A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Looks like a typical Chinese hotel lobby (I'm not kidding). Hopefully it won't smell like one. I can't stand the overpowering scents they pump into the hotel lobbies in China.

The first time you were in China, were you shocked by the amount of garlic you smelled? Even ... well say on the subway coming from a lovely young Chinese girl? ... I thought the cooks in Italy had cornered the market on cooking with it (and I love it as it keeps both vampires and aroused obese fanbois off of me!), but Italy has nothing on China in that department.

If they are going to pump any scents in, I'd much rather some of the more floral/Vegas/Macau casino stuff ...


Resident Curmudgeon
The first time you were in China, were you shocked by the amount of garlic you smelled? Even ... well say on the subway coming from a lovely young Chinese girl? ... I thought the Italians had cornered the market on cooking with it (and I love it as it keeps both vampires and aroused obese fanbois off of me!), but Italy has nothing on China in that department.

If they are going to pump any scents in, I'd much rather some of the more floral/Vegas/Macau casino stuff ...

In addition to keeping Vampires and Fanboi's away it's also good for you ... despite it's aromatic nature.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This thread is odd, there is some really interesting news and rumors mixed in with 90% complete junk (sometimes it feels intentional).

Things like China, various news bits. Such as a company that seems to be loving the idea of nominee real estate transactions now taking advantage of the new "Franchise focus", and slow timelines, cuts, and general low build out with indecision by committee, of another company for ongoing creative brain drain. (Baxter consulting on 3rd uni park) Or randomly the best sandwich at earl or photos of toys. It's all a mish mash.

Um, where did you hear that Baxter was doing any consulting for UNI?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
All understood. I know that the news/media business makes a pile of garbage smell like a summer rose, but Disney doesn't control all of the stank. For every sycophant and fool that cowers in the shadow of the mouse, there's someone in the shadows sharpening the long knives ready to post borderline-fabrications just to bury Disney. I just don't buy that the pro-Disney or Disney-controlled corruption is so heavily disproportionate to the anti-Disney corruption.

You are making this about Disney and not about journalism and media. And that's why it winds up being a fail.
I'm sure there are many people in media that would love to either go after Disney or help this story see the light, but they are far outnumbered by people in positions of authority who realize it might be better to not write a story on how bad things can get for American corps in China. That story could have ripples thru the stocks of many, many Fortune 500 companies with interests there.

This isn't all about going after Disney or Disney-controlled corruption as you put it.


Well-Known Member
The thought that the company is just a collections of Brands and IPs that are to be used (leveraged?) to make money (maximize their full profit potential?) until all the life squeezed out of them.

To me, Disney is bigger then that. Disney is an idea. Its not something you can touch or grab ahold of, but its simply the best. The best everything - the best entertainment, the best parks, the best food and so forth. Its doing the right thing and doing that for the right reasons. Yes, its utopic middle America but its middle America with today's technology.

Somewhere in there is a dream by a man. Rather simple, actually. And nowhere in that dream did steering committees, strategic planning groups, leveraging IPs, franchises, Brands and other boardroom speak.

Rather we are left with the polar opposite, a company not governed by idea and principle but governed by a spreadsheet and sung to sleep by the siren sounds of Wall Street profits. People with ideas and creativity were replaced by people who can game the system and make themselves look good.

The famous Tom Fitzgerald quote of "If you can dream it, you can do it" is now replaced by "If you can fund it and we can profit off it, you can do it... in five years."

The empire has grown to reach far beyond the dreams of long-past British Kings and Queens as Disney truly reaches most everyone on the planet.

Yet the stewardship of such responsibility is lacking and the guiding principles seem more indicative of Gordon Gecko than Mr. Disney.

Return on Investment should go farther than the simple balance sheet. We're talking about investing in employees, investing in ideas and investing in your guests.
Investing in those will make this planet a far better place.

Excellent post! As a kid I was very impressed with Disneyland's 1967 Tomorrowland not realizing that several elements of it were considered to be the prototypes for a very real city for the future. Even our most ambitious companies today wouldn't consider such a feat, though SpaceX would definitely have impressed Walt.


Well-Known Member
Um, where did you hear that Baxter was doing any consulting for UNI?
I'd like to know this as well. It would be interesting, he has gone on record as saying what they did with both Harry Potter expansions was amazing. He also presented an award to one of the leading creatives behind Diagon Alley.

