A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
First visit to Epcot today in 13 years. Not sure if my opinions on the place will be of any interest to anyone but didn't want to start a new thread. Thought it might be valuable to read someones opinion who isn't particularly nostalgic about Epcot.

How has Disney greenlit a product like Journey into Imagination. Oh my days I was ashamed I had took my party of 4 (aged 23-26) on it.

What is the fuss with Soarin? Awful. There was some kind of thing on the screen that was completely distracting and the teleporting between areas of California without explanation doesnt make an immersive experience. Good technology, poorly executed.

Nemo tie in seemed out of place...it's basically the little mermaid with an aquariam at the end.

Universe of Energy, Living with the land were very dated.

Overall, the place hasn't had 13 years worth of expansion. We walked in at 10 and out at 4...didn't do everything because some in the group were, well...bored.

On the plus side we spent all day yesterday in the Animal Kingdom 9-7 and had a great day. 1 complaint, when it rained everyone rushed to shows and there's only 1 ride open. Not good enough for a park in a tropical climate.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Did you see the news on the Jurassic World website? The park's in panic. People fleeing everywhere on the Park Cams. Looks like guests are gonna come crawling back to WDW. After all, it's not like when Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates eat the tourists.

I read this and the first thing I thought was that I want this drink at IoA.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Jurassic World, it is great. Easily the film of the summer so far. Leaves Avengers, Tomorrowland, and others in the dust. The only film that will fight it for the best time so far is Mad Max.

Well that is a better review than NPR that said "I enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to exactly the same degree I enjoyed Jurassic World."

I'm holding out for Inside Out and Straight Outta Compton. Minions look cute.

"Love and Mercy" is the film of the Summer, IMO. Love those Beach Boys.....

Tony Perkis

Well-Known Member
Well that is a better review than NPR that said "I enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to exactly the same degree I enjoyed Jurassic World."

I'm holding out for Inside Out and Straight Outta Compton. Minions look cute.

"Love and Mercy" is the film of the Summer, IMO. Love those Beach Boys.....
The audience I saw the film with completely ate it up. Very enthusiastic response. There seems to be a weird disconnect between critics and the audience with this film. As if saying "it's not as good as the original" is somehow damning criticism.

Nobody in that theatre thought it would eclipse the first. That's an impossible task, as the first film was an absolute Hollywood game changer. This is easily the best of any of the sequels, by a large margin.


Well-Known Member
The audience I saw the film with completely ate it up. Very enthusiastic response. There seems to be a weird disconnect between critics and the audience with this film. As if saying "it's not as good as the original" is somehow damning criticism.

Nobody in that theatre thought it would eclipse the first. That's an impossible task, as the first film was an absolute Hollywood game changer. This is easily the best of any of the sequels, by a large margin.

Good to hear. I might wait for DVD tho.... I'm just not excited about it.


Well-Known Member
I was going to end there opening day no matter what. Jurassic Park was my generation's Star Wars.

Yep, I've been looking forward to this since rumors first started getting solid about it. It delivered on all of my expectations and hopes and then some. Seeing the Rex again, the raptors, and the bits and pieces of nods to the original...I had a grin plastered on my face the entire way home tonight. Absolutely amazing and this may very well be the first movie I actually go see in theaters more than once. I loved every second of it.

When the kids found the original Visitor Center I got chills. Seeing the T-Rex reclaim her island at the end...yeah, I got a little misty-eyed.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I was going to end there opening day no matter what. Jurassic Park was my generation's Star Wars.
I would've seen it opening day, but I've got a plan:

June 16th, 12:00 pm- watch Nintendo's E3 presentation at the Nintendo World Store. I could watch it online, but being so close right now, why not? ;)

3:30 pm- Jurassic World at Lincoln Center IMAX. One of the best in the country.

And finally, a brand new addition to the itinerary just today:

7:00 pm- early showing of Inside Out with bonus content ;)

Tony Perkis

Well-Known Member
I would've seen it opening day, but I've got a plan:

June 16th, 12:00 pm- watch Nintendo's E3 presentation at the Nintendo World Store. I could watch it online, but being so close right now, why not? ;)

3:30 pm- Jurassic World at Lincoln Center IMAX. One of the best in the country.

