedran becoming the biggest Mary Sue in the franchise and completely dethroned Rey as the former #1...

Just in a course of a couple of days she went from having practically zero force sensitivity, with Huyang stating she would utterly pale against even the absolute weakest force sensitives that he had ever encountered (he's 25,000 years old and has taught almost every jedi within that vast span of time, so he should know). And now in a matter of literal minutes, she gains the power to not only to pull a lightsaber with the force (with great effort) but THEN moments after is capable of levitating a human being through the air with ease.

Is the finale going to end with her saying her name is Sabine Skywalker?
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
So Sabine just speedran becoming the biggest Mary Sue in the franchise and completely dethroned Rey as the former #1...

Just in a course of a couple of days she went from having practically zero force sensitivity, with Huyang (who is 25,000 years old and taught almost every jedi from those millenia) stating she would utterly pale against even the absolute weakest force sensitives that Huyang had ever encountered (he's 25,000 years old and has taught almost every jedi within that vast span of time, so he should know). And now in a matter of literal minutes, she gains the power to not only to pull a lightsaber with the force (with great effort) but THEN moments after is capable of levitating a human being through the air with ease.

Is the finale going to end with her saying her name is Sabine Skywalker?
I don't know how you can say she is a Mary Sue. The whole season she was going through an emotional arc just like Ahsoka was. It was once she finally overcame her emotional issues, guilt, she was able to tap into her force abilities. Her emotions were holding her force abilities back.

Also Huyang didn't say she had no force sensitives just that it would be lower than others he has seen. Which means she still has some, again low is not zero or untrainable.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So Sabine just speedran becoming the biggest Mary Sue in the franchise and completely dethroned Rey as the former #1...
I'm so over people deciding that any woman character they don't like is a Mary Sue.
Just in a course of a couple of days she went from having practically zero force sensitivity, with Huyang (who is 25,000 years old and taught almost every jedi from those millenia) stating she would utterly pale against even the absolute weakest force sensitives that Huyang had ever encountered (he's 25,000 years old and has taught almost every jedi within that vast span of time, so he should know).
The force flows through all living things, in Rebels, Kanan even says that Sabine won't open her mind to it. She had some basic training in Rebels. Clip for Reference: ()
And now in a matter of literal minutes, she gains the power to not only to pull a lightsaber with the force (with great effort) but THEN moments after is capable of levitating a human being through the air with ease.
You know how you can lift up a car in a life and death situation? I'd imagine the same principles apply to the force. We also see several moments in the episode where "the force" fails Sabine, for example, the Zombie fight scene, she was better off with a blaster because she couldn't "feel" their next moves.
Is the finale going to end with her saying her name is Sabine Skywalker?
Rey's story arch is so misconstrued by fan-boys who have such a hatred for the sequel trilogy.

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