It would be interesting and potentially awesome if he decided to work on projects for Universal (i'm assuming that he could if he wanted). A lot of former imagineers ended up at Universal originally in the first place. I could see him being interested if they appreciated him and gave him more power compared to how poorly Disney has treated him since the mid 90's. He certainly deserves more, and I could see Universal Creative being more open to his input than Imagineering at the present time.

Though given your response, i'm also guessing you haven't heard anything to indicate this.


Resident Curmudgeon
I'd like to know this as well. It would be interesting, he has gone on record as saying what they did with both Harry Potter expansions was amazing. He also presented an award to one of the leading creatives behind Diagon Alley.

It would be interesting and potentially awesome if he decided to work on projects for Universal (i'm assuming that he could if he wanted). A lot of former imagineers ended up at Universal originally in the first place. I could see him being interested if they appreciated him and gave him more power compared to how poorly Disney has treated him since the mid 90's.

Though given your response, i'm also guessing you haven't heard anything to indicate this.

Imagine what Tony Baxter could create with a real budget and a committment to BUILD stuff.


Resident Curmudgeon
You are making this about Disney and not about journalism and media. And that's why it winds up being a fail.
I'm sure there are many people in media that would love to either go after Disney or help this story see the light, but they are far outnumbered by people in positions of authority who realize it might be better to not write a story on how bad things can get for American corps in China. That story could have ripples thru the stocks of many, many Fortune 500 companies with interests there.

This isn't all about going after Disney or Disney-controlled corruption as you put it.

But not long ago that story WOULD have been written, With the 'corporate' control of media these days is it any wonder people are tuning out the so called mainstream media.


Well-Known Member
Imagine what Tony Baxter could create with a real budget and a committment to BUILD stuff.
I totally could imagine, and I hope there's some merit to that comment that Baxter is working with Universal. But that's the first time i've heard anything to indicate it, so i'm eager to know where this info is coming from and if it has any merit. It would be rather exciting.

As I said, I could see Tony Baxter being open to the idea of teaming up in some way given his praise of their recent work with Harry Potter. And I could also see Universal Creative being more supportive of his talents than Disney Imagineering currently are. They seem to have built a powerful creative team based off of former imagineers, Uni would be foolish if the opportunity came to team up with a prestigious master level imagineer like Baxter on a project in the future.


Well-Known Member
The first time you were in China, were you shocked by the amount of garlic you smelled? Even ... well say on the subway coming from a lovely young Chinese girl? ... I thought the cooks in Italy had cornered the market on cooking with it (and I love it as it keeps both vampires and aroused obese fanbois off of me!), but Italy has nothing on China in that department.

If they are going to pump any scents in, I'd much rather some of the more floral/Vegas/Macau casino stuff ...

Walking around in public in China (on the street, in the subway, in stores) I can still be suddenly shocked by a strong odor (not necessarily eminating from locals). But the one thing I can't stand, and I select my hotels accordingly, is the overpowering citrus/floral perfume that they saturate the lobbies with. I have a sensitive sense of smell and some hotels I've walked into have been positively choking.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am not a liar, and I have never called you a liar. What proof did you post about any of it? Your copy of an alleged agenda for Igers visit to China? You have never even answered the question about whether it was an initial draft, a final version, or something in between. The question was also asked about the quotes. Where did they come from? You? Someone in China? Not really a hard question to answer. Why are you dodging it? Again, I'm NOT questioning that you received some sort of agenda, but was it the final agenda that was really used for his trip, or an early draft, and who made the comments? And how do we know that the agenda wasn't changed time and time again once they got there?

First, I don't work here. If I didn't see your post or didn't respond in a timely fashion that doesn't make my information suspect. I called you a liar (and I know that was harsh) because that's what you were suggesting, just like a handful of people I've decided it's best for all here if I simply ignore. What proof are you searching for? What exactly will convince you that my narrative is, indeed, the correct one or largely so?

But also understand that you -- and anyone else -- is allowed to not believe. What are you are not allowed to do is post 34 pages of thousand plus word rants where the whole point is to make me out to be someone who is being dishonest. And that is why I likely missed your original post. Do you know how many times I've had to skip pages because 16 of 20 posts were simply distraction bombs? Those are the people, whether you believe me or not, you should have an issue with.

