A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
The aa that was featured in that d23 video a few years ago.

Maybe it was all the hype of the thing and seeing it and I was just underwhelmed.

That was only an animatronic exhibit with only the hatbox ghosts face on it..not the one they are likely to use (the physique of it doesn't match that of even the teaser pic they posted).

I could be wrong, but I think what they use will be vastly different.


Well-Known Member
I agree. The "concept art" (and I use that term loosely) that they released with the announcement does not seem to very closely resemble the figure at D23 with regards to posture and bodily proportions. With all the lore and fan-devotion surrounding 'Ole Hatty, I highly doubt that they would depart from the original design.


Well-Known Member
For argument sake, what if I gave you a name from the HuffPo or maybe even a lawyer's name who represents Snyder? What would you say then? I know ... you'd say they are biased and can't be trusted and you'd still go with what is in your head. I'd have burned a source who is a good and decent human being and ethical journalist simply to make some stranger who doesn't like my world or World views feel better. You can see why no sane person would do that, right?

So you stick with what feels good to you: namely an erroneous belief that Willow Bay or Willow Iger or whatever she calls herself depending on the day had nothing to do with this censoring. Now, I know it as fact. But I also know some people here don't believe me. That's fine, but it changes nothing. You/they are simply mistaken.

Oh, and she doesn't have ultimate authority at the HuffPo. She has the power to do what she did. To this day, Arianna Huffington still has the ultimate power ... and she and Willow are close friends.

Thanks Spirit, for doing what you do so well - that is, erecting a straw man and then knocking it down. That talent is second only to your talent for smearing and maligning people who aren't here to defend themselves. And you do so in a way that is so malignant that the management of this site asked us not to discuss it with specificity since this is a family-friendly place. Since I respect their wishes, I won't specify the topic, unlike you.

As you well know, I didn't ask you for your source, ergo your straw man. And obviously, you're not so prescient to know what I would think or what I would do should you offer up your source.

So my original post stands, true then, true now: "The idea that Mrs. Iger had the article pulled is an unsourced unattributed allegation at this point."

For the 99% here who don't have your inside connections, to accept the allegation as fact would simply be intellectual laziness - the sort of laziness that led to the hilarity of a few days ago when you led the uncritical charge to believe that someone was wandering around Orlando theme parks with a Bengal tiger.

My sincere thanks by the way, for confirming the other part of my post that Willow Bay didn't have the ultimate authority to remove Gary Snyder's article.
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Premium Member
As you well know, I didn't ask you for your source, ergo your straw man. And obviously, you're not so prescient to know what I would think or what I would do should you offer up your source.

So my original post stands, true then, true now: "The idea that Mrs. Iger had the article pulled is an unsourced unattributed allegation at this point."

I'm curious... How does one move something from an "unsourced unattributed allegation" to something you'd accept as credible without citation or naming a source you'd accept?

Are you holding out for a secret recording of a phone conversation?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I agree. The "concept art" (and I use that term loosely) that they released with the announcement does not seem to very closely resemble the figure at D23 with regards to posture and bodily proportions. With all the lore and fan-devotion surrounding 'Ole Hatty, I highly doubt that they would depart from the original design.

I sure hope so. Remember what TDO did with the bride in the attic - she looks completely out of place in the Mansion because she doesn't match the character designs of the other ghosts. She looks too realistic. And not that scary or convincing if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
I don't care much for Connie, either. The fundamental flaw there was forgetting that providing explicit details can actually detract from the effect they're going for. In addition to a noticeably different tone, Connie's story leaves nothing to the imagination, which is a shame because as the longforgotten blog has taught me, the mystery is far more intriguing and engaging.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Probably won't be long. It's been in the works for years.
The best Haunted Mansion gets better. I wonder, when the time comes will Disney say it's a "gift" from Disneyland for the 60th like what they did for all those additions from the 50th (those were good times........)?
I would think soon because HM seems to be the only attraction Phil (no refurbs) Holmes gives a crap about.
I think HoP too if I'm not mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Alright Daredevil:TV series is the best thing Marvel has put out. Puts S.H.I.E.L.D and Agent Carter to shame.
I've only watched the first three eps, but yes, it's very good. Nice and dark and (surprisingly) violent for Marvel. Love the setting and the tangential connection to the MCU. Looking forward to watching more this weekend, but... still a big SHIELD fan; it's really hitting its stride of late.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Now that it is officially confirmed that the hatbox ghost is returning to the haunted mansion in disneyland, when do you expect it to get added to the haunted mansion in the magic kingdom.

Not sure. But it's purely a fanboi deal.

The Haunted Mansion is a great attraction in Anaheim and in O-Town without him. It's one of those deals where something small is given more importance by folks in the fan community (see: #CultofCitrus for an example).


Well-Known Member
I'm curious... How does one move something from an "unsourced unattributed allegation" to something you'd accept as credible without citation or naming a source you'd accept?

Are you holding out for a secret recording of a phone conversation?

I'm not holding out for anything. I didn't even ask for proof. I'm calling the allegation exactly what it is at this point.

It comes down to a decision each reader has to make. I've just been an internet skeptic for 25 years and will remain so.

For example - I don't believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya, I don't believe that FDR knew in advance that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor and I do believe that Neal Armstrong and eleven other men walked on the moon (although my sainted Grandmother argued against me on that 'til the day she died).

Flynnibus - you asked a fair question and I'm not trying to be a smarta $ $ with you. My point is there are countless numbers of people who would disagree with me on these points simply because they read it or heard it on the internet.

I referenced the Bengal tiger thing for a reason. I read it, thought it was ridiculous, and did something quite old school - I called the Central Florida Zoo for confirmation - which they didn't give me.

