Are you serious? Gotta ask again. Or just sent up from the PML to stir a Spirited thread?
Because the whole WDW as a relaxing vacation destination ended sometime about two decades ago. You can't have the amount of options spread out over such distances and require so much planning all at incredibly high pricing for most people to relax at WDW.
I can do it. But I've spent likely a crazy amount of time at WDW. I go now because it is still relatively new to the love of my life and because I can enjoy spending time with family and friends there. Beyond DAK and some parts of EPCOT, I largely do NOT go for the theme park product because the reality is it just plain isn't very good at anymore. ...So, sure, I can do two laps around the World Showcase lagoon at night with a drink or a snack, maybe stop for 1-2 attractions, see RoE and then do two more laps around the lagoon. Just for exercise and music and then to be one of (but not the last as that honor always goes to
@WDWFigment, even when he is far, far away!
)the last people there. ... Or maybe I go to DAK with a friend and spend 30 minutes just watching the gorillas, as I did last month.
But I also spent a week at WDW and the entire trip including food and gas and tolls (and luxury accommodations at a friend's!) likely didn't even set me back $500.
If I was blowing through eight grand in a week, then I wouldn't be chilling and I don't blame the folks who can't stop and smell the roses, Those roses have very pricey thorns on them!