What boggles my mind is the defense of the current WDW strategy. Attendance is high! Spending is high! Things are clearly great!
Just because the product is still popular doesn't mean you let it rot. Can you imagine if Apple released the iPhone 4 in 2010, experienced record sales and popularity and then says, well I guess that's it! We don't need to create a new phone next year, everyone loves this one!
It's not the best they can do a year later. Technology advances, new features are developed. The competition starts gaining traction. And Apple does nothing and sells the iPhone 4 for years.
That's crappy business.
Just because you can coast never means you should. Disney has no pride or reverence for their own product, let alone their audience or employees. Live action remakes, acquisitions, ride overlays if WDW is lucky, more timeshares, tiered "surge" pricing - these are the moves of a company with zero faith in itself and no creativity.
Just because guests lap up WDW as is doesn't mean they should sit on their butts. WDW should be doing its BEST at all times, forging ahead, pioneering - like it used to.
That's what good businesses run by passionate people do. They push themselves and don't just strip mine their assets for as long as they can get away with it.
I for one am thrilled to be replacing this year's WDW trip with a two week trip to Tokyo, Hong Kong and Osaka. The entire trip will cost less than a week at AKL with park tickets thanks to super cheap airfare and a great exchange rate.
If you can't muster up the courage to go overseas, come to SoCal and visit a Disney resort that takes care of itself. See a state of the art light parade that makes MSEP look like the museum piece it is, and check out the other amazing things the area has to offer.
And more stuff is closing at DHS? Bye Felicia.