A Spirited Perfect Ten


And Colombia. Cycling is huge in Colombia.

And in America.....

In 2014, The Tour De France averaged 283,000 viewers for its live coverage on NBCSN.

In 2014, MLS averaged 240,000 viewers on ESPN2.
In 2014 MLS averaged 142,000 viewers on NBCSN.

Fact: Cycling is still more popular than the MLS in the USA.
The problem though is that TV ratings aren't the sole indication for popularity. You also have to take into account social media and team conversation, for which the MLS has seen a 34% increase from 2014 to 2015 in conversation (this was measured from the 2015 5-day season opening week span) Compare that to the 4 major sports and there is no competition. NHL saw a 7% increase, NFL basically neutral, NBA 19% decrease, and MLB has a 23% decrease.

It may be like that for now, but there's no denying that the MLS is growing on a year to year basis.


Well-Known Member
The problem though is that TV ratings aren't the sole indication for popularity. You also have to take into account social media and team conversation, for which the MLS has seen a 34% increase from 2014 to 2015 in conversation (this was measured from the 2015 5-day season opening week span) Compare that to the 4 major sports and there is no competition. NHL saw a 7% increase, NFL basically neutral, NBA 19% decrease, and MLB has a 23% decrease.

It may be like that for now, but there's no denying that the MLS is growing on a year to year basis.

No, I agree with that.....

But facts are facts.

Someone decided to play the "manipulate the data" game and is losing. Badly.


Well-Known Member
The problem though is that TV ratings aren't the sole indication for popularity. You also have to take into account social media and team conversation, for which the MLS has seen a 34% increase from 2014 to 2015 in conversation (this was measured from the 2015 5-day season opening week span) Compare that to the 4 major sports and there is no competition. NHL saw a 7% increase, NFL basically neutral, NBA 19% decrease, and MLB has a 23% decrease.

It may be like that for now, but there's no denying that the MLS is growing on a year to year basis.

We now have a team in Minnesota (across the border by a mile or two) and they are now lobbying for their own stadium (partial taxpayer funding) while they attempt to build the new MN Vikings stadium which is halfway done and underfunded.


Well-Known Member
We now have a team in Minnesota (across the border by a mile or two) and they are now lobbying for their own stadium (partial taxpayer funding) while they attempt to build the new MN Vikings stadium which is halfway done and underfunded.

Interesting enough, Orlando faced opposition from Tallahassee on their MLS stadium and they turned around and decided to privately finance their own stadium. And will build a bigger stadium as well.


Well-Known Member
Interesting enough, Orlando faced opposition from Tallahassee on their MLS stadium and they turned around and decided to privately finance their own stadium. And will build a bigger stadium as well.

That sounds like where they are going. Two of my four kids live in that tax district and my daughter works for the MN House of Representatives (non-partisan research manager). The other two kids live on this side of the St. Croix River but we are all Minnesotans, originally. I think, based on what I know from "my Bothan spies"...the same thing will happen there.


Well-Known Member
The best thing about being a soccer fan nowadays is you don't have to settle for the mediocre (albeit improving) product that is MLS. Games from across the pond and South America are what the die-hards like myself are watching anyway. You also gotta look at attendance and sell-out figures for matches held in the good ol' U.S. of A between European clubs like the ones being held here this summer. If games of that caliber were played here year round, the NFL would still rank #1 but the other three sports would be in trouble. Especially the NHL. My 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I haven't had the time to post a lot on the thread, but there are a number of things I thought folks might be interested in.

First up, the members of the Presidio Trust in SF actively conspired to kill George Lucas' Illustration and Film Art museum proposal for Chrissy Field.
Here's a rendering of the museum had the Presidio Trust approved it.

Ron Conway and friends help expose vile government conspiracy to mock George Lucas

Sometimes the forces of good combine to stun the prevailing darkness and rouse the hearts of the trampled-upon.

One such tale arrived in Pando’s mailbox this past weekend from Ron Conway [Disclosure: A Pando investor].

