A Very Merry December Trip Report with an Exciting Surprise!

hello everyone!! :wave: i hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! i just returned from my trip to the world on the 17th and have finally found some time to get started on my trip report! its been an eventful month but very exciting.

here is a little background on this trip: the trip was originally to include myself, the boyfriend, my parents and my aunt and uncle and we were all going to stay at the yacht club with the deluxe dining plan (i got a 40% off resort stay pin code so i couldn't pass it up!). well, the family had to back out because my dad got a new job and couldn't justify taking a week off work when he had just started. so, now it was just me and wes (the boyfriend) booked in a resort that we normally wouldn't pay for and on the deluxe dining plan. since we had already been planning on paying all that money, i convinced wes that we treat ourselves and not switch to a less expense resort. since the next time i go with the fam we will most likely stay at the yc, i decided we should switch to the boardwalk instead. so after many emails to tammy, our wonderful kingdom konsultants agent, our trip was booked, dining reservations were made and we were ready for disney! :D

after booking our trip, we found out that wes' parents, grandma and grandma's boyfriend (yes, i said grandma's boyfriend :lol: ) would be in disney for part of our trip. originally we were going down dec. 12 - 17th but wes' dad suggested we come down 2 days early and stay with them for free. well i can't say no to 2 extra days at disney world! :D so our trip was now dec. 10 - 17th, with the first 2 nights at old key west and then on to the boardwalk.

i think that's enough explanation. :D now on with the trip report!

Day 1: Traveling to the World and Lots of Time Spent Waiting at DTD

so on friday december 10th, wes and i woke up around 5:15am to get ready to head to the airport. we said goodbye to our dog daisy and my aunt gave us a ride to the airport. we left the house at 6am, got to the airport at 6:08 and were sitting at our gate at 6:28am. i love living so close to the airport! :lol: we took off at 7:40am and had an uneventful flight. i basically slept the entire flight. i did manage to wake up in time to get some peanuts though! we landed a little early and were in line for dme at 9:27! we walked up to the line and a cast member came over immediately to let us on a bus.


you can see the cast member in the background coming over to let us on the bus. :lol: funny lady. we got to the okw at 10:05 and called wes' parents to see if they had checked in yet. it turns out they were still at the waffle house eating breakfast, so wes and i got in line to see if we could check in. it took us about 20 minutes to check in but we actually got there right in time because the line behind us was crazy long. our room wasn't ready so wes and i walked around the main building of the resort while we waited for his family to arrive.




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we decided to walk to dhs since the ferry boat wasn't at the dock.


we made our way over to see if there was any wait for rnr or tot but the waits were longer than we could wait since we had dinner reservations at mama melrose's at 5:50. fp for rnr were out so we grabbed one for tot. then we made our way over to mama melrose's to check in for dinner.






we checked in for dinner around 5:40 and took a seat in the waiting area at the counter.


at 6:09 we were seated at our table. for appetizers, i got a caesar salad and wes got the mozzarella and tomatoes.



both were just good. nothing special. for our entrees, i got the four cheese flat bread and wes got the chicken parmigiana.



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mine was very good and wes gave his chicken parm an 8 out of 10. for dessert, i got the gelato and wes got the amaretto cheesecake. both were delicious! :slurp:



here's wes enjoying his dessert!


we were really impressed with mama melrose's. it had such a cute atmosphere. i had heard just so-so things about it but i was really glad that we tried it. we both agreed that we would go back there just for the desserts alone.


after dinner we went to see the osborne lights! OMG! they were AMAZING!! they were absolutely breathtaking!






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wes' family was going to come meet us to see the osborne lights, but we hadn't heard from them yet so wes gave them a call. they were still at epcot but getting ready to head over to dhs. so we had some time to kill before they got there. so we went to see one man's dream. i love seeing all of the vintage stuff and the video at the end is so cool. i really liked the new additions and i can't wait for them to add more.




after omd, we decided to go back to the osborne lights to wait for wes' family to get there. we decided to get some photopass pictures while we waited since they were going to be awhile. then i took more pictures of the lights.





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wes' family finally arrived and we jumped in another line for more photopass pictures.




after we had spent quite some time seeing the osborne lights, we all went to see mv3d and the great movie ride. then we went to see how bad the wait was at tsmm. the wait said it was only 40 minutes so me, wes and his parents decided to wait it out. we took some funny pictures while we walked through the queue.




we got to the loading area in about 30 minutes, which is pretty darn good for that ride! and i got my highest score EVER! woo hoo! my score is on the right


i demolished wes' score!! i was so proud! :sohappy: wes wasn't so happy.




