A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm simply going to state a few things and then I'm going to suggest that this really isn't the venue to discuss child molestation. If you believe it is, please start another thread. Maybe I'll join, but I doubt it.

To my friend @jakeman, let me simply say that if I was aware directly of any improprieties involving children (and not simply with Disney employees) that you can rest assured that I have reported what I know and/or what I suspect to the proper authorities. Period. End of story. That's the beginning, the middle and the end. The end of you trying to use it to paint me in a negative light. That's it.

I know you are not the most sophisticated poster we have here, but this is a MAJOR issue in Hollywood and the entertainment business. And, in most cases, it absolutely is real before you jump to the 'someone trying to make a buck off a rich person' line of dismissing victims. Again, you don't have to believe it for it to be reality. It is.

This is something that has been discussed, debated and reported for generations now (have you read any of the books by former child stars?)

There are many online resources available for victims and their families and anyone impacted. This would not be one of them. And that includes any comments made, both sarcastic and true. Whether you realize it or not, when you interject this line of 'harboring known criminals' in an entirely inappropriate place you actually work to trivialize and further damage victims of real crimes. That's what you do.

And I really think it's vile that your best way of trying to silence my voice in this forum (pulling an Iger, we'll call it) is to change the narrative from talk of Disney directly to discussing me again. This has been the same pathetic attempt to redirect the spotlight anywhere but, apparently, where people like to read here. God knows, these Spirited threads interest no one and draw no eyeballs.

In 10 threads, have we hit the 10 million click count yet? Clicks on threads that were specifically designed so that people who have trouble with my writing voice, style and the meat of the threads could simply stay out and go safely to another channel (or hide in the PML). Odd that these threads are so popular, most especially with people like you who can't stand me, ain't it?

(Enter now the discussion about how narcissistic I am for stating a fact about the popularity of these threads ... Now, since you won't understand that sarcasm again, start your own thread. It's easy enough. Maybe you'll find an eager audience that wants to read what you have to say. Who knows? Anything's possible!)
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Andrew C

You know what's funny?
No obligation

Really? No obligation to report child abuse.

I guess no obligation to report rape? Or no obligation to report murder?

Is this the kind of society you want to be a part of? Don't speak up about something horrible because you are not obligated to?

If you have real evidence you report it. If you have no evidence, you keep your mouth shut and stop spreading BS....no matter who you are or who you think you are.


Well-Known Member
Cheesesteaks, armchair Imagineering, Wawa, and now what did Spirit know about sexual abuse allegations and when did he know it?

(So helpful for the guys to post chapter and verse from past discussions like this is research for a dissertation on Shakespeare.)

Guess no one remembers the days of discussing the Singer and Godard accusations. Some folks here act like they've never heard of the casting couch. Creatives and sexual improprieties? Shocking, I know.


Well-Known Member
I'm simply going to state a few things and then I'm going to suggest that this really isn't the venue to discuss child molestation. If you believe it is, please start another thread. Maybe I'll join, but I doubt it.

To my friend @jakeman, let me simply say that if I was aware directly of any improprieties involving children (and not simply with Disney employees) that you can rest assured that I have reported what I know and/or what I suspect to the proper authorities. Period. End of story. That's the beginning, the middle and the end. The end of you trying to use it to paint me in a negative light. That's it.

I know you are not the most sophisticated poster we have here, but this is a MAJOR issue in Hollywood and the entertainment business. And, in most cases, it absolutely is real before you jump to the 'someone trying to make a buck off a rich person' line of dismissing victims. Again, you don't have to believe it for it to be reality. It is.

This is something that has been discussed, debated and reported for generations now (have you read any of the books by former child stars?)

There are many online resources available for victims and their families and anyone impacted. This would not be one of them. And that includes any comments made, both sarcastic and true. Whether you realize it or not, when you interject this line of 'harboring known criminals' in an entirely inappropriate place you actually work to trivialize and further damage victims of real crimes. That's what you do.

And I really think it's vile that your best way of trying to silence my voice in this forum (pulling an Iger, we'll call it) is to change the narrative from talk of Disney directly to discussing me again. This has been the same pathetic attempt to redirect the spotlight anywhere but, apparently, where people like to read here. God knows, these Spirited threads interest no one and draw no eyeballs.

In 10 threads, have we hit the 10 million click count yet? Clicks on threads that we're specifically designed so that people who have trouble with my writing voice, style and the meat of the threads could simply stay out and go safely to another channel (or hide in the PML). Odd that these threads are so popular, most especially with people like you who can't stand me, ain't it?

(Enter now the discussion about how narcissistic I am for stating a fact about the popularity of these threads ... Now, since you won't understand that sarcasm again, start your own thread. It's easy enough. Maybe you'll find an eager audience that wants to read what you have to say. Who knows? Anything's possible!)
You're putting a lot of words in my mouth and jumping to conclusions that haven't been supported by my very simple posting style asking for follow up on accusations you have very clearly made. You answered my question in the second paragraph, thank you.

If this isn't the venue to discuss child molestation, then maybe you should stop making a joke of it as you have in your multiple post over the years?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You're putting a lot of words in my mouth and jumping to conclusions that haven't been supported by my very simple posting style asking for follow up on accusations you have very clearly made. You answered my question in the second paragraph, thank you.

If this isn't the venue to discuss child molestation, then maybe you should stop making a joke of it as you have in your multiple post over the years?

Jake, I've never made a joke about child abuse. Again, stop with your campaign (maybe you can take some of your friends with you since I have no idea why any sane person would waste so much of their life reading and following some voice from the Internet that they can't stand ... that is the very definition of a no-lifer!)