And finally, a brand new addition to the itinerary just today:

7:00 pm- early showing of Inside Out with bonus content ;)
Nice. I hear great things regarding Inside Out. While Disney animation has been more of the critical and financial darling lately, watching Pixar at its creative and ambition best is a joy.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Moving the Hockey team from Central Phoenix (close to Scottsdale, Mesa and Gilbert) was a bad idea. Glendale wanted to create a "sports" based shopping and tourism district. They pulled the Coyotes away from a strong and financially capable East Valley base (where the money is) to the west side. With the Cardinals located at the UPIG stadium, having a hockey arena adjacent was supposed to be a "no brainer". The WestGate idea was conceived prior to the housing market collapse in an area that was positioned for unprecedented growth. Glendale will still have to pay for that big box in the UPIG parking lot but it will soon be without a tenant.

I am hearing Kansas City is in hot pursuit... Also some other mid west interests...

I also have some thoughts on the Chargers threatening to relocate North, but I'll leave that for the sports thread during football season...


Still thankful my Islanders were not moved to Kansas City, although I would rather them not even move to Brooklyn like they are (only a few miles west).


Grill Master
Premium Member
First, I don't work here. If I didn't see your post or didn't respond in a timely fashion that doesn't make my information suspect. I called you a liar (and I know that was harsh) because that's what you were suggesting, just like a handful of people I've decided it's best for all here if I simply ignore. What proof are you searching for? What exactly will convince you that my narrative is, indeed, the correct one or largely so?

But also understand that you -- and anyone else -- is allowed to not believe. What are you are not allowed to do is post 34 pages of thousand plus word rants where the whole point is to make me out to be someone who is being dishonest. And that is why I likely missed your original post. Do you know how many times I've had to skip pages because 16 of 20 posts were simply distraction bombs? Those are the people, whether you believe me or not, you should have an issue with.

The document that I provided was not an initial draft. There's an answer for you.
As far as I know, it was the final version. Could something have been changed at last minute? Of course. There's another answer for you.
The bullet points came from a source. I've already answered that one multiple times. The quotes referenced in some of those points were left as such to maintain the integrity of the information as it was relayed to me.

I am not dodging anything. I decided that I couldn't and wouldn't spend 15 hours a day on a fan site going back and forth with people who were just playing around when I was serious.

As to your final point, we know the agenda was changed (likely multiple times AFTER Bob and Tom and their minions arrived in China). Again, unless you believe they went there to not be seen at two of the most important milestones for the company and their careers. If you believe that, then you are mistaken. But nothing will change that, so please move on.

It has now been over four years since Robert A. Iger has been photographed or seen publicly with his and Disney's 'partners'. This is being marketed as the single largest investment by a foreign company in China and has been repeatedly cited by Iger himself as being an essential step in expanding the BRAND. Something is very wrong here. I think you have to be smart enough to realize something's wrong here, as should anyone. This isn't how partnerships work. Not here and not in China. You agree or disagree and move on. ... I hear they have tasty ribs at DAK now, you could talk about them for instance.
Fair enough. I tried to look back and verify, but I believe that is the first time that you have stated that you were under the impression you received a final draft, before the actual trip. If so, then yes, there is definitely a problem that needs to see the light of day.

No, I didn't actually. I was first person to CONFIRM it, first with a friend in Glendale and second with an Imagineer working on the project who was a featured speaker on the Panama Canal Wonder cruise last spring that Angie and I took. ... No, I didn't have a blow by blow, scene by scene description of the attraction. Even when I get that kind of stuff, I generally don't post it because I don't feel like spoiling an entire attraction and I hate going through 167 pages to figure out what it all mean. @Lee and @marni1971 are much better at docs.

Right now, I have the entire schematics of multiple Shanghai attractions. I haven't put them out because I don't feel any need, and don't want them traced to the source.

To this day, you have to go to and thru the WSJ (or a Lifestyler who borrowed from it) to get the info as Disney hasn't put it on its own blog. Tell me, you don't find that odd in the least?
OK, fair enough as well. I can see why you wouldn't want to post a complete ride through, and yes, that is very odd, since that has been the voice of Disney lately.

