Adults/Parents behaving Badly

Most of your examples are tame in comparrisson to this....
one year me and my family were at Blizzard beach, I was about 16 and we'd found our spot and had been relaxing for an hour or so. A (seemingly single)mother in her late 30's comes along and sits in front of us (which also happens to be next to a group of 20 something guys) with her two children whom can't be much older than ten. She tells her kids to run along and go on slides while she sun bathes. After a while she's talking and flirting with one of the younger guys and after a while of (sickening and cheesy) one liners her and one of the guys decide to dissapear into the foliage alone :hurl:

It's shocking that someone would do that in the first place... let alone when her kids were A: alone and un-supervised at a water park and B: when they could return looking for "mommy" at any point... but more importantly Not at Disney please!


Well-Known Member
Seems like most of the rudeness happens before Spectromagic and It's Tough To Be A Bug.

One guy knocked me out of the way going into Bug in order to get his family in front of us. Then had the nerve to yell at me. I didn't get mad - he was such an idiot that I died laughing - which infuriated him further.

Stupid is, as stupid does - day in and day out at WDW. No wonder there is a stupid guest tricks website for CM's to complain - you know they see it 10 million more times than we do.


Our story takes place on a bus from Hoop de Do to POFQ. We initially drove to FW and parked by the stables, and took the bus from there to Pioneer hall. After the show to our surprise a bus was there to go to POFQ. I told my wife to take our parents and kids on that bus so they could get back to the room sooner. I hoped on the FW bus and we made our way back up front. I get back to the hotel and everyone is waiting in the lobby. On their trip back there was a group of 20 something year olds cursing and cutting up in the back of the bus. There were family's (including young children) in the front of the bus. My wife asked the bus driver to if he could tell them to watch their language. The bus driver told her no but if she wanted to do it she could and he handed her the mic. She said could you please watch your language in front of the children while on the bus. All this ended up doing was getting them even more vocal and then threatened to kick anyone's butt whom had anything to say about it. To my amazement the bus driver didn't notify anyone at the hotel or security. This group got off first and verbally challenged everyone not in their group as they got off the bus. Fortunetly the families all stuck together and went to the lobby and hung out for a little while. Everyone eventually went back to their rooms without further incident, but this is something you would never expect at Disney.


Yellow Shoes said:
I am not a proponent of taking very young children to WDW for many of the reasons cited above.

Many MANY parents are tuned in to the needs of their children and are more than willing to get out of the line they have been in for 40 minutes because their child is scared, needs a potty break, or simply changed his mind.

HOWEVER--there are many (perhaps many more) parents who legitimately feel that they must do and see everything because of the $$ they have shelled out for the vacation. (and I think we all agree that WDW is a very expensive vacation compared to many other places in the US) These are the parents behaving badly that ruin everyone's vacation.

Accommodating the needs of a 2 year old at WDW is not easy.
You WILL miss riding things you want to.
You WILL miss "valuable" park time so your child can nap (this is especially true in off season when MK closes at 6 PM).
You WILL eat fewer sit-down meals to make it easier on all of you.
You WILL be a pack-mule dragging around all the equipment you must have for a young child.

If this doesn't bother you, take the young children. If, however, you will resent the sacrifices you will need to make, please PLEEZE leave the kiddos home with grandma, or wait until they are 5 or 6. (believe me, the magic is still there for a 5 year old, and they have more stamina, and can stand in line and sit still much longer)

Good post and for these reasons I'm inviting my extended family, including mother who hates roller coasters and simulators... :sohappy:


Active Member
Gucci65 said:
One guy knocked me out of the way going into Bug in order to get his family in front of us. Then had the nerve to yell at me. I didn't get mad - he was such an idiot that I died laughing - which infuriated him further.

Well.... Maybe if you learned to walk, I would not have had to knock you out of the way!!!!:mad:

:lol: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Scooter said:
I once stood in line at the TTC, waiting for a tram, and watched as a little child did the ______ dance because his Mother didn't want to take him to the bathroom. The batheroom was only about 100 feet away but she didn't want to lose her place in line.

Then I watched in horror as she beat this kid when he peed all over himself. Then she called him horrible names and publicly humiliated him.

That kid is gonna be tramatized for the rest of his life.

I still feel bad for that kid when I think about it...and it happened almost 2 years ago.

This does nothing but further confirm my belief that people should have to be licensed to have children.

You need a license to dip a hook in the water to catch a fish, you need a permit to build a garage onto your own property, but you can screw up a kid like that and get away with it.




New Member
For those of you who won't consider taking young children to WDW, our family took our granddaughter to WDW for her 1st Birthday. I was mid September and the parks weren't crowded.

On Main Street in the MAGIC KINGDOM we saw the DAPPER DANS. I mentioned to them it was her birthday and they knealt and stood around her stroller to sing "Happy Birthday" to her.

The video I shot of that moment with her sitting in her stroller, with the look of surprise and excitement on her face and clapping her hands is a moment as a grandpa I'll remember forever! You can find many MAGICAL MOMENTS at WDW and relive them again and again.


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
As much as the father may have deserved this treatment, it is still VERY Un-Disney. I really hope that Mickey was given a new job in the organization where he could be more closely supervised.
I think jus thte opposite. It would be "Un-Disney" for Mickey to just stand around and let people in HIS kingdom be pushed around by a jerk.


