A Spirited Perfect Ten


It's interesting that 66 out of 99 restaurants on a holiday weekend is considered a dearth.

When did I ever say it was a dearth? You keep using that term.

Do you even read posts or do you just enjoy being oblivious? Because based on the last few posts I'm guessing it's the latter...


Well-Known Member
When did I ever say it was a dearth? You keep using that term.

Do you even read posts or do you just enjoy being oblivious? Because based on the last few posts I'm guessing it's the latter...
Maybe because of this?

The fact is... MM+/ADRs do facilitate a dearth in availability for dining at WDW. The easiness doing all of your trip from an app and the new aged technology driven guest is enthralled with this notion - hence why a month out - spots are filling up.
Perhaps instead of lashing out you should read your own post.


Well-Known Member
Funny how the Fast Company thread has devolved into pages of discussion over Diet Coke and dozens of "joke" posts. So I'll mention this here as well since that thread seems to be a lost cause.

I thought it was strange how many people thought the article was open to interpretation.

If you go back and look at the post that promoted the article, this is how the article is spun by Fast Company:

Lest you think the article is critical of Disney's corporate culture, it's in fact promoting MM+ as a messy success story.

Small wonder that Disney provided unprecedented access for the article's author.
You should at least tag the author in case he wants to respond.



Maybe because of this?

Perhaps instead of lashing out you should read your own post.
See that's your problem. You connect dots that don't exist.

Where did I ever say that 66/99 tables on a certain day for a certain number of people was a dearth? Hmm? Nowhere.

The system as a whole? Yes - and that's a fact. Any advanced reservation system does that. Dearth = deficiency = deficiency in available tables.

However in the context you used it in, you made it seem like I was calling something that was basically 66% available - a dearth in availability (aka lacking)

Two totally different contexts.

Look, this is going nowhere, as much as I'd love to continue this, I'm not sure it's appropriate anymore.


Premium Member
It's interesting that 66 out of 99 restaurants on a holiday weekend is considered a dearth.
Actually if you back out the number of places that are only available before 5 or after 8 it's probably a lot closer to 50/50. I don't know or really care how we are defining a dearth, but if the places I want to eat in are in the half that aren't available then I can't eat there. It's not like FP+ where I still have the option to wait in the standby line if I choose not to book a FP in advance. If I want to eat at place like O'hana or Chef Mickeys or Be Our Guest I need to book well in advance. That's the system now and I accept it and play along.


Well-Known Member
A while back someone said they were asked to show a screen shot of their fp reservation on their phone When the system had stopped working. How is that acceptable for disney to ask guests to not only book reservations on the site or application, and take a screenshot? That is ludacris And not the fun rappy kind.

I seem to remember prior to the $1b+ NextGen initiative I was never ever asked to take a screenshot or anything for my priority seatings or reservations. Seems to me they spent a lot of money to make things worse?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
More Spirited WDW Live Musings:

Let's start with some positives (there are a few):

The Frozen singalong is new and the storytellers are quite talented (but much like meeting foamheads, I don't go to WDW to sing ... or listen to other non-pros, @Lee excepted, do likewise);

To walk into the park that will always be The Disney-MGM Studios to me and not see that hideous toon hat blocking the view of the Chinese Theater is amazing. Even though it was promised to Bob Weis years ago when he came back to lead the DCA makeover effort, it took way too long to restore the park to its rightful look;

The Boathouse looks like a nice new addition to WDW's dining scene (no, didn't eat there ... when someone wants to buy me dinner, then I'll try it ... until then I'll go to Portobello -- truly one of the best-kept secrets of WDW dining where today three of us saved almost $33 between three free desserts as park of an April Levy's promo and a 20% AP discount).

Trader Sam's Grog Grotto is decent enough, but way too many CMs hanging out (was quoted a two hour wait time at 4 p.m. on a rainy Monday that turned out to be 55 minutes). The drinks are also flat out Disney/O-Town specials ... meaning they don't have the potency of their west coast counterparts. I was so happy that I didn't see any bloggers/podcasters or Lifestylers there.