The document that I provided was not an initial draft. There's an answer for you.
As far as I know, it was the final version. Could something have been changed at last minute? Of course. There's another answer for you.
The bullet points came from a source. I've already answered that one multiple times. The quotes referenced in some of those points were left as such to maintain the integrity of the information as it was relayed to me.

I am not dodging anything. I decided that I couldn't and wouldn't spend 15 hours a day on a fan site going back and forth with people who were just playing around when I was serious.

As to your final point, we know the agenda was changed (likely multiple times AFTER Bob and Tom and their minions arrived in China). Again, unless you believe they went there to not be seen at two of the most important milestones for the company and their careers. If you believe that, then you are mistaken. But nothing will change that, so please move on.

It has now been over four years since Robert A. Iger has been photographed or seen publicly with his and Disney's 'partners'. This is being marketed as the single largest investment by a foreign company in China and has been repeatedly cited by Iger himself as being an essential step in expanding the BRAND. Something is very wrong here. I think you have to be smart enough to realize something's wrong here, as should anyone. This isn't how partnerships work. Not here and not in China. You agree or disagree and move on. ... I hear they have tasty ribs at DAK now, you could talk about them for instance.

Yes, you broke the news that Frozen was coming to Maelstrom long before anyone. I was not questioning that. I was asking if you knew about the information the WSJ posted BEFORE they did, and if so, why didn't you post it here before they did? You do love to scoop everyone, and we love that you do! I understand that you are focusing your efforts on China and SDL right now, but aren't you getting any other inside information that you can post here?

No, I didn't actually. I was first person to CONFIRM it, first with a friend in Glendale and second with an Imagineer working on the project who was a featured speaker on the Panama Canal Wonder cruise last spring that Angie and I took. ... No, I didn't have a blow by blow, scene by scene description of the attraction. Even when I get that kind of stuff, I generally don't post it because I don't feel like spoiling an entire attraction and I hate going through 167 pages to figure out what it all mean. @Lee and @marni1971 are much better at docs.

Right now, I have the entire schematics of multiple Shanghai attractions. I haven't put them out because I don't feel any need, and don't want them traced to the source.

To this day, you have to go to and thru the WSJ (or a Lifestyler who borrowed from it) to get the info as Disney hasn't put it on its own blog. Tell me, you don't find that odd in the least?

As for other info, I think in just the last few weeks, I told you Fulton's and Disney Quest were closing. I told you surge pricing was coming, just a matter of where, when and how. How about that DCL waited too long to order the new ships and won't have them until next decade now? That's just recent. How about the new DVC modeling? The new units coming to WLV, including over/on the water units? How about the entire New Fantasyland in Tokyo?

Like I said, and I hate the whole defending myself against anonymous message board posters, but the record speaks for itself. You wouldn't want @wdwmagic to place a thread with my predictions in it because my critics would have to all go cry in their virgin tiki drinks!

Maybe so, but why hasn't a paper like the Guardian broken this story? They certainly had no problem with the NSA/Snowden stuff, even if the American media ignored it - and I absolutely agree that they did, so why not something that you are calling HUGE? Heck, since this site is hosted there, you would think that they read news here as well, or is the story of Iger and SDL simply not big enough for them, since it talks about an American media company? I can't see them giving a carp about "access' to anything Disney, so I can't see them accepting a "bribe" to ignore the story.

I went to the Guardian. They were respectful, but have not been in touch of late. Maybe they're working on it, but I'm not holding my breath. This isn't my job. If all the people who think I'm so wrong went and had real reporters (if there are any left) look into it, maybe it would get attention ... being that they want to disprove something? ... Oh, and Steve can correct me, but I thought this site was hosted in Florida now (not that it is relevant). ... and this whole 'bribe' BS needs to stop. People who don't get media and don't get quid pro qous see that word and think a Disney minion like Cupcake is meeting a reporter at a shuttered dump on the Orange Blossom Trail with Mickey suitcases full of $100 bills. That isn't what this means. It isn't how it works. ... Just like partnerships in China. People are not grasping facts and arguing things that they simply do not understand.

it's OK to not understand something ... I don't understand how to treat a broken tibia, so I defer to those who do ...now, if the Dr. said we have to remove your nose to fix your leg, then my common sense might kick in. But that's not what I'm saying. The last time Bob and his partners were seen together was shoveling dirt in a hotel ballroom. He hasn't even been cited as having been seen in a meeting with them since then. Why wouldn't Disney put out a PR in the USA touting how great the trip went and what was accomplished? Oh, because it didn't and nothing was.