The email, sent to Pando’s Sarah Lac[e]y, began:

From: Ron Conway
Date: July 4, 2015 at 12:53:08 PM PDT
To: Sarah Lacey
Subject: RE: Ron Conway/Presidio Trust

HAPPY 4th!

After a year of getting jerked around by the Presidio Board we got the truth via the FOIA request the Tech Community teamed up on.

Once again I am proud to be part of the tech community in finding the gross collusion that occurred.


That’s right, Ron Conway and his friends have harnessed the force of FOIA to expose a conspiracy of “gross collusion” at the heart of San Francisco politics! This is huge!

To explain how huge, Conway forwards along a second email from Aaron McLear, partner at Redwood Pacific Public Affairs:

The San Francisco Chronicle’s Matier and Ross column today exposed a conspiracy at the Presidio Trust to kill the (George) Lucas Cultural Arts Museum, which was brought to light through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by tech heavyweights including Ron Conway, Laurene Powell Jobs, Sean Parker, Marissa Mayer, Biz Stone, and Reid Hoffman.

Yes, it seems that the Presidio Trust, the blue-blooded government outpost created by Congress in 1996 to manage most of San Francisco’s Presidio National Park, has been caught conspiring to stop the construction of a museum built to house George Lucas’ collection of comic and digital art.

For shame!

In the spring of 2013, George Lucas submitted a bid to build the museum -- a 93,000 square foot waterfront homage to the Beaux Artes splendor of the Panama Pacific Exhibition -- at the site of a current Sports Basement in Chrissy Field. The project had the backing of all sorts of important people, from Dianne Feinstein to Martin Scorcese to MC Hammer to… well.. all of the people listed in Conway’s email.

(Notably absent from Conway's list: Marc Benioff who apparently recused himself sometime before his wife Lynne was appointed to the board of the Presidio Trust last week.)

The Trust is reported to have offered Lucas the site, with some conditions. Lucas refused to cede design considerations, at which point the City offered him an alternative site for the project just north of AT&T Park on the Embarcadero.

Ultimately the plans collapsed and Lucas now intends to build his museum in Chicago. The Crissy Field Sports Basement will remain a Sports Basement.

But Conway and his friends weren’t going to let the Presidio kill the Lucas Museum without a fight. They bandied together to FOIA the Presidio trustees and, as a result, discovered that some of them had apparently conspired to reject the project, regardless of of its merits.

Most notable was this exchange between Trust staffer Tia Lombardi and a consultant, Brent Glass:

Lombardi: “(Trust executive director Craig Middleton and I) talked for another 40 minutes or so about the fact that GL’s [George Lucas] building will NEVER get built.”

Glass: “Perfect! Now we have to produce some really good proposals.”

Lombardi: “I have no worries.”

That exchange was mixed among other desultory references to the project and avowals of solidarity in making sure it was never built. Another interesting tidbit in the catalog -- on February 22, 2014, Glass remarks in an email:

“I only wish some smart art critic would weigh in on LCAM’s lack of curatorial vision.”

A week later, the Chronicle’s urban design critic John King published a piece dragging the proposal through the critical mud, calling it “boilerplate Beaux Arts, ornamentation without imagination,” and “ a generic box gussied up with arches and domes, with no more depth than a street on a Hollywood lot.” King went so far as to use the words of the city’s revered 20th century Beaux Artes master, Bernard Maybeck, against the Lucas project, “a conglomeration of soulless buildings dolled up in holiday attire.”

Lucas was a longtime friend of the Trust. In 2005, he moved LucasFilm, LucasArts and Industrial Light & Magic to the Presidio, helping the park meets its ‘fiscally sustainable by 2013 mandate.’ In a weird twist, Disney bought those companies in 2012, three years after Walt Disney’s heirs, led by his San Francisco society daughter Diane Disney Miller, opened the Walt Disney Family Museum -- in the Presidio.

The museum kerfluffle has likely made for some uncomfortable moments at society parties in San Francisco in recent years, pitting the one percent against itself as it has. An ugly business, that. When the Governor, the Mayor, Dianne Feinstein, Dede Wilsey and the tech industry find themselves squaring off against the Haas family, heirs to Levi’s, nobody wins. Except Sports Basement.