The Poly lobby really isn't THAT bad. Yes, you heard me. No, I don't like the fact they removed the fountain and tropical foliage, BUT it isn't nearly as bad as some fanbois make it out to be ... the Hub, that is awful. This isn't.

Some of the redo looks great, as far as the DVC studio rooms. Very, very nice.

Contempo Cafe is still a great place for a QS meal at fair prices with quality offerings. I think @WDWFigment would agree if he's still around.

Studios were wonderful tonight as the weather turned a seasonal 67 after a rainy, ugly day and I got to STEAL two hours of EMH in which I rode ToT once (sound problems were gone), RnRC twice, TSMM once and saw Fantasmic (again, show looked much better than I've seen the last 2-3 years) and looked around the Animation Gallery and took pics of the Theater with no BAH blocking it.

Oh, I also flat out stole soda (just so my PML pals can judge my worth as a moral member of the species based on a very important metric as we all know Jesus wouldn't steal Coke!) at Sunshine Seasons the other day. I thought $4.25 for a tiny (but tasty) apple crunch cake should come with a pair of Cokes ... so, I just got them. I am about as sorry for it as any Disney P&R exec over the last 15 years has been for any decision that resulted in screwing Guests and/or Cast.

Now ... what my PML pals read this for, namely the bad, the ugly, the crazy:

Those Bora Bora Bungalows are No-ra, No-ra Way Bungalows for me. They are as misplaced and misguided as can be. They sit over swamp grass and freshwater fish and some trash too. I don't at all get their appeal.

I can't be negative enough about the Hub. It is horrendous. It ruins sightlines from 1971 with poorly thought out planning. It will be an oven about 7-8 months a year. Oh, and it does nothing to aid congestion in its current (albeit incomplete) form.

WDW desperately needs new nighttime entertainment. Thankfully, we'll get some starting in a year.

Disney is so out of touch with its product and what it should be. So, WDW continues to have trees removed, and sprawl added. A friend said the trees along I-4 were removed because TDO wanted ''curb appeal'' for its newly remodeled (likely not finished before fall of 2016, for those playing at home, as this isn't a UNI project) Lifestyle center. Just add no berms and lots of asphalt to Walt's dream of WDW ... as he said once ''We have enough land here for all the timeshares we can possibly imagine.''

BTW, if you think DVC is slowing down at WDW, you're insane. More deluxe room inventory will be converted and then Disney will move over to the moderates. Again, if you think this is a good thing for WDW, then, yes, I believe you are insane.

I have no idea if this will happen (and perhaps @jakeman can tag @AustinC -- who likely accomplished what he set out to here and is gone -- since I have no idea how to do this simple function ... amazing what one learns as a WDW CPer, am I right?), but one idea that has been tossed around WDW of late is giving all resort Guests an extra FP selection every day (at first, the thought was just deluxe and DVC, but last I heard it was discussed as an all in deal). Just another way to turn WDW into a class stratified resort.

CMs have been a mixed bag and I find the least happiest to always be at MK. Shocking, I know. One crowd control dude came very close to having me insert his large green traffic light into his rectum by being nasty to me about having to move because he wanted to squeeze as many bodies into the Hub (the old part) for Celebrate the MAGIC Sunday night.

EPCOT AC is lacking in spots, but not nearly as bad as MK (I can only imagine the mold damage being done by being a bunch of cheap bastards) ... but Studios park has it working well in attractions and dining as well as shops.

I can't tell you how excited I am that TSSTFBKaDD has two flip-flop shops and an Art of Shaving location. Cutting edge stuff.

Keep hearing that Disney is going to operate locations in Disney Springs, but I don't believe it. They've spent the last two decades getting away from that.

Is there a more misplaced dining locale than Chef Mickey's? No. There isn't.

You should have seen the Ghetto Tram doing runs in the Studios parking lot ... people had peeled away layers that looked to date back the the 70s or early 80s. Maybe Danny Cockerell should get out there and work on fixing them.

Thanks to those lovely ladies at the China pavilion who gave me some 'extra' food because I love their country and us having a nice conversation about everything from HKDL to SDL to favorite places to eat in HK to the MTR. That snack turned into dinner for less than Wendy's would have cost and was tasty!

