Well-Known Member
Since @WDW1974 likes to pick on SHIELD, I feel it's necessary to complement Elizabeth Henstridge for a great performance and Jesse Bochco for directing not only to best episode of Agents of SHIELD so far, but one of the best hours of the MCU. It was almost like a mini version of "The Martian", so different from any other SHIELD episode, yet we actually got very compelling TV and filled in many gaps on existing plot points.
If you aren't watching, you're missing out. That's not just me saying that either. It's received much critical acclaim of late and a 93% overall series Rotten Tomatoes score isn't too shabby either.
It's too bad that when the show started, it sucked balls. It lost a lot of viewership because of those first few episodes.
I rather enjoyed last night's episode as well and look forward to how the story unfolds going forward. Really curious about the alien planet...
Is it Ego the Living Planet?