As for other info, I think in just the last few weeks, I told you Fulton's and Disney Quest were closing. I told you surge pricing was coming, just a matter of where, when and how. How about that DCL waited too long to order the new ships and won't have them until next decade now? That's just recent. How about the new DVC modeling? The new units coming to WLV, including over/on the water units? How about the entire New Fantasyland in Tokyo?

Like I said, and I hate the whole defending myself against anonymous message board posters, but the record speaks for itself. You wouldn't want @wdwmagic to place a thread with my predictions in it because my critics would have to all go cry in their virgin tiki drinks!
Excellent point. Thanks for all of that.

I went to the Guardian. They were respectful, but have not been in touch of late. Maybe they're working on it, but I'm not holding my breath. This isn't my job. If all the people who think I'm so wrong went and had real reporters (if there are any left) look into it, maybe it would get attention ... being that they want to disprove something? ... Oh, and Steve can correct me, but I thought this site was hosted in Florida now (not that it is relevant). ... and this whole 'bribe' BS needs to stop. People who don't get media and don't get quid pro qous see that word and think a Disney minion like Cupcake is meeting a reporter at a shuttered dump on the Orange Blossom Trail with Mickey suitcases full of $100 bills. That isn't what this means. It isn't how it works. ... Just like partnerships in China. People are not grasping facts and arguing things that they simply do not understand.

it's OK to not understand something ... I don't understand how to treat a broken tibia, so I defer to those who do ...now, if the Dr. said we have to remove your nose to fix your leg, then my common sense might kick in. But that's not what I'm saying. The last time Bob and his partners were seen together was shoveling dirt in a hotel ballroom. He hasn't even been cited as having been seen in a meeting with them since then. Why wouldn't Disney put out a PR in the USA touting how great the trip went and what was accomplished? Oh, because it didn't and nothing was.

Yes, I agree that I do not understand how, if this is such a huge deal, that no one else seems to care, or is reporting on it. I do not get that at all. Other just as sensational stories are still being written, but why not this one? There have to be publications that would love to take the WDC down a notch or two, don't you think?

And you don't seem to grasp that I am tired of being attacked by the same 3-4 people (with agendas of their own) and seeing this thread so clogged up with (expletive removed) so I can't converse with people who are saner and more objective that, yes, I may have gotten a bit emotional. That's life ... again, don't like what's on the TV here, get your tush up and change the damn channel. Don't sit in your recliner yelling at the TV like a senile old coot at a nursing home.

I think some of the posters attitudes is simply a reflection of how you sometimes treat people here. I completely understand that you might feel like you are being attacked - and a few have - but most are simply asking questions - like myself - for some further clarity on an issue, and an answer of - my record speaks for itself, so you have to believe me, doesn't always sit well with some people. Sorry, but you frequently come off as brash and arrogant when you post here. Certainly doesn't mean you are like that in real life, but people can't see your expressions when you type.

I will let this die now, as you have answered the questions. Thank you for listening. I hope you and your family are doing OK with all that you are going through right now.


Resident Curmudgeon
I won't disagree with some of that. But I won't agree with all. ... I do intend to work there again in the future.

So, I'd say we deal with our own corrupt government (not a political statement per se, as doesn't matter which party wins the elections as Big Business and special interests and the top .005% decide how WE live ... that has to change!) first. I truly believe that China will move further away from some of the CCP's traditional rule over the next few decades. It will be slow and there may be bloodshed ... but it will happen.

The disconnect is between the Chinese PEOPLE and the Chinese Communist Party the former are hardworking and value education, The latter values only POWER, I think @WDW1974 is right here as to the eventual outcome but it will not be pretty.


Resident Curmudgeon

This a thousand times.

This even more.

People have no idea what is being kept from them.

Of course, if they did, we might have scenes like Baltimore a month or so ago times 50 and with a magnitude times 100.

A classic example is Team (R) desperately trying to pass the SECRET TPP treaty, If it's SO GOOD why is it a SECRET - Common sense dictates the answer

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