Should I compare the Guests I saw at the Royal Pacific to the Guests I saw at the Poly or do we all know where that will head? Because, of course, you can't judge trash by its appearance.

Speaking of which, I have never heard so many obscenities spoken/yelled at WDW then I have of late. Two nights have ended with screaming matches between spouses/significant others at the top of their lungs with f-bombs aflying.

So, I cross the entire da mn MK to get a Dole Whip only to find out that they no longer swirl it with Vanilla soft serve (Guess it cost too much!) Well, I find Dole Whip sans vanilla to be way too tart for my tastes. Should have just had a sundae on MSUSA. Or brought in some rum ...

Sure seems like Disney is testing out some Iron Man Experience like footage out in Anaheim.

Sure, that new Peter Pan queue is wonderful. And you can expect it in some form in SDL (except for folks who simply will never go and resent me talking about the park, which they should take up with Robert A. Iger as he seems to feel it's the most important park move for TWDC this century). ... But it sure makes the ride look even more dated, more cheap and more neglected. Again, do they have a clue what they are doing?

No. They don't.

Going back to MM+ and something important to think about ... but it was supposed to make sure Guests hit that MAGICal nine attractions/spectaculars/character interactions so Disney could do away with EMH. That was always in the plan. It was factored in as a labor savings. Funny, but last I heard, EMH will be around for 'likely years to come' ... yet another way it has failed spectacularly. Not that you'll read that story.

I'm still not quite sure why Studios decided at 3 p.m. on Sunday to extend hours from 8 close to 9:30 close and add a 10 p.m. showing of Fantasmic. Park was not busy. Everything was what I term a 'virtual walk-on' (meaning waits listed at 20 minutes or less) except for 80 minutes for TSMM, which was likely close to twice what it really was.

What is the deal with what looks like LP vinyl albums (yeah, like records) of soundtracks of Frozen, Lion King, Cinderella, Little Mermaid and one or two others for sale now? What do you play these on? Does anyone make record players in the 21st century? Does anyone know what they even are?

I'd like to go on ... but that should help give you things to talk about. But I'd rather be in Germany ... or in China ... or on a cruise right now ... too bad I had to settle for WDW, but it is incredibly cheap for moi.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Well good for you. You should have some nice gains by now. You should send Mr. Iger a nice thank you note.;):greedy::greedy: I'm just giving you a hard time.

I just found it funny that you would own any DIS stock today at all based on the level of negativity you have towards the company. I would have assumed you would have shorted the stock based on your predictions of doom. Or at least sell the shares today and buy them back in a few years when the stock tanks.
or maybe he thinks that disney could do even more if they stopped goofing around with the parks?
(which seems to be the most stable and constant source of income for the Walt Disney Company)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And I'm sure Disney planned it just to make your life miserable. The whole topic is ridiculous, it's just that you are only choosing to see one side of it. I understand the frustration and the reality. Maybe you should try looking at it from the other side. You are an IT guy, does nothing ever happen that was unexpected in your world? Or is it just too much fun to blame a mega-corporation for anything and everything?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I think you guys are actually agreeing. If you go back to the original post you quoted, @spacemt354 said it's changing times and guest characteristics that are driving what spirit described, he wasn't blaming FP+ or current management.

While I do see your point on the lack of availability from FP+ being a bit overblown, the ADR thing is still an issue IMHO. It doesn't bother me that much since I just join the masses and book my ADRs in advance, but I can see why locals would be more upset by it since they can't get a walk up table as easily at a lot of places. I remember going to WDW 20 years ago and just going to whatever restaurant we happened to be near for dinner. It is what it is now and I don't lose sleep over it.
I wonder if Disney is offering 100% of the capacity(as reservations) on most of the restaurants (like someone reported in BOG)
Id honestly would have preferred a 75% approach.
Can you imagine if you're stuck midpark and the monorail went down and you cant get to your reservation on the other side of WDW and there was nothing open at the sitdowns restaurants in the park you were in?
no luck imho!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Actually if you back out the number of places that are only available before 5 or after 8 it's probably a lot closer to 50/50. I don't know or really care how we are defining a dearth, but if the places I want to eat in are in the half that aren't available then I can't eat there. It's not like FP+ where I still have the option to wait in the standby line if I choose not to book a FP in advance. If I want to eat at place like O'hana or Chef Mickeys or Be Our Guest I need to book well in advance. That's the system now and I accept it and play along.
I honestly had a very bad adventure when reserved at Ohana. :(


