Adults/Parents behaving Badly


New Member
Originally posted by wdwhoneymooner
In defense of the CM, the father was about 6'3" and pushing 250lbs. While the CM was 5'6" and 140 (a woman). The one good thing out of this was after the picture was taken Mickey looked at the father and gave him a thumbs down. Ya gotta love the Mouse!

As much as the father may have deserved this treatment, it is still VERY Un-Disney. I really hope that Mickey was given a new job in the organization where he could be more closely supervised.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219

Call it but i go out of my way as a photographer not to inconvience anyone elses fun at WDW but every now and then i'd appreciate some of the same courtsey.

I awalys try to use the Flash as little as I can just not to Disturb the guests around me....Yes I break some Disney rules on Filming/Photos (COP [I needed to capture that LOL] RnR, and ToT) But when I film/Take Photos on these rides, I try to get the back Row out of everyone's way...

BTW I also find it amusing when they use the Flash on a Nighttime Light parade like Spectro :brick:


New Member
While I find this type of behavior by adults outrageous, I'm not at all surprised. I'm by no means defending them, but they pay hundreds if not thousands for a Disney vacation and their kids and them are going to get the most out of it in their minds. Even if it means behaving badly- and stepping on a few toes. I've seen two adults almost throw down in front of the castle, yelling and cursing b/c one wouldn't move out of the way for a picture of their kids. SHEESH! :rolleyes: People....


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
As much as the father may have deserved this treatment, it is still VERY Un-Disney. I really hope that Mickey was given a new job in the organization where he could be more closely supervised.

I have to disagree here. Mickey is a cartoon character capable of comical things. In this situation, the cartoon character did a comical thing to alleviate the tension of the situation for the guests who waited in line appropriately. A worse situation could have ensued had mIckey and his greeter failed to recognize that something had just happened to inconvenience all the guests still waiting.

However, for Mickey's own safety, i hope he waited unil the man was a safe distance away because an even worse situation would be for the guest to beat the tar out of mickey and possibly "decapitate" him in front of all of the children.

They key here is to return the situation to one of levity as quickly as possible in order to rekindle the magical experience the guests were having prior to the situation. In some situations, acting as if nothing has occurred is appropriate. In others, it is not.


New Member
Originally posted by Brooke
I can't stand when parents bring their young children on rides when they are crying and screaming and are too scared to ride. I was recently in line for Tower Of Terror and the ENTIRE time a poor little boy in front of us, barely tall enough to ride, was crying and begging his father to get out of line. The father basically told him that he had to go on because HE wanted to ride so his son had to. How selfish! I've seen this so many times, especially in It's Tough To Be A Bug, the children are so scared, screaming and crying, but the parents won't leave the theatre. That just annoys me because I remember when I was little my father used to do that to me and I hated it and it ruins your whole day.

I have seen this so many times myself and it is always so sad. The last trip a father was making a kid go on PoTC and the poor kid was sobbing. He literally dragged him on the boat and through the whole ride you heard him screaming. ugh. I have seen it quite a few times on Haunted Mansion, too. What are people thinking? You are supposed to be on vacation and relaxing and having fun, not getting your kids all sorts of worked up over a stinkin' ride. I had never forced my daughter to go on a ride-even if I waited 40 minutes and at the last minute she decided it wasn't for her, then we would leave-which happened on Peter Pan last year-for some reason the "ships" freaked her out, so we go out of line and got a soda and popcorn. (This past trip, the only time she protested about going on a ride is when she wanted to go shopping before getting on Spaceship Earth-LOL That's my girl ;) )


New Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
I have to disagree here. Mickey is a cartoon character capable of comical things. In this situation, the cartoon character did a comical thing to alleviate the tension of the situation for the guests who waited in line appropriately. A worse situation could have ensued had mIckey and his greeter failed to recognize that something had just happened to inconvenience all the guests still waiting.

However, for Mickey's own safety, i hope he waited unil the man was a safe distance away because an even worse situation would be for the guest to beat the tar out of mickey and possibly "decapitate" him in front of all of the children.