But anyone who knows a thing about Ron Conway knows that he is a champion of transparency in government and an enemy of backroom handshakes. And that’s not all. As the email from Redwood Pacific -- the preferred lobbying group of Conway (and the California Republican Party) -- makes clear: it’s for the children.

McLear writes:

It is unfortunate that Bay Area kids were robbed of this national treasure that was blocked completely behind closed doors, but the mission of the FOIA request was to bring this conspiracy and collusion to light.

Still, at least Conway the watchdog has exposed the underbelly of San Francisco’s leisure class and their unseemly government influence, which conspired in this case to maliciously pooh-pooh George Lucas’ architectural tastes.

More importantly, this transparency push by Conway, Laurene Powell Jobs, George Lucas et al has brought to light the second worst example of secret collusion between obscenely wealthy Bay Area power players in living memory.

The first, of course, would be the time when Steve Jobs, George Lucas and a half dozen others archetected the single biggest wage theft in Silicon Valley history.

But, yeah, this Presidio thing is really bad too.
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Well-Known Member
The best thing about being a soccer fan nowadays is you don't have to settle for the mediocre (albeit improving) product that is MLS. Games from across the pond and South America are what the die-hards like myself are watching anyway. You also gotta look at attendance and sell-out figures for matches held in the good ol' U.S. of A between European clubs like the ones being held here this summer. If games of that caliber were played here year round, the NFL would still rank #1 but the other three sports would be in trouble. Especially the NHL. My 2 cents

We're not arguing any of that.

We're having fun with Mr. "Facts are facts"....


Well-Known Member
If MLS is struggling in Montreal when you have a large italian and french population who crave soccer, the MLS is not doing that good. People will show up alright for "happenings" such as say David Beckham playing his only game here or a CONCACAF league final, but average attendance is 10-15k depending on weather. We're pretty far from even Canadian football who get larger crowds in town. The local radio station did an interesting survey where they asked people in the province what their interests were for sports. You'd think that with the local soccer fans being so vocal, they would be the second largest after hockey, no? Result was the Impact (local MLS team) arriving in third place, behind the local CFL team.

Every time I try to get into soccer, I watch a single game and get either bored out of my mind or the corrupt referees turn me off. A sport where the referee decide when the game ends? Geeze... I wonder why so many games in Europe were fixed for crime syndicates!

I am not even mentioning NHL here since Montreal has the second largest attendance figure in the league. They had 400+ consecutive sellouts at the Bell Center with the team voluntarily breaking that streak this year.The following game after the team's living legend passed away, they left his regular seat empty.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Well, I'm sure you know I'm ancient since I attended the openings of both EPCOT and Disney-MGM and was a regular at WDW in the 70s. In other words, I'm old enough to remember when the 'Disney Difference' meant more than giving CMs making $9 an hour the opportunity to book rooms at the Grand Flo for only $300 a night!

As to the above, no doubt soccer is more popular than ever now. The ratings for the game show that. ... I do wonder about your MLS claims, though. I won't demand evidence, I just find it very hard to believe that MLS is outdrawing the NBA.
If I remember correctly, the MLS increasing popularity has to do with the increase of latinos and hispanos living in the US.
Soccer is very popular in those groups.
Id say the majority of the soccer stadiums are filled by them.
When I went to a few matches of the Houston Dynamos.. like 60% of the people in the stadium was latino looking.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member

That still is hard to believe. I have to believe that it is being pushed up by 3-4 locations with LARGE stadiums where the sport is very popular and they pull in 40-60K a game (oops match!), although that is simply a guess. I'm in SoFla where David Beckham has been trying to get a stadium built and we keep being told how all the South and Central Americans as well as folks from the Caribbean who have moved here are so passionate about the sport, yet every attempt at pro soccer here dies about as quickly as theme/water park plans.
Not to mention that the MLS has the tendency of buying stars who are about to retire.

for example, I heard both Frank Lampard and Legend Andrea Pirlo are going to be at the MLS next season.

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