Well-Known Member
More Spirited WDW Live Musings:

Let's start with some positives (there are a few):

The Frozen singalong is new and the storytellers are quite talented (but much like meeting foamheads, I don't go to WDW to sing ... or listen to other non-pros, @Lee excepted, do likewise);

To walk into the park that will always be The Disney-MGM Studios to me and not see that hideous toon hat blocking the view of the Chinese Theater is amazing. Even though it was promised to Bob Weis years ago when he came back to lead the DCA makeover effort, it took way too long to restore the park to its rightful look;

The Boathouse looks like a nice new addition to WDW's dining scene (no, didn't eat there ... when someone wants to buy me dinner, then I'll try it ... until then I'll go to Portobello -- truly one of the best-kept secrets of WDW dining where today three of us saved almost $33 between three free desserts as park of an April Levy's promo and a 20% AP discount).

Trader Sam's Grog Grotto is decent enough, but way too many CMs hanging out (was quoted a two hour wait time at 4 p.m. on a rainy Monday that turned out to be 55 minutes). The drinks are also flat out Disney/O-Town specials ... meaning they don't have the potency of their west coast counterparts. I was so happy that I didn't see any bloggers/podcasters or Lifestylers there.

The Poly lobby really isn't THAT bad. Yes, you heard me. No, I don't like the fact they removed the fountain and tropical foliage, BUT it isn't nearly as bad as some fanbois make it out to be ... the Hub, that is awful. This isn't.

Some of the redo looks great, as far as the DVC studio rooms. Very, very nice.

Contempo Cafe is still a great place for a QS meal at fair prices with quality offerings. I think @WDWFigment would agree if he's still around.

Studios were wonderful tonight as the weather turned a seasonal 67 after a rainy, ugly day and I got to STEAL two hours of EMH in which I rode ToT once (sound problems were gone), RnRC twice, TSMM once and saw Fantasmic (again, show looked much better than I've seen the last 2-3 years) and looked around the Animation Gallery and took pics of the Theater with no BAH blocking it.

Oh, I also flat out stole soda (just so my PML pals can judge my worth as a moral member of the species based on a very important metric as we all know Jesus wouldn't steal Coke!) at Sunshine Seasons the other day. I thought $4.25 for a tiny (but tasty) apple crunch cake should come with a pair of Cokes ... so, I just got them. I am about as sorry for it as any Disney P&R exec over the last 15 years has been for any decision that resulted in screwing Guests and/or Cast.

Now ... what my PML pals read this for, namely the bad, the ugly, the crazy:

Those Bora Bora Bungalows are No-ra, No-ra Way Bungalows for me. They are as misplaced and misguided as can be. They sit over swamp grass and freshwater fish and some trash too. I don't at all get their appeal.

I can't be negative enough about the Hub. It is horrendous. It ruins sightlines from 1971 with poorly thought out planning. It will be an oven about 7-8 months a year. Oh, and it does nothing to aid congestion in its current (albeit incomplete) form.

WDW desperately needs new nighttime entertainment. Thankfully, we'll get some starting in a year.

Disney is so out of touch with its product and what it should be. So, WDW continues to have trees removed, and sprawl added. A friend said the trees along I-4 were removed because TDO wanted ''curb appeal'' for its newly remodeled (likely not finished before fall of 2016, for those playing at home, as this isn't a UNI project) Lifestyle center. Just add no berms and lots of asphalt to Walt's dream of WDW ... as he said once ''We have enough land here for all the timeshares we can possibly imagine.''

BTW, if you think DVC is slowing down at WDW, you're insane. More deluxe room inventory will be converted and then Disney will move over to the moderates. Again, if you think this is a good thing for WDW, then, yes, I believe you are insane.

