Well-Known Member
I see your point (and might even say I have a preference for the aesthetic you're describing), but it's pretty dogmatic to say there's one correct way to shoot a scene.
Personally, I think you can make a case that Jurassic World is self-consciously campy and a work of self-parody in which case "breaking the illusion" is part of the plan.
It's not that there is one correct way, there are a dozen ways that could have been done and still obeyed the rules, it's that humans perceive filmed content in a certain way cognitively. And the only time you can break some of those rules is when you have a reason cinematically - a Hitchcock, for example, who is intentionally trying to disorient you. That wasn't his intention here - it was that he was trying to be "different" for the sake of it, when this just wasn't the film you do that on.