Parade Saftey
First off my prayers go out to the Cast Member's family. I worked at Disneyland for too many years and I never really feared for my life. Although I have feared for my safety durring parades because of drivers. I don't know the story of how that Cast Member died, but what I do know is that most parade flots have a camera view, instead of a plain sight view. The cameras usually have a delay of 2 to 3 seconds. Sometimes the drivers do make pretty scary miskates. From what the new said in Southern California it seems as if the float was still backstage. There are occupational deaths in public places all of the time. This was a Walt Disney World so the hype has to be huge. Look at the past few years at Disneyland. Who could forget the Roger Rabbit incident. Also our newest problem the Big Thunder death. You could go back a few more years and there is the Columbia as well. I feel that all of these incidents cannot be the fault of the parks.