Well-Known Member
In January we left the Poly right after the Water Pageant went by. On the Monorail from MK to the Contemporary, an older (50s perhaps) couple was in our monorail cabin, BUT divided by the metal pole divider...I think that's what is was, anyways he had a cane...dunno if I should sympathise with him or not...but his side of the cabin was very crowded and the side I and my party was on only had 6 total. Us and 2 couples. When we went to the stop at the Contemporary the man shoved him and his wife out of the cabin and began yelling and whitsling to the nearest CM, a female Cm cleaning the area, and she eventually became visibly upset with his rude attitude, sharing his story and telling the woman somthing must be done about that (distrubution of people throughout the cabin). The rest of us in the cabin were a little startled by the whole thing. Kudos for the CM for keeping herself composed as best as possible. :lookaroun :cry:


New Member
While waiting for a parade, some man is crashing his empty stroller into the back of my legs.I politely asked him to stop and he just kept it up out of spite i guess. I braced my left leg and used my right leg to topedoe the stoller back at him. I nearly knocked him over. But, that was the last time he moved the stoller anywhere near my direction.


Active Member
When I went late last summer I never had one of these experiences but I did notice that there were security guards along wiht the CM's and characters.


Well-Known Member
Seen a lot, but one of the most memorable was a father spitting at dreamfinder, when he used to come out with figment way back in the day.
Took Baby Girl on her first trip last year when she was three. I have to admit I was surprised when I took her into Playhouse Disney at MGM and she bawled her head off as the lights went down...I was so upset...we came all this way, spent all this money, and here we were about to see Stanley in "real life". So I made...a beeline for the exit. If you have a kid with you, and it isn't fun for them, why make them do it? I really did want to see Stanley, though. Maybe next time!


New Member
We were waiting in line for either Peter Pan or Snow White and a couple really got into it. She was yelling at him and he was being really grouchy and rude back to her, right in front of their kids and everyone. She seemed more aware and embarassed about it, but she kept telling him to stop being a "big baby." Apparently, he wanted lunch (it was only 10:30) and she was telling him he could was still really early and they had just had breakfast. It WAS pretty hot out that day, and the line was kinda long. I was ready to hand them the boxing gloves.

My husband and I were just laughing because what else can you do? :lol: I felt bad for the kids, though.


New Member
I can't believe all of these stories! This is something I experienced when i was there last time.

1) My mom and I were standing in line for a ride (forget the name), there was a really long line, about an hr and we were indoors. My mom wanted to take a picture of me while we were in the line. While she was taking the picture (it was about 30 seconds), the lady behind us starts mumbling to her young kids and drags them and goes in front of us! The line wasn't even moving! So my mom and I take our picture and start walking and go right in front of her (To our rightful spot!)

2) We were at Lights, Motors, Actions sitting on the bleachers. During the show, the lady behind us has her 2 yr old son on her lap, with his feet sticking out. He kept kicking my mom in the back. My mom turned around and told her what was happening, and she was really nice about it. THe lady yells "He's only 2 yrs old!!". LIke she cant do anything about it! He keeps kicking my mom and my mom got really mad. She turned around and gave her a deathly stare, lol. They didn't do anything, the kid kept kicking her and the wife and husband started talking about us so we just moved.


New Member
I have at least 50 stories to go along with this thead, but the one that will always stick out in my mind happened in May of 2005. We were leaving AK and we got in line to have my Mom's picture taken with Mickey and Minnie. They announced that Mickey and Minnie would be leaving in about 2 minutes but would return in 5 minutes. A family who was two families behind us stomped to the front of the line, and the father stated they had to be on a plane in an hour to leave, and his kids just HAD to have their picture taken with Mickey and Minnie. The CM allowed this family to cut at least 7 people/families, and let them take their pictures. No big deal, I can understand if what he said had been TRUE. After they took their pictures ( and took their sweet time at it I would like to add) the whole family WENT INTO AK. They were just arriving, and the father had just lied to get the picture. He just looked back at all of us, and smiled. I have never wanted to just slap someone so bad in my life.

Another thing that happened this past May, I will probably end up being labeled as one of those "adults behaving badly threads". We were in line for Soarin and these two kids (around 12 I will guess), who were not with their parents/ any adult, had been kicking, swearing, shoving everyone in front of, and behind them. We happened to be the unlucky people behind them, and I had had enough of these kids rude behavior, so I proceeded to tell one of them loudly that "I hoped he got kidnapped". I know it was uncalled for and rude on my part, but these kids knew what they were doing was wrong and didn't care. I definately got some looks ( and some laughs) from the people around us. Sometimes people just snap, or at least I do :lookaroun

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
This happened on the last year of the MK ELECTRIC PARADE, well my late mother-in-law was in a wheelchair, we found a good spot to watch at least an hour before the parade, as the parade started about 2 or 3 early teens in a family start to move in front of her, it's not too obvious she there in the chair. Well they start to block her view and I ask them to please move, they give me a nasty look and I ask again to please move, well they look back at the father and he says they can't see, so I say they're blocking my MIL's site and if they want to see the parade they should get there earlier, I turn around and tell the kids to get the hell out of the way very loud, rather than argue with me the father says lets move, my DW says I didn't need to swear but the father was trying to intimidate me so I throw it right back him.... I stood up and to his surprise he realized that I am 6'6" tall and he was barely over 5'5", now I'm not one to bully around others or try to do the same thing to others, but if your going to try something, I learned that if you stand up to anyone more than likely they'll back down when they see you don't care what they say or do. It also helps that you happen to be crazier than them too.:animwink:

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