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after tsmm, we decided it was time to leave the park and head back to the bw. we parted ways with wes' family and went to catch the ferry. it was just too cold to walk back.

the first stop for the ferry was at the swan and dolphin and we decided to get off there and walk the rest of the way back to the bw. it was really cold so i was quickly walking back. we passed by the big christmas tree at the bw when wes asked me where i was going. i said, "to the room (the duh was implied)." he said, "can you come here for a minute." to which i replied, "what are you doing?!" :eek: :D at that moment i knew! WES PROPOSED!!! :sohappy: i had to take my glove off to put the ring on but it was soooooo worth it! :lol: he did an AMAZING job at picking out the ring! i hadn't told him anything about what i would want and he got it exactly right!! it is a beautiful solitaire diamond. and its white gold! he did such a great job!

so we were super excited! we got back to the room and i realized that wes had proposed slightly after midnight which made the date december 13th. why is the date significant you ask? dec 13th was my grandparents wedding anniversary! how cool is that?! wes had no idea that dec 13th was their anniversary and that was the day he proposed! how cool is that?!

there was no way i could go to sleep right away when we got back to the room. i was just too exciting. and i still had to shower and get ready for our early morning at the animal kingdom the next day! :lol: (yes, i still kept us on our schedule despite the fact we got engaged :lol: i'm crazy, i know!) so we were in bed by 2 and it was an absolutely WONDERFUL way to start our stay at the boardwalk!!! :D

i hope you all liked the surprise!! :D i know i did! that's why it has taken me a little longer than usual to write this tr. we have been busy planning the wedding which will be taking place next october near our home in cary, nc. i am still trying to work out having a disney honeymoon and wes is starting to come around to the idea. since i had told him that i wanted either the proposal, wedding or honeymoon to be at wdw, he thought he was in the clear for not having a disney honeymoon. :lol: well, we will see about that! :animwink:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your impending nuptials! :sohappy:

And the Osborne lights are indeed amazing!!!! :xmas:

I agree with you about Mama Melrose's. I had the flatbread too, and I think a salad, and they were just okay. Most of the food I've had at WDW has been between "very good" and "just okay". The only "just awful" food I had was at the Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater. I got the ribs (no hot dogs? No hamburgers? And they call this place a drive-in? :animwink:) and they were terrible. But fortunately my dining experiences have mostly been enjoyable. My fave places to dine at the World so far are the Brown Derby and the Rose and Crown. (Bangers and mash, yum!!!!)

Thank you so much for all of the pictures, and I love the report - how I envy you, going to WDW with family! I'm the only one in mine with a passion for the parks, so I usually go alone. Oh well. I suppose my trips are less complicated, and I can go anywhere I want when I want.

Next time I go to WDW, it's gonna be around Christmas time and after the FLE has opened. And thanks to your report, I'm definitely staying at the Boardwalk. It's so beautiful!


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That's the surprise we have all been waiting for! Congratulations! Funny he thought proposing there would get him off the hook for a honeymoon there, silly men. IMHO this just makes the place more special.


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Congrats! How very exciting!! I now cant wait to spend our 20th Anniversary at the BW!!! Only 226 days to wait!! I agree with you about how its hard to beleive that the WL is on the low end of the delux resorts...probley the reason we love it so much and have not been to any of the others yet!! Hope you 2 have a great time planning the up coming wedding and hopefully DISNEYMOON!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yay, Ashley!!! :sohappy: Congratulations to you both. I'm so proud of Wes for picking out the ring all by himself... and for proposing to you at the beginning of your trip so you can really soak it up and enjoy it. I hope to see you wearing the "Just Engaged" buttons throughout the rest of your report!

I'm actually a fan of Mama Melrose's myself. Like you, I really enjoy the ambiance in there. And the flatbreads make for a nice lunch.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations:). How great it must be to get engaged at WDW! Too late for me as im already married but maybe we can celebrate an anniversary there one year! I'll get working on trying to convince my hubby now:).

Really enjoying the Trip Report, loving all your photos, keep them coming!


Well-Known Member
Love your trip report so far!!! Especially the Boardwalk pics, your room was gorgeous!!



Active Member
Oh how exciting.....LOVE IT! Congrats to you both! I didn't get a proposal in Disney but I am getting a honeymoon in May so I'm happy :sohappy:
Congrats on your engagement!!! How exciting! My fiance and I got engaged just across the lake from there on the beach at the Beach Club. I too am pushing for the Disneymoon! :wave:

Loving your trip report as well, great pictures. Can't wait for the rest!


Well-Known Member
YAY!!! Congrats on the engagement!!! :sohappy: I was hoping that's what the surprise would be. Can't wait to read more! Congrats again! :wave:

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