So to recap. In one single post you made a disparaging remark about someone's anatomy, and how they feel about you. You called me a liar, and you claim I have a weak understanding of reality. Oh, and you are responding to a post that I made to someone else, and not even one made to you. And then you don't understand why some people are getting discouraged with you around here?

And you don't seem to grasp that I am tired of being attacked by the same 3-4 people (with agendas of their own) and seeing this thread so clogged up with (expletive removed) so I can't converse with people who are saner and more objective that, yes, I may have gotten a bit emotional. That's life ... again, don't like what's on the TV here, get your tush up and change the damn channel. Don't sit in your recliner yelling at the TV like a senile old coot at a nursing home.


Well-Known Member
The thought that the company is just a collections of Brands and IPs that are to be used (leveraged?) to make money (maximize their full profit potential?) until all the life squeezed out of them.

To me, Disney is bigger then that. Disney is an idea. Its not something you can touch or grab ahold of, but its simply the best. The best everything - the best entertainment, the best parks, the best food and so forth. Its doing the right thing and doing that for the right reasons. Yes, its utopic middle America but its middle America with today's technology.

Somewhere in there is a dream by a man. Rather simple, actually. And nowhere in that dream did steering committees, strategic planning groups, leveraging IPs, franchises, Brands and other boardroom speak.

Rather we are left with the polar opposite, a company not governed by idea and principle but governed by a spreadsheet and sung to sleep by the siren sounds of Wall Street profits. People with ideas and creativity were replaced by people who can game the system and make themselves look good.

The famous Tom Fitzgerald quote of "If you can dream it, you can do it" is now replaced by "If you can fund it and we can profit off it, you can do it... in five years."

The empire has grown to reach far beyond the dreams of long-past British Kings and Queens as Disney truly reaches most everyone on the planet.

Yet the stewardship of such responsibility is lacking and the guiding principles seem more indicative of Gordon Gecko than Mr. Disney.

Return on Investment should go farther than the simple balance sheet. We're talking about investing in employees, investing in ideas and investing in your guests.
Investing in those will make this planet a far better place.

Jerry Maquire tips his cap to you sir.

Sincerely, nice job.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A few comments I've been meaning to add to the $800 million dollar "scandal", but the thread took way too long to catch up on.

@WDW1974 (who already came around to touch on this and he can correct me if I’m wrong), never seriously suggested the money was for a graft. That was by and large speculated by other posters here.

Correct. ... I did say I'd be shocked if no graft took place. I'd also say I'd be shocked if it were hundreds of millions of dollars. Not that it would be OK if Disney wound up paying off people to the tune of 'only $34 million. It wouldn't be OK if Disney paid off people for $340,000. I mean, it's wrong when I steal Coke at WDW, isn't it?

I also don't think @WDW1974 has ever suggested that Shanghai Disneyland will be a failure, again that is the opinion of other posters being lobbed onto him. The actual park itself seems well designed, has a historically quite strong line up of opening day attractions and a population who will arrive in droves. Disney botching the entry, having a messy landing, being culturally insensitive are all quite different than the park failing financially. He has never suggested the latter.

Correct again. I think it will have bumps, but will eventually be very successful. Just like every resort (even that DLP one that was supposed to be closed and turned into condos and French Walmarts with one park remaining and be operated by a local group seasonally with no Disney IP! You can't listen to crazy fanbois!)

One does not have to be an insider to know that delaying a park by 6 months costs money. Lots of money. The money isn’t missing so much as being spent on exactly the thing they promised, aggressively promised, it was not being spent on.

They are behind by more than six months. I've had it confirmed by multiple people that the original goal was for a Spring 2015 opening. The earliest it will open will be a year plus later.

Now in related news, and the only reason there was a smidgen of truth to the whole matter is Toy Story Playland now appears to be under construction. The square orange building in TSPL in the original plans has begun construction. Unfortunately, Toy Story is the only phase two thing that seems to have been accelerated. Keep in mind that as of 2014, TSPL would not have been ready for a 2015 opening day as it would betray HK’s 5 year Asia exclusivity on the land. Spring 2016 however is fair game…

If we accept some of the performance venues have also been added, as @RandySavage speculated, we at least see *some* of the 800 million going to attractions. There will be new attractions (although not great ones). Lets be honest though, the rest is going towards the delayed opening and overruns.