They key here is to return the situation to one of levity as quickly as possible in order to rekindle the magical experience the guests were having prior to the situation. In some situations, acting as if nothing has occurred is appropriate. In others, it is not.

Mickey must stay in character at all times. Just how far does Mickey go to "alleviate the tension"? Perhaps Mickey could have pretended to choke himself to get a laugh. Would that be proper? Certainly, in his early cartoons, Mickey was rather gross in his general behavior but Walt corrected that mistake early on in Mickey's career. Mickey is an old (and very valuable) icon of the Disney company. Let's hope that the related story was not true. However, if it was true then that Mickey needs more supervision in a different role.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
Mickey must stay in character at all times. Just how far does Mickey go to "alleviate the tension"? Perhaps Mickey could have pretended to choke himself to get a laugh. Would that be proper? Certainly, in his early cartoons, Mickey was rather gross in his general behavior but Walt corrected that mistake early on in Mickey's career. Mickey is an old (and very valuable) icon of the Disney company. Let's hope that the related story was not true. However, if it was true then that Mickey needs more supervision in a different role.

hmm, Mickey is a character and therefore was in character at all times. Out of character would be choking himself or chasing the guest down and beating the crap out of him.

How is a thumbs down in this situation out of character. I am sure the guests in line appreciated it. Mickey also helped to reinforce to the other children in line how adults and children alike should not behave in public.

WWMD - What would mickey do?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
hmm, Mickey is a character and therefore was in character at all times. Out of character would be choking himself or chasing the guest down and beating the crap out of him.

How is a thumbs down in this situation out of character. I am sure the guests in line appreciated it. Mickey also helped to reinforce to the other children in line how adults and children alike should not behave in public.

WWMD - What would mickey do?

I have to agree with you on this one, by Mickey giving the Thumbs down, he was just reinforcing the fact that that Dad had done somthing wrong, and when the kids see it they obviously follow what mickey will do and know not to do it when they grow up.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
As much as the father may have deserved this treatment, it is still VERY Un-Disney. I really hope that Mickey was given a new job in the organization where he could be more closely supervised.

Shut up, what he did was fine, he tried to put the other guests at ease.


Well-Known Member
When I was 15, and my little sis was 12, I saw the worst behaviour by an adult Ive ever seen. We left some space in front of us in the Star tours que. The woman behind us kept flipping out and telling her husband, very loudly, that we needed to move up. we didnt, it was hot out. so I spread my arms out and grabbed both rails to keep her from trying to get in front of us. Long story short, after a few minutes, she took me sister, and threw her into the guy in front of us. A 12 year old girl she tossed. Anyway, I wanted to do something, my parents let us go on alone, so it was just me and my sister. I didnt do anything, but the people around us did. The guy in front of us spaced out even more, just to ________ her off, and he guarded my sister. And a few people in line next to us, a woman, threatened to slap the woman silly if she did it again. It actually got really ugly, to the point where I was going to hit the woman, cause she wouldnt leave my sister alone, but being 15, I decided to have some respect. Luckily, there were a lot of decent people around us.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Woody13
As much as the father may have deserved this treatment, it is still VERY Un-Disney. I really hope that Mickey was given a new job in the organization where he could be more closely supervised.

This story is absolutely true. It happened way back in 1992 and it still sticks with me to this day. I understand the need for all Disney employees to stay in character, but I believe Mickey's actions did send a very strong message to all who witnessed it: Rude behavior is not acceptable in WDW. And I think all the children who saw Mickey do this understood his message well.

maureen ashton

New Member
When my Sister and I are at WDW we constantly hear parents saying to their kids "Do you know how much money this vacation is costing me and your acting like this", a young child has no idea the concept of cost and the parents have totally disrupted the kids schedule wanting them to enjoy the experience while the kids are tired, hot and miserable. This selfish and rude behaviour by adults and young adults is rampant in today's society. My Mom and I encounter it every time we go out. I have adopted a new solution to all of this bad behaviour, stolen from the Sea Gulls in Nemo, whenever someone does something selfish or rude I start chanting MineMineMineMineMineMineMine, this makes my Mom laugh, softens the moment, lets us cope better and I am ever hopeful that one day someone will catch on and realize how awful they are acting.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
As much as the father may have deserved this treatment, it is still VERY Un-Disney. I really hope that Mickey was given a new job in the organization where he could be more closely supervised.
LOL, Mickey Was still out in full force last week, so he was not reassigned to Desk work :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by wdwhoneymooner
I'd like to share something I witnessed in MK awhile back and was wondering if anyone else had the same experience:

