A Spirited Perfect Ten


Premium Member
The fact that Disney used to have no problem going that extra mile with the tiniest most trivial thing like napkins, cups, bags, etc., and as a much smaller company no less, destroys any defense for this. Universal has no problem doing it now either. You buy something at Universal Orlando, the bag is for Universal Orlando, not "Universal Parks." Not to mention the specific bags and even plastic cups for Harry Potter and Springfield napkins. I also got bags specific to Cabana Bay on my recent trip. Disney really has no excuse especially now that WDW is the only resort using "Disney Parks."

They have UNIVERSAL ORLANDO BUTTER!!! It brought back so many memories of the "D globe" butter from the old WDW days. I'm sure it was a direct shot from someone at Universal Creative and I LOVE IT


Well-Known Member
People are like why Universal, Hello Kitty is a dumb choice so unpopular...and then you have this


Universal is expanding into terrorities that they should. They lack female based IPs and have a strong gender neutral to masculine presence.


Well-Known Member
Hello Kitty pushing out I Love Lucy would be like Beanie Babies pushing out Carousel of Progress. It just doesn't make any sense.

What an awful decision. Did Universal hire a former Disney executive of the 21st century who left to spend more time with his or her family?
More like Nintendo replacing a Homeymooners attraction. Universal is not a museum and nostalgia isn't their schtick.


Well-Known Member
Except that you keep saying that the only credible information is primary sources given directly to you. That does not exist with Washington's presidency. Nor do you have it for Eiffel's involvement in the big tower in Paris, that may or may not be there because you saying it is, at best, second hand information. You constantly try to limit discussion to what you and only you consider that you know. Just because you don't know or cannot explain something does not mean others do not, even if they don't spell it out specifically for you.
I have also repeatedly said, that it could be right, I have never denied that, however, it is being presented as indisputable fact and it is not. Let's just leave it at that, OK?


Well-Known Member
I do, however, agree with the evilness of Beanie Babies in place of CoP. Neither one of those is in vogue now.

A timelier final scene in CoP would have them singing the CoP theme song upon rotation toward the audience and then... SILENCE.

Dad looks down at his Apple Watch while Mom is on her iPhone kids and are playing Minecraft on their tablets. The entire family is looking down at their devices and no one is talking to each other - welcome to 2016.

The End.
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Well-Known Member
Universal is not a museum and nostalgia isn't their schtick.

It isn't their shtick today, but I could envision the day when it's part of their Potter marketing. When the first generation of Potter fans starts having kids and grandkids, you can bet Universal will encourage them to introduce those youngsters to the Wizarding World and Ollivander's.

I don't see the Wizarding World going anywhere for many, many years, so I actually think it will be interesting when Universal's able to deploy nostalgia for Potter while still incorporating new IPs into the parks.

Of course, I also think WDW nostalgia is a bubble that will eventually burst although it may be a couple of generations from now.


Well-Known Member
A timelier final scene in CoP would have them singing the CoP theme song upon rotation toward the audience and then... SILENCE.

Dad looks down at his Apple Watch. Mom is on her iPhone and the kids are playing Minecraft on their tablets. Everyone is looking down and no one is talking to each other.

The End.

And the cherry on top: they're all wearing MagicBands.


Well-Known Member
If McDonald's (along with nearly all fast-food competitors) can afford embossed or printed napkins with a dollar burger, Disney simply has no excuse.
My McDonald's uses plain brown napkins just like WDW. I think generic is a common sense trend.


Premium Member
My McDonald's uses plain brown napkins just like WDW. I think generic is a common sense trend.

Napkins should not be the issue but it is just part of a bigger loss at the park level. Every park should have their own logo cups and bags. Napkins who cares. They are like toilet paper I don't need logos on them.

But the bags, the souvenir cups etc is a nice touch.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
That's the confusing part to me...they have Alice and Cinderella in their non-Disney parade.
Disney only owns their versions of those stories. But I think it's still obvious why Universal chose those properties for their parade, the confusion ;)
They have UNIVERSAL ORLANDO BUTTER!!! It brought back so many memories of the "D globe" butter from the old WDW days. I'm sure it was a direct shot from someone at Universal Creative and I LOVE IT
Napkins should not be the issue but it is just part of a bigger loss at the park level. Every park should have their own logo cups and bags. Napkins who cares. They are like toilet paper I don't need logos on them.

But the bags, the souvenir cups etc is a nice touch.
You don't use toilet paper with a logo on it? I bring this everywhere I go :D


Well-Known Member


Le Meh
Premium Member
Is that the parade that was "glowing away" in the mid-1990s. It's still running at the busiest theme park in the world in 2015? Surely, you can't be serious.
Funny. People react in horror when a classic is replaced with something new or updated....and they call classic decrepit. I guess it would be acceptible if they were burning Iger in effigy on the last float. But then there would likely be complaints that they weren't using enough fuel due to cash grab measures.


Well-Known Member
Napkins should not be the issue but it is just part of a bigger loss at the park level. Every park should have their own logo cups and bags. Napkins who cares. They are like toilet paper I don't need logos on them.

But the bags, the souvenir cups etc is a nice touch.
The only reason why fast food restaurants (such as McDonald's) use company logos on their cups is to insure the franchise agreement. The franchise owner is required by contract to buy their paper and plastic products, cups, forks, etc. from the company or designated vendors. They are not allowed to go out and buy less expensive items from the general market. Same thing is true for most (not all) food items. The cups (and other items) are also used as an accounting tool so the company can make sure individual franchise owners are not skimming profits.

Disney uses similar accounting methods with their concession operations.

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