I have no idea if this will happen (and perhaps @jakeman can tag @AustinC -- who likely accomplished what he set out to here and is gone -- since I have no idea how to do this simple function ... amazing what one learns as a WDW CPer, am I right?), but one idea that has been tossed around WDW of late is giving all resort Guests an extra FP selection every day (at first, the thought was just deluxe and DVC, but last I heard it was discussed as an all in deal). Just another way to turn WDW into a class stratified resort.

CMs have been a mixed bag and I find the least happiest to always be at MK. Shocking, I know. One crowd control dude came very close to having me insert his large green traffic light into his rectum by being nasty to me about having to move because he wanted to squeeze as many bodies into the Hub (the old part) for Celebrate the MAGIC Sunday night.

EPCOT AC is lacking in spots, but not nearly as bad as MK (I can only imagine the mold damage being done by being a bunch of cheap bastards) ... but Studios park has it working well in attractions and dining as well as shops.

I can't tell you how excited I am that TSSTFBKaDD has two flip-flop shops and an Art of Shaving location. Cutting edge stuff.

Keep hearing that Disney is going to operate locations in Disney Springs, but I don't believe it. They've spent the last two decades getting away from that.

Is there a more misplaced dining locale than Chef Mickey's? No. There isn't.

You should have seen the Ghetto Tram doing runs in the Studios parking lot ... people had peeled away layers that looked to date back the the 70s or early 80s. Maybe Danny Cockerell should get out there and work on fixing them.

Thanks to those lovely ladies at the China pavilion who gave me some 'extra' food because I love their country and us having a nice conversation about everything from HKDL to SDL to favorite places to eat in HK to the MTR. That snack turned into dinner for less than Wendy's would have cost and was tasty!

Should I compare the Guests I saw at the Royal Pacific to the Guests I saw at the Poly or do we all know where that will head? Because, of course, you can't judge trash by its appearance.

Speaking of which, I have never heard so many obscenities spoken/yelled at WDW then I have of late. Two nights have ended with screaming matches between spouses/significant others at the top of their lungs with f-bombs aflying.

So, I cross the entire da mn MK to get a Dole Whip only to find out that they no longer swirl it with Vanilla soft serve (Guess it cost too much!) Well, I find Dole Whip sans vanilla to be way too tart for my tastes. Should have just had a sundae on MSUSA. Or brought in some rum ...

Sure seems like Disney is testing out some Iron Man Experience like footage out in Anaheim.

Sure, that new Peter Pan queue is wonderful. And you can expect it in some form in SDL (except for folks who simply will never go and resent me talking about the park, which they should take up with Robert A. Iger as he seems to feel it's the most important park move for TWDC this century). ... But it sure makes the ride look even more dated, more cheap and more neglected. Again, do they have a clue what they are doing?

No. They don't.

Going back to MM+ and something important to think about ... but it was supposed to make sure Guests hit that MAGICal nine attractions/spectaculars/character interactions so Disney could do away with EMH. That was always in the plan. It was factored in as a labor savings. Funny, but last I heard, EMH will be around for 'likely years to come' ... yet another way it has failed spectacularly. Not that you'll read that story.

I'm still not quite sure why Studios decided at 3 p.m. on Sunday to extend hours from 8 close to 9:30 close and add a 10 p.m. showing of Fantasmic. Park was not busy. Everything was what I term a 'virtual walk-on' (meaning waits listed at 20 minutes or less) except for 80 minutes for TSMM, which was likely close to twice what it really was.

What is the deal with what looks like LP vinyl albums (yeah, like records) of soundtracks of Frozen, Lion King, Cinderella, Little Mermaid and one or two others for sale now? What do you play these on? Does anyone make record players in the 21st century? Does anyone know what they even are?

I'd like to go on ... but that should help give you things to talk about. But I'd rather be in Germany ... or in China ... or on a cruise right now ... too bad I had to settle for WDW, but it is incredibly cheap for moi.

Well vinyl is making a resurgence. It's a niche market but there's growth in it.

Also Saturday was Record Store Day.

