Premium Member
You're also being disingenuous when you mock Disney's concierge level, because Disney never calls it concierge level, but "Club Level." If someone assumes that a product called "Club Level" is going to be the same as an arbitrarily defined industry standard "concierge level," that's their own fault for jumping to conclusions and/or poor reading comprehension.
BS... taken right from the Disney website... using the industry standard terms..
Disney pitches the club level concierge access as 'personalized service' and assistance on topics a Concierge normally helps with. Disney plays it out to be just like a duck.. tries to make it quack like a duck... but it's still a turkey.
Edit: plus, I'm pretty sure Disney used to market it labeled as concierge outright as well. I think the 'club' label came later.. probably again because of the underwhelming execution leading to complaints.
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