Adults/Parents behaving Badly


Well-Known Member
Dragonrider1227 said:
I think jus thte opposite. It would be "Un-Disney" for Mickey to just stand around and let people in HIS kingdom be pushed around by a jerk.


That's how I felt but wasn't quite sure how to put it.

It was the PERFECT thing to do, because it didn't create more of a disruption (if they were totally refused), but it got the message across.

If I had been in line I would have cheered.



I still say that any act of "misconduct" while @ WDW is a perfect time for Pal Mickey to be used. Just grab Pal Mickey buy his feet and begin to swig it wildly at the offender, striking him/her with several good solid blows about the head. The best part is Pal Mickey is re-usable. If the offender gets up off the ground from the first beating, hit him/her again. I'm gonna get my $60 bucks out of this Pal Mickey one way or another. :lol: (joking here, of course)


New Member
I use to stress when people cut the line for a photo, often arguing with the ignorant parent. Now, I simply make sure I get in their picture and invite others to join us. :lookaroun


New Member
Wow, it's so sad that none of these stories are at all surprising...

One evening I was closing ISC--we'd closed the snow tunnel down, so then we just stood at the back doors to inform guests that we were, unfortunately, closed for the evening. One "gentleman" banged angrily on the door, so I opened it a crack and told him (politely) that we were closed. He (reeking of alcohol), rolled his eyes, said "Yeah, right", and shoved me out of the way so that he, his wife, and 3 kids could come in anyway. The kids, at least, looked embarassed... :mad:

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Heh heh...reading some of these stories reminds me of one that happened to me recently....

I am a huge fan of Epcot, it's my favorite park, and i absolutely LOVE "Illuminations". I will see this multiple times whenever i visit....nothing tops it in my mind. Like most "IllumiGeeks" i have my seating patterns down to a science and learned a few years ago by trial that you could get into the roped off area closest to the lagoon in the center.

So there i am standing there patiently waiting about a half hour or so with other die hards waiting for the rope to drop 10 mins before the show. The CM's tell us the "rules" ( to please only SIT in this area and not stand up even for photos during the show) and they let us in. Well needless to say i ended up with the PERFECT spot...smack dab in the center, first row peering between the wrought iron fencing along the lagoons' edge! Awesome one in front of me...just the water and all the barges! I was ready to have my eyebrows singed when the Inferno let loose..( i LOVE it when that happens!!) here i am sitting there right up front with a little space directly in front of me so i could straighten my legs out . Right before the show starts i happen to be sitting cross-legged and suddenly from out of nowhere these two brazillian/spanish women appear and sit DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME!! She nearly sat on my lap accidentally it was THAT tight of a spot she was trying to grab! i'm stunned by this but keep cool. The people sitting around me all turn around and look at me as if they are waiting to see my reaction, and probably hoping to see some 'action" ( like me cussing those women out or something equally rude! lol..) but no...i was cool. Part of me was like, what the fudge man......but then another part of me was cool about it as i've seen this show dozens of times and they were obviously visitors from another country. One sometimes has to wonder though if some people use that fact to their advantage though....:mad:

Well anyway....the show went on and i spent the 12 minutes or so trying to peer between their heads. I learned a when i go to see the show NOW, i make sure i don't leave any space whatsoever in front of me.


suzie said:
Boy, now I wonder if I really want to go to Disney, this being my first time. Its a war zone out there.
Don't let all of these stories affect your decision on whether you go to Disney or not, trust me!

It is extremely worth it, and there's a huge chance that you won't experience anything like those have stated. Don't worry about it.


New Member
Thanks for reassuring me, those were pretty scary stories, I really want to go to Disney, got my plane tickets, hotel and meal deal.

Hope not to experience nothing like that.

Thanks again friend.


suzie said:
Thanks for reassuring me, those were pretty scary stories, I really want to go to Disney, got my plane tickets, hotel and meal deal.

Hope not to experience nothing like that.

Thanks again friend.
There can be many scary stories like that, but there's only a small percent that you will actually experience them yourself.

There's no need to cancel you plane tickets, hotel, and meal deal. You'd be missing out on so much!

