Premium Member
Don't you think Wall Street analysts know at least as much about what is going on in China as we do? They are following the company for a living. Most people here are just doing it as a hobby.Everyone that says Iger is just avoiding the spotlight due to his nature, or simply strategically laying low, is so missing the obvious it is laughable. If the above reasons were truly the case, he and Tom and entourage could have taken the long, exhausting, trip to Asia a couple of weeks from now, or a couple of weeks ago if all they wanted to do is take the pulse of how things are going, not back-to-back-to-back with a big movie premier and the Disneyland 60th kickoff. No, they chose to make that long trip specifically to coincide with the store opening and topping off ceremonies. Being no-shows screams that things didn't go as planned.
Now in fairness, none of this means that Disney's entry into the mainland is ultimately doomed to be a financial disaster. But would Wall Street be quite as bullish about Disney if they realized the extent to which their golden boy wasn't calling the shots?