What proof would I accept? A peep from the censored author would go a long way. But we are told we are far too plebeian to understand the ways of Mr. Snyder and his ilk. More to come on what his ilk is exactly if I feel like posting it.

Who among us here would remain silent if we had been censored by the CEO of a Fortune 100 company? Easy answer - no one. If the "Disney CEO fumbles his way into China" was a firecracker on Iger's front yard, then censorship by his wife would be a hand grenade in his crotch. Totally iresistable.

Mr. Peabody

Well-Known Member
Spirited Late Night Quickee:

Oh, c'mon, y'all know you want one ... and I'm in position to deliver. And since I just was confirmed this ... well, why not put it out.

Fulton's will be closing soon at TSFkaDD. Now, please don't tell a certain Empress because he'll get all up in there as the kids used to say in like 2011.

As I was told, Levy's restaurants will still operate a location out of the one-time vessel named for Walt Disney's wife, Lilian. It will be a new concept and a nautical one.

I don't have a timeline on its closing or when its replacement might debut. Its closure is likely due to multiple factors, including all the new locations opening up.

While it in no way had the class of the Empress Lilly, I will miss it as it was one of my favorite on-property lunch locales. And even though I lost my taste for lobster (my childhood favorite food) about the time I ended college, I always appreciated that -- say unlike The Coral Reef -- this was a seafood restaurant that served lobster and not a pork chop. It had what I felt was the best burger on WDW property the last 15 years -- and it was once a phenomenal deal at $9.99 with a side before a 20% AP discount. It now is something like $17.99 or typical Disney pricing, but still just as good and still with that discount.

(On a side note, I'm thinking of being like a Lifestyler and asking for donations from my fans, so I can eat a $49 steak with $21 mushrooms and $21 asparagus and $10 dessert at The Boathouse on my next visit ...if the whores can get freebies, why shouldn't a Faux Top One Percenter?)
It would be nice if they restored the paddle wheel and smokestacks. You know, to make it actually look like a riverboat again. Or is that asking too much?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks Spurt, for doing what you do so well - that is, erecting a straw man and then knocking it down. That talent is second only to your talent for smearing and maligning people who aren't here to defend themselves. And you do so in a way that is so malignant that the management of this site asked us not to discuss it with specificity since this is a family-friendly place. Since I respect their wishes, I won't specify the topic, unlike you.

As you well know, I didn't ask you for your source, ergo your straw man. And obviously, you're not so prescient to know what I would think or what I would do should you offer up your source.

Shall I call you a monkey, if we're going to go with disparaging nicknames and all?

I asked you very simply what it would it take to make you believe what I know to be true by placing out a 'what if?' So, go place your strawman off with your tinfoil hat collection and 'I hate the Spirit' tee collection.
You really are worried about me smearing Bob Iger and/or his wife? Boy, that's beyond laughable. Why don't you contact them about it if it bothers you so much. Tell them that some anonymous person on an Internet fan forum is saying bad things about them. Yeah ... I can hear the laughter from here (not that you'd be able to get them, I'm talking about their fourth level assistants!)

And malignant? You been looking at your word of the day?

I can only wonder if this site isn't an appropriate forum to discuss the folks at the highest levels of The Walt Disney Company and their choices, their decisions, their leadership abilities or lack thereof, then where? Maybe I should stop ripping Jeff Smisek on Flyer Talk because how can the man (head of United Airlines for those who don't know and quite vile) defend himself there ... maybe I should rip him here as well as the good folks who run the wonderfully corrupt Home Depot?

No, you didn't ask for my source, but you asked for proof. The only way I can offer it, indeed the only way I can offer it in 98% of cases here, is by naming names. I don't think you're an idiot, maybe unpleasant but not an idiot. I can't place it out here and you know it, but it doesn't make the facts any different. You just don't have confirmation. And, again, if I gave you a name or names here, all you'd do is say they have agendas, they hate Iger and they can't be believed. Not that I ever would.

So my original post stands, true then, true now: "The idea that Mrs. Iger had the article pulled is an unsourced unattributed allegation at this point."

No, that statement is false. It's only true for you and those who choose to not believe me. It does NOT change a d@mn thing.

For the 99% here who don't have your inside connections, to accept the allegation as fact would simply be intellectual laziness - the sort of laziness that led to the hilarity of a few days ago when you led the uncritical charge to believe that someone was wandering around Orlando theme parks with a Bengal tiger.

You are a flat out liar here. Anyone who wants to can go read the few posts I dropped on that thread. It was something someone else posted and many commented on. I questioned how it could possibly be true as it sounded absurd but did say that I could, sadly, see anything being true at WDW. But, it didn't come from me, and I led no such charge.

You are actually guilty of intellectual laziness here yourself. I put out what I know to be true. I put out information to back it up and make people understand why it is very plausible. And I let people draw their own conclusions.

You want absolute proof in your hands. You want official statements from Disney, Iger, the HuffPo, the author, the Chinese leadership etc...when you know none will be forthcoming. And you'd simply take those official statements as what? Fact or would you say they're just another opinion like that Spirit guy on the Internet?

It all comes down to you believing what you choose to, what makes you feel warm at night, what fits your world view. I'm OK with that. I wonder why you'd waste your time reading and responding to anything on this thread when you know most of what is here won't make you a happy creature. But you do ...you just can't quit me, I guess.

My sincere thanks by the way, for confirming the other part of my post that Willow Bay didn't have the ultimate authority to remove Gary Snyder's article.

I am just stating facts. You apparently liked that one because it fit your narrative here. See, I don't go through life picking and choosing what facts I'll accept and what ones I won't. It likely makes me far angrier than you, but it also likely makes me far better-informed.
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