A Spirited Perfect Ten


Resident Curmudgeon
What's ESPN's trouble?
Beetle juice closed to make way for new experiences:

Official announcement here

Due to popular demand, we have extended the run of Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue until January 5, 2016. The show will close permanently after that date to make way for Fast & Furious - Supercharged which will bring to life one of the most successful movie Franchises of All Time. Click here for more details.


Resident Curmudgeon
He also made them double down on building a far more immersive, more expensive Star Wars Land in the last year that he made sure to personally announce at D23. Regardless of his motivations for greenlighting them, its clear that he wants Star Wars (the movies and the land) to cap off his legacy at Disney.

Which has yet to see a single permit pulled for WDW. So at the moment vaporware.


Resident Curmudgeon
The studio once known and praised for its originality hasn’t had a fresh idea in decades. Should originality be needed the studio has a quick and easy solution. Top level executives flush with cash simply go on a franchise shopping spree. After all, why spend time and energy creating when you can simply purchase? - Floyd Norman


Thank you, Floyd. There are, of course, some people who will never get what he said. Or what I've been saying. To them, artistry and acquisition are one and the same, and even if they DO have the wit to discern the difference, they don't care, as long as they get to watch a geriatric Han Solo pilot the Milennium Falcon again and, even better, ride on a screen-heavy simulation. And they don't care if part of Disneyland is demolished as long as someone wearing a Darth Vader outfit gets to prowl there thrilling all the nerds. (Speaking of which - a get-it-while-it's-hot IP being shoehorned into an area where it really doesn't belong - sound familiar? ;) ).

Yes - thank you very much Floyd, You have painted a picture in words about what has become of the one time master of creativity.


Well-Known Member
It's IMPLIED that they are. They call it 'The Walt Disney Company'. It's flagship resort is called 'The Walt Disney World Resort'. There are Walt Disney quotes all over the place in construction spots.

When companies want to be known for something else, they change the name.
Seriously??? They would not keep the name that keeps people coming in to have what they can have by just doing whatever they want. What color is the sky in your world. Besides the Walt Disney World Resort never even existed in Walt's lifetime. Why would anything he ever said apply to it?


Resident Curmudgeon
I so wish I could like this post one-thousand times over. The bold part is especially true and its a tough pill to swallow.

Yes the change in the attitudes is the most damaging long term ie the too often encountered 'what do you expect ME to do about it' which stems from demoted to a cog in the machine instead of a person empowered to solve the customers issue.


Resident Curmudgeon
Showing up when analysts have demanded it isn't a personal interest. Nor is finally getting around to actual re-investment "doubling down." The theme parks are just as despised as always.

Heard lots of promises of investment, no actual investment as of now. Yes the parks are despised by the TWDC mothership, How often have many of us wished that Disney would sell the US parks to OLC who actually enjoys running theme parks.


Well-Known Member
I am not talking about Pop Century or any other hotel/resort. I don't go to them and never will. So I will take your and your mothers word for that. However, Pop is a relatively "new" resort in the timeline of WDW and it is where the less affluent go to stay onsite. As resorts age and the crowd becomes less caring and more entitled, that stuff happens. My references are about the parks. Those I have been going to for 33 years. I have seen bad in every decade and I have seen times when the crowd of slobs was absolutely overwhelming. Overall I don't see a major decline in the overall look of the parks. The parks are almost always neat and tidy as they should be, they are even more colorful and bright now then they were just two decades ago. So my friend, with condolences to your Mom and an understanding that staff has been cut back, I truly believe that those little closets that they gouge you for in POP have more then likely declined.

Everyone seems to forget the Disney doesn't go in there at night and spread garbage around for all to see. If you want to blame anyone blame the disgusting guests that don't care not the staff or the organization that is busting hump to keep it looking good. You may also blame some of the CM's now that walk right past stuff laying on the ground unlike years ago when they cared. Management isn't always the culprit in these things. If it wasn't as bad years ago, it was because, number 1, there were not as many guests there back then and, number 2, today's entitled bunch of idiots is on the loose far more then they were just 10 years ago.

I used the Pop Century anecdote as just ONE example. My mother worked in many positions over her 20+ year career including working in all four parks. You are excusing the state of Pop as being that it is for the " less affluent". Which you know as well as I do not only was there a time where it didn't matter to Disney it shouldn't matter now and frankly pretty lame that you structured your answer that way. As in....who cares if it looks like crap...."those people" don't care or deserve better maintenance.