Me, I snagged the 1968 Pressing of the Tiki Room/jungle cruise album w/11 page photo insert, from Disneyland Records. Grabbed it for a friend.


Well-Known Member
WDW1974 said:
one idea that has been tossed around WDW of late is giving all resort Guests an extra FP selection every day (at first, the thought was just deluxe and DVC, but last I heard it was discussed as an all in deal). Just another way to turn WDW into a class stratified resort.

Well, if they don't add the extra FP+ to Tier 1 attractions in the tiered parks, it will have absolutely damn all difference. I've all but given up using Fastpass when I go to Epcot or Hollywood Studios... why commit yourself to a schedule 30 days in advance that doesn't offer you any tangible benefit? In most cases, I'd genuinely rather queue for 30 minutes or so than run around following some stupid plan that's stored on an app that doesn't work (the latest stupid bug I've noticed: fastpasses beyond a certain time (I think it's the time of midnight in the country I'm in) show up as being for the next day, and are unmodifiable using the Android app... and this project cost how much again!?). Better to try and park hop these places with Magic Kingdom or Animal Kingdom and "spend" the FPs there.

I really don't like the way things are going though as far as DVC properties go. Thank goodness for the Swan and Dolphin, I guess... they'll be delighted too since I guess before long they'll be the only game in town, giving them an excuse to pump up their prices. Even if they do only give you about 67.4% of the on-site benefits (that stupid BOG Lunch OnSiteOnly FP+ test was a sore point).

WDW1974 said:
CMs have been a mixed bag and I find the least happiest to always be at MK. Shocking, I know.
I think it ties in nicely with your hub commentary... I was pretty distressed with what I saw of its progress when I was last there. The problem is that WDW falls back so heavily on the Magic Kingdom that they aren't able to bring themselves to suspend attractions, or just let guests face the fact that not everyone will get the best view of Wishes. There's a sort of industrial-like drive to "increase the number of guests that have magical experiences", even if the magical experience per-guest is whittled away.

That said, I'm looking forward to trying a "late night" 2AM EMH at the MK along with a BOG dinner reservation in a couple of weeks that I will by then have been waiting 180 days for. I'm hoping that might rekindle some of the experience I had at HKDL, which (both at the time and with hindsight) has shot to the very top of my favourite 'Disneyland' parks.


Well-Known Member
One does not speak of the unspeakable horrors of this world… so pretty please, with sugar on top, it never happened.

I enjoyed revenge of the sith and still think it's a fun movie.
I likes Aotc when I first saw it but thinks it's terrible now.
I hated phantom when I first saw it and can appreciate it now watching it with my 3 year old girls. They love Star Wars. However, I don't think I can just watch phantom and enjoy it by myself.

That was my views on the prequels.

Have nothing against Lucas though. I still respect him very much, it was just time to let a new generation play with bringing his story of star war
He doesn't have any input on the upcoming sequels and spin offs as far as I know. I even believe he had a treatment for 7 but it was dismissed. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.

Correct, he has no input on the creative process when creating the new films.
However....are they using the Lucas story treatment to create the screenplays for the new films?

Would seem odd that Disney completely scratched the Lucas story treatment and then in one month came up with a completely new story.

We will see when the movie comes out if George Lucas gets a story by credit for 7,8,9.
Not for the spinoffs, he will get a based on characters credit.


Well-Known Member
@WDW1974, my biggest objection to the Poly Lobby is the orange padded benches, I think they look awful. I know Imagineers hate putting benches like this in place and in this case I agree. I would much rather see benches made out of rock akin to those in Adventureland across from the terraceless Sunshine Tree Terrace.


Well-Known Member
Well vinyl is making a resurgence. It's a niche market but there's growth in it.

Also Saturday was Record Store Day.

Me, I snagged the 1968 Pressing of the Tiki Room/jungle cruise album w/11 page photo insert, from Disneyland Records. Grabbed it for a friend.

I've been picking up those attraction LPs when I see them at flea markets and such. I'm hoping to score a Haunted Mansion one. Of course I could just go happily shop on eBay, but that wouldn't be as fun.

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