Me talking about Imagineer-Fanboi hookups isn't condoning or joking about sexual abuse. Most fanbois are over the age of 17 after all. And, yes, that behavior happens all the time. It started in the days of Walt and hasn't stopped.


Premium Member
Can we please put an end to abuse allegations in any context. This thread, and indeed website, is not a suitable forum to discuss this. If any of wish to have those conversations, please do it elsewhere.

Any further posts about this will be deleted and warning points given, which will ultimately lead to bans.

phillip sugarman

Well-Known Member
Has there been any news on what is going on with Innoventions West in Epcot or anything theme park related? It seems like the past couple of weeks have been very slow in terms of new information.


Well-Known Member
Has there been any news on what is going on with Innoventions West in Epcot or anything theme park related? It seems like the past couple of weeks have been very slow in terms of new information.

Guests told Tom Staggs they felt they could be more spontaneous if there was less choice, so he looked around for something to close as they hadn't shut anything for a few months and picked Innoventions.

Disney closing something almost never means there are immediate plans to replace it, it just lets them save some cash on operating costs while simultaneously helping to reduce the stress of choice on guests.


Well-Known Member
This is really not a conversation for this thread, so I'll say this and let it go.

Some things are said which are aimed at a particular audience. Not accusations, but more of an inside joke that certain individuals who read these threads will get, and enjoy.

Like I said, don't read too much into comments tossed onto a message board.

Moving on to better discussions...

*edited after reading Steve's request
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Well-Known Member
I'm simply going to state a few things and then I'm going to suggest that this really isn't the venue to discuss child molestation. If you believe it is, please start another thread. Maybe I'll join, but I doubt it.

To my friend @jakeman, let me simply say that if I was aware directly of any improprieties involving children (and not simply with Disney employees) that you can rest assured that I have reported what I know and/or what I suspect to the proper authorities. Period. End of story. That's the beginning, the middle and the end. The end of you trying to use it to paint me in a negative light. That's it.

I know you are not the most sophisticated poster we have here, but this is a MAJOR issue in Hollywood and the entertainment business. And, in most cases, it absolutely is real before you jump to the 'someone trying to make a buck off a rich person' line of dismissing victims. Again, you don't have to believe it for it to be reality. It is.

This is something that has been discussed, debated and reported for generations now (have you read any of the books by former child stars?)

There are many online resources available for victims and their families and anyone impacted. This would not be one of them. And that includes any comments made, both sarcastic and true. Whether you realize it or not, when you interject this line of 'harboring known criminals' in an entirely inappropriate place you actually work to trivialize and further damage victims of real crimes. That's what you do.

And I really think it's vile that your best way of trying to silence my voice in this forum (pulling an Iger, we'll call it) is to change the narrative from talk of Disney directly to discussing me again. This has been the same pathetic attempt to redirect the spotlight anywhere but, apparently, where people like to read here. God knows, these Spirited threads interest no one and draw no eyeballs.

In 10 threads, have we hit the 10 million click count yet? Clicks on threads that were specifically designed so that people who have trouble with my writing voice, style and the meat of the threads could simply stay out and go safely to another channel (or hide in the PML). Odd that these threads are so popular, most especially with people like you who can't stand me, ain't it?

(Enter now the discussion about how narcissistic I am for stating a fact about the popularity of these threads ... Now, since you won't understand that sarcasm again, start your own thread. It's easy enough. Maybe you'll find an eager audience that wants to read what you have to say. Who knows? Anything's possible!)

Thanks for clearing much of that up. I still think it's a really tough subject to joke about, but I'm sure I am guilty of making fun of worse things too. Just not repeatedly.


Premium Member
An inside joke? Really? Well, you and your pal 74 have a sense of humor that's beyond my comprehension.

From July 2012 - a discussion of PI:

Underage teens, illegal drugs, Imagineers. Facts.

April of 2014:

A known problem. 15 year olds in trailers. Some inside joke.

July of 2012

Compare those quotes and others to this one from the recent HuffPost discussion:

TWDC has no right to libel and smear (no evidence of that either. Yet '74 can smear and libel with impunity hundreds of people. Smear and libel with no evidence whatsoever.

Not trying to defend or take sides, just stating my view here on the "inside joke" aspect.

Its known that the "casting couch" is a very real thing in Hollywood. Im sure it goes beyond an actor/actress physically being in an office on an actual couch. Many actors willingly participate in the nefarious activities such as parties with drugs or taking trips and so on to further their career. Many actors have also spoken out about how pedophelia is rampant in Hollywood but stories go unheard or the ones that do get leaked quietly vanish. Look at the Brian Singer incident last year. There is a lot of power and money in the movie/entertainment business and if they want it swept under the rug, it happens in most cases.

If people like @Lee or @WDW1974 have heard stories of things happening within TWDC or some branch of it and then they reference it in an online forum, even in an inside joke type of way, it seems harsh to hold them or anyone responsible for not reporting stories theyve heard to authorities (not saying you in particular are doing that). Many people here saw the Brian Singer story last year and cracked jokes about him and TWDC in the discussion about it. Was that any different? Were they not smearing the company the same way? If 15 year olds are in trailors with adults, thats horrible, but those adults are to blame and where are the 15 year olds parents? Focusing on 74 or Lee making an inside joke/reference about the issue, even if people feel it was in bad taste, wont prevent it from happening again, IMO

Just my thoughts on the issue and please know Im not trying to defend anyone or change you or anyones opinion of the situation in any way.

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