I think it's possible Disney just made their first mis-step with Star Wars. I'll reserve judgement until we actually see it, but
the director of Jurassic World would have been my last choice to helm the finale of the new trilogy. The direction of JW was the weakest thing about it. I overall enjoyed the movie, but it was a solid B instead of what could have been an A+ if not for the shoddy directing.
Sure, it made gads of money, but the pacing with the "emotional" parts of the story (the stupid divorce mini-sub-plot) were on par with the worst of Lucas' prequel work, and several key sequences were horribly staged (avoiding what you want/expect to see in an attempt to be subversive but not paying off after said subversion). Those are the domain of the director, so I hope he picks up a Directing 101 book between now and then, or at least has enough people around calling the shots to correct his errors.