But I will give you credit where credit is due. Staffing is exactly the problem now and its effect on daily maintenance and cleanliness. Most staffs ie painting, electrical and maintenance has been reduced to very small crews. Most things like janitorial, painting and electrical are now mostly outsourced. These crews don't give a hoot about the Disney difference. Their job is to get it done as fast as they can and move on to the next attraction. You may have low expectations, but there really is a difference between "tidy" and the exemplary way the ENTIRE resort was once kempt. "Management isn't always the culprit in these things" HA! Again, you know as well as I do it ALWAYS starts at the top. Its well known among most CM's that the older long time CM's ( that were the ones who really created the Disney difference) were systematically squeezed out.....including my mother. They told her she had two choices. Retire or come back to work starting at base pay.

The ugly secret of it all is that during Iger's rein this was part of why and how they were showing such huge profits....not to mention price hikes. All of this has had an effect on day to day maintenance. Labor is always the number one thing to cut when you want to increase profits. There really is something to the year of a million cuts....it cut deeper then most people know.

I will also agree with you that the general attitude of guest has changed as well. Which makes the job even tougher. But again its no excuse, just staff the place better. Disney is also PARTIALLY to blame for not holding their guest responsible for their behavior. Guest will only behave to the standard in which you allow them to behave.

You think all is well in the parks as far as cleanliness and maintenance is concerned. Great! My experience and many others seem to differ from yours. And if you don't mind I will trust actual CM's and their experience and knowledge first.


Resident Curmudgeon
I used the Pop Century anecdote as just ONE example. My mother worked in many positions over her 20+ year career including working in all four parks. You are excusing the state of Pop as being that it is for the " less affluent". Which you know as well as I do not only was there a time where it didn't matter to Disney it shouldn't matter now and frankly pretty lame that you structured your answer that way. As in....who cares if it looks like crap...."those people" don't care or deserve better maintenance.

But I will give you credit where credit is due. Staffing is exactly the problem now and its effect on daily maintenance and cleanliness. Most staffs ie painting, electrical and maintenance has been reduced to very small crews. Most things like janitorial, painting and electrical are now mostly outsourced. These crews don't give a hoot about the Disney difference. Their job is to get it done as fast as they can and move on to the next attraction. You may have low expectations, but there really is a difference between "tidy" and the exemplary way the ENTIRE resort was once kempt. "Management isn't always the culprit in these things" HA! Again, you know as well as I do it ALWAYS starts at the top. Its well known among most CM's that the older long time CM's ( that were the ones who really created the Disney difference) were systematically squeezed out.....including my mother. They told her she had two choices. Retire or come back to work starting at base pay.

The ugly secret of it all is that during Iger's rein this was part of why and how they were showing such huge profits....not to mention price hikes. All of this has had an effect on day to day maintenance. Labor is always the number one thing to cut when you want to increase profits. There really is something to the year of a million cuts....it cut deeper then most people know.

I will also agree with you that the general attitude of guest has changed as well. Which makes the job even tougher. But again its no excuse, just staff the place better. Disney is also PARTIALLY to blame for not holding their guest responsible for their behavior. Guest will only behave to the standard in which you allow them to behave.

You think all is well in the parks as far as cleanliness and maintenance is concerned. Great! My experience and many others seem to differ from yours. And if you don't mind I will trust actual CM's and their experience and knowledge first.

^^^ THIS ^^^ times 1000


Well-Known Member
I'm curious, I'm fairly new here and I'm sure I'm opening a can of worms here, but why do you spend so much time on something you feel so much ill will about? And why do you still go to Disney? Why do you put so much negativity in your life?
Because most normal people live in reality and don't strap on pixie dusted blinders when talking about a corporation


Well-Known Member
I'm curious, I'm fairly new here and I'm sure I'm opening a can of worms here, but why do you spend so much time on something you feel so much ill will about? And why do you still go to Disney? Why do you put so much negativity in your life?

Guess what? I still go myself.....even after my mother was treated the way she was and how I feel about the resort. Albeit less frequently then years past. Why? I have a relationship with the place. It might be a love-hate thing but a relationship none the less. I still can go and have a good time. The resort has been my friend for a long time. Now I have new friends in Otown. I don't spend as much time with the old friend as I used to. Even though the old friend has become obnoxious I still love my friend. When the time comes me and the old friend need to part ways......I will. Everybody's threshold is different.

I am actually excited about some of the new things coming. But I also will hold my judgment till they open....I have been disappointed before with my friend.


