Admit it, you felt it...


New Member
I cry all the time when I'm there. I cried my very frist trip in Feb 2002. As we walked down main street for the first time I cried. When I say Fantasmic, most of the rides and when I see charaters I really wanted to see.


New Member
I cried when I was going back to the resort from MK, the last park I went to on my last trip (this was when I was in grade 6). I remember my mom saying, "Say good-bye to Mickey Mouse". Even she was crying. I remember some looking at us feeling sorry for us, and others thinking that we were crazy! Then I heard a little boy say, "I'm glad our trip just started mom!". I was crushed! I remember wanting to be that little boy so bad!


Well-Known Member
it really also gets me very emotional when i see children from "make a wish ". it makes me so very thankful that my children are healthy and full of an abundance of energy even though at times your so very exaused and they just keep the energizer rabbit!!!


Original Poster
dixiegirl said:
it really also gets me very emotional when i see children from "make a wish ". it makes me so very thankful that my children are healthy and full of an abundance of energy even though at times your so very exaused and they just keep the energizer rabbit!!!

Same here. I got a little teary eyed when I saw the Make A Wish children at Philharmagic. Every one of them had a smile on their face and it was so sweet.



New Member
Durring Fantasmic while looking at all of the kids and families in amazement. Also0 I get really teary eyed durring Philharmagic durring the petar pan scene when he helps Donald Duck fly. :)


New Member
S_Grise said:
Okay, I have to poke a little fun at someone who calls themselves a bad*** and goes by "LilDucky"! All in fun, I hope you understand!

LOL :lol: No offense taken really! Im a bad *** when it come to like emotions and stuff, but everything else...out the window (I mean cmon... I like Disney!!!) ! I've never cried at a movie before (well one... but most of the theater was also in tears).

Fantasmic always gets me excited; I'm always like shivering/shaking before the show even starts. I forgot to mention Spectromagic in my first post, but I tend to get a little misty eyed there as well!


New Member
Oh would be easier to say when I DON'T cry at WDW...I go every weekend...and every weekend something makes me cry. Ususally something having to do with my daughter and a CM....She is Developmentally Disabled and it is just so nice to be there and have CM's treat her like a normal kid!

Tarzan Rocks makes me cry the most....and we are going to see it tomorrow.....

I always carry kleenex, lots and lots of dd sits next to me in her wheelchair and holds my hand and dries my tears with a tissue (which just makes me cry more)

A lot of ppl I know feel sorry for those of us with disabled kids, but it has been by far the most amazing experience of my life, she is so amazing and unjaded and so loves WDW....

(sorry, went a little off topic there)

As for the most unusual place.....watching her conquer her fear of 3-D movies at the Muppet Movie 3-D.....everyone else is laughing and I am bawling!


Well-Known Member
Gorsh, I almost cried just reading all the accounts of crying- how pathetic is that?!

Well, my list, as with many of the others, is quite extensive:
Wishes (big time)
Illuminations RoE (big time)
American Adventure (big time)
El Rio del Tiempo (OK, don't ask why- I have no idea!)
Sitting on a bench in World Showcase just as the park is closing (could be related to the RoE one!)
Walking around daydreaming about how wondeful the World is
and the list goes on.

Seriously, WDW is the most Magical Place in the world for me and there is just an overwhelming impression that it has made on me. I listen to WDW music, parades and attraction soundtracks all the time in the car and they just completely take me there to the point that sometimes I'll almost bust out during the playing of Wishes or something!

Oh well, I've got nothing to be ashamed of...anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't deserve to live in the same World! :D


Active Member
Illuminations is a biggie. Every single time--right when the earth barge starts flowering. Wishes--sometimes, only when I'm watching it and not just listening to it while at work. There are still times (over a year later) that I get teary eyed at work and quickly have to go backstage with the thought that this is where I work.


Well-Known Member
Well I must admit, I've been known to "have something in my eye" which causes unexpected watering through several of the Disney shows :- Most notably Beauty and The Beast, Fantasmic & Illuminations. The main cause is usually back home when watching the videos I've made in WDW.


New Member
Ok, this is embarassing but I'll 'fess up! My sister and I were in World of Disney in DTD when the old Main Street Electrical Parade theme music came on. I started welling up, and when I sheepishly admitted it to her, she said she did the same thing.


I usually cry when I see the castle for the first time. That's my big moment. The shows (Illuminations, Fantasmic) do it too, but the amazing feeling of seeing the castle (and that's usually on day one of the trip) is what really starts the tears (and the goosebumps!)
One that no one has mentioned yet, when I go on the COP. I always am afraid that it will be the last time I get to see it. Also, the father reminds me of Walt, so that chokes me up.


New Member
Any time I hear the remember the magic song I cry. I saw it when it was down there. and i cried when it came on my mom was like "why are you crying", i said because it's so sad that Walt could not see how happy and how much joy he brings to people every single day of the year. I get teary eyed now!!!


Just ask my wife, I never cry. But Playhouse Disney watching my normally shy 6 year old up dancing and singing during the "Goodbye song". I still have something fly into my eye every time we watch that part on the video.

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