Well-Known Member
Has NOTHING to do with temperance and in point of fact WDW on vacation is one of the ONLY places I can drink as I have to be ready to travel on 4 hours notice so that means no alcohol for me most of the year so I actually like the fact that 3 of the 4 parks at WDW sell alcohol.
I'm PO'ed because instead of coming up with something unique and Star Wars themed, Disney chose the cheap and lazy expedient of a booze venue.
The Drunkywood comes from outdoor venues ALWAYS having a overserving problem, It's not like a bar where the barkeep says 'you've had too much I'm cutting you off'.
If you want to see a REAL Drunkytown go to any NASCAR race where about 80% of the fans at any given time are over the limit so to speak.
Yes, I've worked the Daytona infield before. It's "interesting".... So many stretch marks and c-section scars...
And I'm PO'd that every time we discuss alcohol you have to go off about it. Every time..... You've horribly exaggerated it.
And this isn't the lazy route; they had Alcohol served in Ackbar's Snack Bar last year. Operationally, this makes sense. Plus people have screamed for a cantina for years.