Well-Known Member
Guess what? I still go myself.....even after my mother was treated the way she was and how I feel about the resort. Albeit less frequently then years past. Why? I have a relationship with the place. It might be a love-hate thing but a relationship none the less. I still can go and have a good time. The resort has been my friend for a long time. Now I have new friends in Otown. I don't spend as much time with the old friend as I used to. Even though the old friend has become obnoxious I still love my friend. When the time comes me and the old friend need to part ways......I will. Everybody's threshold is different.

I am actually excited about some of the new things coming. But I also will hold my judgment till they open....I have been disappointed before with my friend.
I still am waiting patiently for the Spirited Mental Illness book


Well-Known Member
However, Pop is a relatively "new" resort in the timeline of WDW and it is where the less affluent go to stay onsite.
While I don't doubt that there are guests with limited resources that stay at the so-called Value resorts, I guarantee you that people with wealth also stay at the Value resorts. And for the record, you can often get rooms off-site at moderate and deluxe hotels for the same price or maybe even cheaper. So lets leave the class warfare out of this particular discussion, where it isn't relevant.


Well-Known Member
Yes the change in the attitudes is the most damaging long term ie the too often encountered 'what do you expect ME to do about it' which stems from demoted to a cog in the machine instead of a person empowered to solve the customers issue.

Which is a big change from the "It's not my fault, but it's my problem (to solve)," mentality they used to teach at Disney Institute's customer service training programs.


But I guess that is just for other people to put into practice.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious, I'm fairly new here and I'm sure I'm opening a can of worms here, but why do you spend so much time on something you feel so much ill will about? And why do you still go to Disney? Why do you put so much negativity in your life?

I'll put it this way:

Most of us have felt a shift in experiences from this company over the past few decades. Back in the 80s, 90s and arguably the very early 2000s, TWDC put a lot of time and effort in keeping their parks up-to-date, put a lot of time and effort into making lasting films, worked diligently to keep things in working order. Don't let things stagnate. We have competition, so let's do everything we can to make sure the customer chooses us. Make things that are beautiful and work properly. Keep things subtle. Keep it intelligent. Don't spell things out so the guest can learn and appreciate things.

At this point, TWDC focuses primarily on "How can we grab as much cash as possible?" "Will this movie generate retail value?" "Can we advertise the s*** out of this and drill it into people's heads?" "Let's do what we want with no regard to the effect on the customer's experience (what the parks used to be about)." "Take away wxyz attractions and instead turn the building into a line just to meet characters (that cuts out everyone about ages 11+)." "Let's just close xyz buildings down and do nothing with them for the foreseeable future."

TWDC, under its corporate leadership, has wildly lost sight of what their company USED to stand for and what they used to pursue and seek to accomplish. As people whom - for the most part - are simply fans of the place, maybe people who hold stock, or DVC/AP memberships, etcetera, we are frustrated that the quality experience we grew with has been left behind and for whatever reason, they (the suits in charge) are just fine with it


Well-Known Member
I'll put it this way:

Most of us have felt a shift in experiences from this company over the past few decades. Back in the 80s, 90s and arguably the very early 2000s, TWDC put a lot of time and effort in keeping their parks up-to-date, put a lot of time and effort into making lasting films, worked diligently to keep things in working order. Don't let things stagnate. We have competition, so let's do everything we can to make sure the customer chooses us. Make things that are beautiful and work properly. Keep things subtle. Keep it intelligent. Don't spell things out so the guest can learn and appreciate things.

At this point, TWDC focuses primarily on "How can we grab as much cash as possible?" "Will this movie generate retail value?" "Can we advertise the s*** out of this and drill it into people's heads?" "Let's do what we want with no regard to the effect on the customer's experience (what the parks used to be about)." "Take away wxyz attractions and instead turn the building into a line just to meet characters (that cuts out everyone about ages 11+)." "Let's just close xyz buildings down and do nothing with them for the foreseeable future."

TWDC, under its corporate leadership, has wildly lost sight of what their company USED to stand for and what they used to pursue and seek to accomplish. As people whom - for the most part - are simply fans of the place, maybe people who hold stock, or DVC/AP memberships, etcetera, we are frustrated that the quality experience we grew with has been left behind and for whatever reason, they (the suits in charge) are just fine with it

I totally understand being frustrated with the direction of the company and feeling like something you love is being changed for the worse. I understand having a negative slant and skeptical eye to most decisions.

But that poster in particular, basically trolls these boards (except I don't think he's trolling.) In the months that I've been here, I've seen nothing but complete criticism and anger about everything at the parks, every movie, every decision. I don't understand why, if something has changed so much that you hate literally every single aspect of it, why you would choose to spend every day living in that negativity online and continuing to book trips.

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