I hope that your trip is great, and that you don't have to experience anything like these stories. You're going to love it!


New Member
suzie said:
Thanks for reassuring me, those were pretty scary stories, I really want to go to Disney, got my plane tickets, hotel and meal deal.

Hope not to experience nothing like that.

Thanks again friend.

Even if you do experience anything like these stories, you will still have a blast! The fun you will have at WDW will outweigh any negative or bad experience you may or may not encounter.:)


New Member
Thanks for the reassurance, I think I will have a good time after all. Got my grandson whose 9 with me. He's all excited.

Thanks again.


suzie said:
Thanks for the reassurance, I think I will have a good time after all. Got my grandson whose 9 with me. He's all excited.

Thanks again.
Any time! You will definitely have a good time, especially with your grandson. You're going to love it. :wave:


New Member
Just today I witnessed my story to add to the list. My little outdoor shop wasnt too busy for a little while so I was able to enjoy the Guests and all that. Well, a mom comes up and pays for a couple of things and two face paints. I look over and see her daughter who couldnt have been more than 7 and a son no older than 3. As she is paying, the son, who was absolutely adorable with his little tiger face, calls out that he got water on his face and the paint. He had reached into the water bin thing- probably because it was 98 and he was hot! Well, the mom did the last thing I expected her to do. She totally let loose on this kid. She started yelling at him saying how angry she was at him for messing up the paint she just spent $30. I mean, full out yelling, right in his face. Remember, he isnt older than 3 and I doubt if he understood what he had done. After she finishes paying me (the yelling got in the way of that) she goes back over to the face painter and has him touch it up. At least she was nice about it and the painter didnt mind. But as this is going on, she is still telling her son how angry she is. In the middle of her long tirade, I hear her daughter finally speak and innocently ask if her paint was messed up too. The mom's reply " No baby, your's is *perfect*. You look like a princess" in this syrupy sweet tone. It made me so irritated. How can a mom be like that to her kids? All she should have done was gently told her son how to not rub his face. I've worked with kids enough to know how to get them to do what you want. And even if they dont- they are just kids. Cant expect them to be perfect when it's scorching hot outside and all they want is to cool their face off. Sheesh. Of all the times to not be able to say anything...


Well-Known Member
bsandersjr said:
Well.... Maybe if you learned to walk, I would not have had to knock you out of the way!!!!:mad:

:lol: :wave:

So that was you!!!!!:lol: ;)

Too bad you didn't notice the walking cast I was wearing..............(seriously).


New Member
suzie said:
Boy, now I wonder if I really want to go to Disney, this being my first time. Its a war zone out there.

It's not like that all the time. I've been to Disneyland so many times and I've had my run in with the rude as can be parents and kids too. This year, in a mere 10 days we, 14 total in my family magical gathering, are going to WDW for the first time and we are all excited. The thing to keep in mind is how will you hadle situations, like the ones the others here have talked about, if it happens to you. I've always been the one out of our group who "talks" to the rude people. It's well worth it to deal with some of the idiot people out there, to see the happy smiles on my kids faces.
Yeah, The World is full of bad apples, but dont let them spoil the bunch. Disney is a awesome place to go and yes there are those stupid people that think they own disney and can tell you what to do but just ignore them and they will blend into the background like those big fake rocks on Everest (if they don't call the yeti and he can whip them into shape for you :) ).


My first adult visit to DL I thought the place would be all right except for all those darn kids, but it didn't take me long to realize that the real problem was those darn parents. Of course, people didn't used to act like that.

Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I'm kidding of course. Disneyland, July 17, 1955, actors James Mason and Jeff Chandler got into a fight over a carousel horse to see whose child would be one of the first riders.

Nothing new under the sun.



New Member
I have to admit......once I was a parent who made her crying child go on Test Track. She wasn't hysterical, but she was crying. I had a strong feeling that she would like it, and sure enough, after we used our FP, we had to wait in line for 65 minutes so she could ride it again! I would NEVER make my child go on an overly rough ride like, ToT or RnR.
I hope you all don't think badly of me...................:veryconfu

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