A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
Kilimanjaro operates at night? I'd be in the "how?" category on that one. Half the time you can barely see most of the animals during the day, how in the hell would that work at night?
There were rotating spotlights on the trucks for the old night safari. Both "puck" and driver controlled.

Not sure how the new set up will work.


Well-Known Member
I think it's possible Disney just made their first mis-step with Star Wars. I'll reserve judgement until we actually see it, but the director of Jurassic World would have been my last choice to helm the finale of the new trilogy. The direction of JW was the weakest thing about it. I overall enjoyed the movie, but it was a solid B instead of what could have been an A+ if not for the shoddy directing.

Sure, it made gads of money, but the pacing with the "emotional" parts of the story (the stupid divorce mini-sub-plot) were on par with the worst of Lucas' prequel work, and several key sequences were horribly staged (avoiding what you want/expect to see in an attempt to be subversive but not paying off after said subversion). Those are the domain of the director, so I hope he picks up a Directing 101 book between now and then, or at least has enough people around calling the shots to correct his errors.

choco choco

Well-Known Member
This is the most magnificent thing I have read about the whole Star Wars relaunch/regurgitation/repossession thing that Disney is trying to do.

"[Disney's] collaborative-stewardship model is centripetally conservative, tuned to give you what you already know you like instead of asking you to like something different."

It's why so many of us were so disappointed with the Star Wars Land announcement. It's predictable. It's tame. If thousands of anonymous internet peoples can come up with the same concept, how special does that really make it?

Worse, Disney knows and doesn't care. They see themselves as the Pavlovian Conditioner. What's the biggest bell that can cause the most drool?

choco choco

Well-Known Member
I think it's possible Disney just made their first mis-step with Star Wars. I'll reserve judgement until we actually see it, but the director of Jurassic World would have been my last choice to helm the finale of the new trilogy. The direction of JW was the weakest thing about it. I overall enjoyed the movie, but it was a solid B instead of what could have been an A+ if not for the shoddy directing.

Sure, it made gads of money, but the pacing with the "emotional" parts of the story (the stupid divorce mini-sub-plot) were on par with the worst of Lucas' prequel work, and several key sequences were horribly staged (avoiding what you want/expect to see in an attempt to be subversive but not paying off after said subversion). Those are the domain of the director, so I hope he picks up a Directing 101 book between now and then, or at least has enough people around calling the shots to correct his errors.

Jurassic World is as bad a modern blockbuster as there has ever been. Immediately joining the ranks of Batman and Robin, Catwoman, Battlefied Earth, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Wild Wild West....etc, etc.

It is OBJECTIVELY bad. There is no arguing this. People who thought it was good simply don't know any better. To use Spirit's analogy (this is his thread after all), people may like McDonald's, but that doesn't make it quality. If you don't know what you don't know, you can't tell the difference.

There are so many things I could write about the movie, because there is nothing about it that even remotely shows any film-making skill. But let's just say that, among many things, Disney is handing their trilogy-capper off to a guy who doesn't even seem to understand the technical aspects of his own craft. He filmed Jurassic World in 35mm, then so overlit it that it washed out all the colors, then went in and color corrected it to give it a blue tint. I mean...I can't even fathom what happened here. It's like somebody buying a Ferrari only to punch out the floor so they can drive it by feet-tapping it Fred Flintstone-style. It's like bringing a bowling ball to a tennis match. I can't remember the last time a major blockbuster was this ugly.


Well-Known Member
Jurassic World is as bad a modern blockbuster as there has ever been. Immediately joining the ranks of Batman and Robin, Catwoman, Battlefied Earth, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Wild Wild West....etc, etc.

It is OBJECTIVELY bad. There is no arguing this. People who thought it was good simply don't know any better. To use Spirit's analogy (this is his thread after all), people may like McDonald's, but that doesn't make it quality. If you don't know what you don't know, you can't tell the difference.

There are so many things I could write about the movie, because there is nothing about it that even remotely shows any film-making skill. But let's just say that, among many things, Disney is handing their trilogy-capper off to a guy who doesn't even seem to understand the technical aspects of his own craft. He filmed Jurassic World in 35mm, then so overlit it that it washed out all the colors, then went in and color corrected it to give it a blue tint. I mean...I can't even fathom what happened here. It's like somebody buying a Ferrari only to punch out the floor so they can drive it by feet-tapping it Fred Flintstone-style. It's like bringing a bowling ball to a tennis match. I can't remember the last time a major blockbuster was this ugly.

