A Spirited Perfect Ten

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
What negative opinion?
Remember, we're talking about normal people here, not Disney fanatics.
negative opinions by readers.

aka, the company is preventing negative opinions from being visible to OTHER visitors.
to inflate their rating like "lol we have a 100% approval rate!" even if its total BS.

I know. It's just that some of us want to read/discuss the news without all the other stuff. Lots of interesting information in here gets lost in the noise sometimes. Maybe separate threads for Corporate gossip, China, Disney PR/Media control etc, would be more prudent and easier to manage?
well, this is not an official "rumor" thread. Its @WDW1974 's rumor thread.. and they have never been separated based on what they are.
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This is the type of post that can be frustrating to a brand new reader/poster (such as myself), because by stating things this way, you're immediately calling into question the motivations of anyone posting a dissenting opinion, or even skepticism.

The reason people read posts on forums is largely for entertainment, and additionally to be a part of the conversation about something they care about. I love Disney, I read about Disney avidly, and I want to talk about it with like-minded people.

When someone questions the validity of a post (by an ostensibly anonymous person), they're not necessarily questioning that poster's character. Sometimes it's just in the spirit of discussion, and by setting these parameters like "everyone who questions him has ulterior motives, and anyone who's annoyed by his responses are out to get him..." that breeds an environment where only people who agree feel comfortable posting.

That's not what the internet's about.
No. Not "anyone" and "everyone" ...as it says above "some"

Just the select few who do this stuff all the time. Not for the sake of discussion, but for a hypothetical "gotcha" moment in an attempt to bring down a certain poster.

People who are discussing the topic and asking questions have a right to, but just keep it to that. Granted if you haven't gotten an answer by now, it's probably not going to come anytime soon.

But again welcome to the forums. Lot of newcomers here the past few days, all choosing here to post first ironically.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
So many conspiracy theories, where is Jesse Ventura when you need him!

When can we go back to only talking about WDW Park News/Rumors? Not Corporate politics/gossip. Not Universal. Not the abysmal state of the Media, etc.

We can always blame it all on aliens..


I mean.. Disney ALIEN lifestylers!



Well-Known Member
When someone questions the validity of a post (by an ostensibly anonymous person), they're not necessarily questioning that poster's character. Sometimes it's just in the spirit of discussion, and by setting these parameters like "everyone who questions him has ulterior motives, and anyone who's annoyed by his responses are out to get him..." that breeds an environment where only people who agree feel comfortable posting.

That's not what the internet's about.

And the kicker is - I don't think one single person actually questioned the validity of it - some questioned the meaning, the interpretation, and asked very logical questions about who's commentary (all the -- bits that took up the bulk of the post) that was from the perspective of - who's comments about what actually happened at each event (some of whom only Bob Iger and a few other folks were, such as the man's hotel room) - did they come from some Disney employee? Did they come from a reporter? Did they come from a bus driver? Astral projection?

No one even asked for a name - just in general who's opinion that was. I also asked, since the document was used as evidence of Iger's missteps, if that was a final itinerary or a draft.

Given the absolutely tragic amount of defensiveness over these questions, which has led us here today...with the absolutely incredible amount of personal vitriol and really low blows that he feels is necessary, there you have why this has become such a royal mess.


New Member
But again welcome to the forums. Lot of newcomers here the past few days, all choosing here to post first ironically.

Thanks for the welcome! I don't know if it's ironic, or not. I've been a lurker on the forums in general for several weeks, and a reader of WDWMagic for longer. It's not hard to notice a thread with 900+ pages and over a million views. I've found the recent talk of the China money to be particularly interesting. I imagine you'll see more of me. I'm not trying to start trouble, but for whatever reason that comment struck me.


Thanks for the welcome! I don't know if it's ironic, or not. I've been a lurker on the forums in general for several weeks, and a reader of WDWMagic for longer. It's not hard to notice a thread with 900+ pages and over a million views. I've found the recent talk of the China money to be particularly interesting. I imagine you'll see more of me. I'm not trying to start trouble, but for whatever reason that comment struck me.
No, not ironic! I always like greeting people as the same was done for me when I joined. Gotta bring some welcomes to the forum.

And that would make sense, as it does have over a million views.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I absolutely loved it!!! It had me in hysterics!!!!!!!! :hilarious: I wouldn't expect anything less from the creators of South Park. Remember how I said my tickets were cheap? $32............. for the first row :cool:
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Skipped a lot of posts to catch up. Jeez guys...........
I had to do that as well. I mean.. I only missed this thread for ONE DAY and its already 40+ pages of posts?
what the hell...

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
No, sadly not true. But if you find me one or more ... send them my way and I'll get you a finder's fee.

You folks who don't work or get how media works today just fail to grasp how tough this is. Even if you find a great reporter who wants to run with it, they can be squashed by everyone from their editor to the head of their company/corp. You act like this is easy and everyone would love to cover this. Not true at all.
agree.. there has been many cases that news.. (like the patriot act, massive surveillance by the NSA) were held off until someone finally had the balls to come forward.

And they wouldn't have done much if the UK press hadn't moved first.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
What does Disney gain by putting the IT worker replacement story out there?
That companies who once were the "All American Proud and Glorious(tm)", are giving the finger to their own American workers in favour of a privileged tiny group of Top executives and their benefits?


Provocateur, Rancanteur, Plaisanter, du Jour
That companies who once were the "All American Proud and Glorious(tm)", are giving the finger to their own American workers in favour of a privileged tiny group of Top executives and their benefits?
Rise against the Proletariat... wait strike that...reverse it...


Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Keep on ranting against me - your spate of postings tonight has done nothing but prove that every word said about you, your behavior, and your obsession with making everyone a "hater" is absolutely true.
But thats exactly what you're doing with him.
This transformed from "seeking proof" to a clear hate agenda reaching vendetta levels.

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