While in line to take a photo w/ Mickey, a parent instructed his child to "forget the line" and go straight up to our beloved Mouse. The CM that was with Mickey politely told the parent that his child would have to wait its turn, but got a reply of, "Whatta gonna do, throw me outta here?" Of course everyone in line voiced their complaints but alas to deaf ears.

The real kicker was when another child in line said, "That's not fair!" To which the father-of-the-year replied, "Get used to it, kid."

I don't know if daddy-dearest was ever evicted from the Park (I hope he did!), but I'm sure the children who witnessed this were saddened by this selfish person's behavior. In my opinion, people like him deserve a good kick in the _ _ _.

Sad but true story.

There are always "special people". They are the ones who can ride in on the shoulder when everyone else is caught in traffic, they can cut infront of lines at amusement parks, they shouldn't have to wait for a table, and nothing is ever, EVER, their fault.

I truly enjoy making sure people like this don't get their way. They get so psychotic, it's actually amusing. Especially when they have to site for 30 minutes while they get a ticket for blowing by everyone in traffic. "Dont you KNOW WHO I AM??" :lol: Nope, and no one cares either!!

In my opinion, the CM should have just refused to let them take a picture. It's ridiculous.

mr snrub

New Member
Originally posted by EpcoTim
When I was 15, and my little sis was 12, I saw the worst behaviour by an adult Ive ever seen. We left some space in front of us in the Star tours que. The woman behind us kept flipping out and telling her husband, very loudly, that we needed to move up. we didnt, it was hot out. so I spread my arms out and grabbed both rails to keep her from trying to get in front of us. Long story short, after a few minutes, she took me sister, and threw her into the guy in front of us. A 12 year old girl she tossed. Anyway, I wanted to do something, my parents let us go on alone, so it was just me and my sister. I didnt do anything, but the people around us did. The guy in front of us spaced out even more, just to ________ her off, and he guarded my sister. And a few people in line next to us, a woman, threatened to slap the woman silly if she did it again. It actually got really ugly, to the point where I was going to hit the woman, cause she wouldnt leave my sister alone, but being 15, I decided to have some respect. Luckily, there were a lot of decent people around us.


as a side note, its funny to read your sig right after this story

WDWhoneymooner, your avatar is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by mr snrub

as a side note, its funny to read your sig right after this story

WDWhoneymooner, your avatar is awesome.

Avatar? That's my honeymoon picture. We were @ EPCOT visiting Mexico. Some clown decided to get right into the middle of the picture. At least he was smiling.:D
What really annoys me is when parents put children on the shoulders durning a show/parade. It especially made me mad when we were down last week and during the MK firework show a father had his daughter on his shoulders. It *is* a firework show....and the fireworks are in the air!!! I just wish some people would be more considerate. i have been coming to disney since i was 2 years old and i never was put on my father's shoulders...and i have great memories of seeing fireworks and parades!!!

I don't care how young the kids are, but i am 18 years old and want to enjoy the parks the same way as a 5 year old! hey....maybe next time i should get on my dad's shoulders. ha ha.

Sorry for my rant...i hope i didnt offend just really annoyed me when that guy did that!



Well-Known Member
I once stood in line at the TTC, waiting for a tram, and watched as a little child did the ______ dance because his Mother didn't want to take him to the bathroom. The batheroom was only about 100 feet away but she didn't want to lose her place in line.

Then I watched in horror as she beat this kid when he peed all over himself. Then she called him horrible names and publicly humiliated him.

That kid is gonna be tramatized for the rest of his life.

I still feel bad for that kid when I think about it...and it happened almost 2 years ago.

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