TSPL was already in the plans and budget soon after groundbreaking. Same with all the major performance venues. Let's be clear: nothing has been added. Nothing at all.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That's silly. You know China doesn't play fair. They sell us pesticide soaked meat, formaldehyde soaked flooring, toxic drywall, soy sauce made from human hair, fox and horse meat labeled as beef, employ slave labor, flood markets with subsidized cheap products to destroy our industries here, manipulate their currency, and steal as much IP as they can get their hands on. If it were up to me I'd ban all trade with that country today.

I won't disagree with some of that. But I won't agree with all. ... I do intend to work there again in the future.

So, I'd say we deal with our own corrupt government (not a political statement per se, as doesn't matter which party wins the elections as Big Business and special interests and the top .005% decide how WE live ... that has to change!) first. I truly believe that China will move further away from some of the CCP's traditional rule over the next few decades. It will be slow and there may be bloodshed ... but it will happen.


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Original Poster
Anymore commentary on Marvel in Anaheim? You've casually dropped that a few times now. Is it essentially still what Mice Age talked about? Also, what sort of timeline are we roughly talking?

In exchange for my abundance of queries, I had a birds-eye view of the remaining Timon parking lot, nothing to see yet.


So, are you in Anaheim now? Likes/dislikes of the 60th stuff with NO spoilers, please?

That was a Miceage exclusive leak, although one I have confirmed. I don't know to what extent Marvel is coming. It sure seems like a Spidey themed RnRC (as they are planning for Paris ... a bit surprised that wasn't announed yesterday), a spinner of some kind, food and retail. But not at all sure ... and with a major Avengers attraction coming to IOA in a few years, Disney may have decided it needs a truly great Marvel attraction ... especially since UNI has had one (two if you like coasters) since 1999!


Well-Known Member
Moving onto Anaheim, here's another one of those studies that means nothing, but make taxpayers feel great about corps operating large businesses in their area: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/study-665882-resort-disneyland.html

And here's another story about how many local officials, despite the mayor's desires, want to hand out huge tax breaks to lure 4-5 star hotels to Anaheim: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/anaheim-665826-hotels-hotel.html

There sure is a large lobby that likes giving welfare to billionaire sport owners. Municipalities are being burdened with massive debt in vanity and corporate welfare projects. From Miami, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Glendale AZ. Although the people of Glendale AZ may have woken up to the issue.


Provocateur, Rancanteur, Plaisanter, du Jour
There sure is a large lobby that likes giving welfare to billionaire sport owners. Municipalities are being burdened with massive debt in vanity and corporate welfare projects. From Miami, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Glendale AZ. Although the people of Glendale AZ may have woken up to the issue.

Moving the Hockey team from Central Phoenix (close to Scottsdale, Mesa and Gilbert) was a bad idea. Glendale wanted to create a "sports" based shopping and tourism district. They pulled the Coyotes away from a strong and financially capable East Valley base (where the money is) to the west side. With the Cardinals located at the UPIG stadium, having a hockey arena adjacent was supposed to be a "no brainer". The WestGate idea was conceived prior to the housing market collapse in an area that was positioned for unprecedented growth. Glendale will still have to pay for that big box in the UPIG parking lot but it will soon be without a tenant.

I am hearing Kansas City is in hot pursuit... Also some other mid west interests...

I also have some thoughts on the Chargers threatening to relocate North, but I'll leave that for the sports thread during football season...

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Great post Dave, and spot on. Unfortunately, having worked at the executive level in several Fortune 500 companies, this is the way American corporations operate today. There are very few (count on one hand) executive teams interested in doing the right thing. Most are only interested in what might impact their bonus and options.
Excellent post! As a kid I was very impressed with Disneyland's 1967 Tomorrowland not realizing that several elements of it were considered to be the prototypes for a very real city for the future. Even our most ambitious companies today wouldn't consider such a feat, though SpaceX would definitely have impressed Walt.
Jerry Maquire tips his cap to you sir.

Sincerely, nice job.

Thanks gentlemen.

Maybe someone will take notice and figure out that is what most of us are unhappy about.

Instead, discourse here seems to have devolved into a Disney version of birthers/truthers....

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