As I said, I'd love to see a dark origin story (the only character of the Avengers, really, who deserves a dark origin story akin to Dark Knight is her...or maybe Nick Fury, but they would have vastly different, and possibly intertwined ones?)
I think they could make it work, and make it work well. I'm far more interested in that than the schlock that Ultron appears to be (repeat of movie #1 with minor plot points, I haven't even gone to see it yet).
Marvel needs to be very careful here, imho. They are saturating the market, and if they don't do it right, fandom alone, which is a fickle thing, especially since the core fandom, the Comic Fanbois, have seen these stories before....I still look back with disgust with how Fox treated the Dark Pheonix story and how Sony treated my all time favorite long arch story...Venom.
Well...I think a Black Widow movie would be a wonderful toss up into the predictable mix.
I have little to no interest in Antman, though I think the film looks good, I'll skip it in theaters most likely unless it's playing for free while I'm cruising DCL.
I got my "action team movie done right" fix with Avengers 1 and GotG...I'm done for another few years, thanks Marvel.