So like Transformers? Made a Boatload of Money but was a horrible film?

choco choco

Well-Known Member
So like Transformers? Made a Boatload of Money but was a horrible film?

But the Transformers movies were beautiful (in fact, as a pure composer of moving images, Michael Bay is one of our best filmmakers). Blockbusters don't necessarily have to be great storytelling, but the money spent on them should appear on screen. Blockbusters should look like 150 million bucks.

Colin Trevorrow managed to make Jurassic World look cheap. Which is a very difficult thing to do with what he had.


Well-Known Member
I think it's possible Disney just made their first mis-step with Star Wars. I'll reserve judgement until we actually see it, but the director of Jurassic World would have been my last choice to helm the finale of the new trilogy. The direction of JW was the weakest thing about it. I overall enjoyed the movie, but it was a solid B instead of what could have been an A+ if not for the shoddy directing.

Sure, it made gads of money, but the pacing with the "emotional" parts of the story (the stupid divorce mini-sub-plot) were on par with the worst of Lucas' prequel work, and several key sequences were horribly staged (avoiding what you want/expect to see in an attempt to be subversive but not paying off after said subversion). Those are the domain of the director, so I hope he picks up a Directing 101 book between now and then, or at least has enough people around calling the shots to correct his errors.

In case you didn't know, Spielberg gets final cut on all Jurassic Park films.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Look at Apple, they lost over $150 billion in value over the past couple of days. Quoting a blurb from a USA Today article, that would bankrupt Pepsi and Intel. DIS's losses are nowhere near significant.
I still do not believe that apple realistically had that insane value Wall Street gave them.
a monstrous bubble made out of expectations and a flawed vision of " continuation" .

China devalued their yuan, Vietnam devalued their dong. In other news Megan Fox is back on the market.;)

...that dirty joke...

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Maybe the problem is that for fireworks to be incorporated into Rivers of Light they would need to be way too far off to the sides.
I don't see a good place for fallout, or even a launching station in the line of sight for that show.
Agree. If they did the fireworks in the background.. then id be around the Avatar area and might affect the animals from the Harambe area.

There were rotating spotlights on the trucks for the old night safari. Both "puck" and driver controlled.

Not sure how the new set up will work.
IR and blacklight systems?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I think it's possible Disney just made their first mis-step with Star Wars. I'll reserve judgement until we actually see it, but the director of Jurassic World would have been my last choice to helm the finale of the new trilogy. The direction of JW was the weakest thing about it. I overall enjoyed the movie, but it was a solid B instead of what could have been an A+ if not for the shoddy directing.

Sure, it made gads of money, but the pacing with the "emotional" parts of the story (the stupid divorce mini-sub-plot) were on par with the worst of Lucas' prequel work, and several key sequences were horribly staged (avoiding what you want/expect to see in an attempt to be subversive but not paying off after said subversion). Those are the domain of the director, so I hope he picks up a Directing 101 book between now and then, or at least has enough people around calling the shots to correct his errors.
the whole plot sequence is a bit too similar to the first Jurassic Park as well (in the first sequences before the escape)

Jurassic World is as bad a modern blockbuster as there has ever been. Immediately joining the ranks of Batman and Robin, Catwoman, Battlefied Earth, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Wild Wild West....etc, etc.

It is OBJECTIVELY bad. There is no arguing this. People who thought it was good simply don't know any better. To use Spirit's analogy (this is his thread after all), people may like McDonald's, but that doesn't make it quality. If you don't know what you don't know, you can't tell the difference.

There are so many things I could write about the movie, because there is nothing about it that even remotely shows any film-making skill. But let's just say that, among many things, Disney is handing their trilogy-capper off to a guy who doesn't even seem to understand the technical aspects of his own craft. He filmed Jurassic World in 35mm, then so overlit it that it washed out all the colors, then went in and color corrected it to give it a blue tint. I mean...I can't even fathom what happened here. It's like somebody buying a Ferrari only to punch out the floor so they can drive it by feet-tapping it Fred Flintstone-style. It's like bringing a bowling ball to a tennis match. I can't remember the last time a major blockbuster was this ugly.
I dont know what movie you seen.. I seen all the movies you mentioned and noone of them were entertaining in the minimum.
JW was at least ENTERTAINING.
Batman and Robin, Battlefield Earth and Pluto Nash were outright painful to watch.
Same levels of Episode 2 (which put me to sleep thanks to the disturbingly boring "love" subplot)

So like Transformers? Made a Boatload of Money but was a horrible film?

Transformers became a full fledged turd after the second movie.
I dont think its even close to JW in terms of writing quality or acting.
Thats something that annoys me of Michael Bay.
He think that by making explosions every 5 seconds and displaying someone like Megan Fox every other 5.. will somehow make the movie less "sunday time entertainment-fest"
Unfortunately, he makes bootloads of money. And a ton of new directors trying to copy him. (see the new TMNT)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
the whole plot sequence is a bit too similar to the first Jurassic Park as well (in the first sequences before the escape)

I dont know what movie you seen.. I seen all the movies you mentioned and noone of them were entertaining in the minimum.
JW was at least ENTERTAINING.
Batman and Robin, Battlefield Earth and Pluto Nash were outright painful to watch.
Same levels of Episode 2 (which put me to sleep thanks to the disturbingly boring "love" subplot)

Transformers became a full fledged turd after the second movie.
I dont think its even close to JW in terms of writing quality or acting.
Thats something that annoys me of Michael Bay.
He think that by making explosions every 5 seconds and displaying someone like Megan Fox every other 5.. will somehow make the movie less "sunday time entertainment-fest"
Unfortunately, he makes bootloads of money. And a ton of new directors trying to copy him. (see the new TMNT)
Bay directed TMNT.


Resident Curmudgeon
Looking for a big return I see. I doubt it drops that low though I could be very wrong.

I still have some that I bought at 40, I think the pay television sector is way overpriced and I think that sector will fall a long way in the next couple of years as people cut the cord. That being said I think ISP's will go up as they are the conduit to the content people are watching. I still have cable but since it's almost free with my 1GB internet service I keep it so I don't need to hang an antenna for my 'local' channels but if it went up significantly I'd dump it in a hurry and interestingly ESPN channels are NOT part of my basic package.


Resident Curmudgeon
Kilimanjaro operates at night? I'd be in the "how?" category on that one. Half the time you can barely see most of the animals during the day, how in the hell would that work at night?

A decent FLIR system is not that expensive anymore (25,000-50,000 per unit) and could easily be mounted on the safari vehicles


Well-Known Member
Disney actually outperformed the market sell off today. Shows it's a tad oversold and now just following the market pattern. But then again I'm just a dude on a Disney forum who owns less than 5 stocks and rather trusts my money in ETF's... what do I know.
The MACD of $DIS suggests there is more downside to go. Had I been watching TVIX and bought on 8/19, I would have made huge money.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Jurassic World is as bad a modern blockbuster as there has ever been. Immediately joining the ranks of Batman and Robin, Catwoman, Battlefied Earth, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Wild Wild West....etc, etc.

It is OBJECTIVELY bad. There is no arguing this. People who thought it was good simply don't know any better. To use Spirit's analogy (this is his thread after all), people may like McDonald's, but that doesn't make it quality. If you don't know what you don't know, you can't tell the difference.

There are so many things I could write about the movie, because there is nothing about it that even remotely shows any film-making skill. But let's just say that, among many things, Disney is handing their trilogy-capper off to a guy who doesn't even seem to understand the technical aspects of his own craft. He filmed Jurassic World in 35mm, then so overlit it that it washed out all the colors, then went in and color corrected it to give it a blue tint. I mean...I can't even fathom what happened here. It's like somebody buying a Ferrari only to punch out the floor so they can drive it by feet-tapping it Fred Flintstone-style. It's like bringing a bowling ball to a tennis match. I can't remember the last time a major blockbuster was this ugly.


Well-Known Member
Jurassic World is as bad a modern blockbuster as there has ever been. Immediately joining the ranks of Batman and Robin, Catwoman, Battlefied Earth, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Wild Wild West....etc, etc.

Um, no. Not even close.

People who thought it was good simply don't know any better.

I guess that includes 60% of top critics on Rotten Tomatoes, since they all recommended seeing it.

There's a difference between having an opinion ("I didn't like the movie, because...") and just spouting hyperbole in an effort to look superior.

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