A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
Well the Chinese Stock Market, in particular the CSI300 comprised of companies in Shanghai, took another tumble today.

The only good news is that Shanghai Shendi Group Co Ltd is a private company and doesnt seem to be trading on any of the exchanges.
Shanghai Shendi Group is not private. It is state owned by Shanghai Municipality.

I dont mean to put words in Cesar's mouth.... However, there's an uptick in "Disney is a business" being used as a dismissive way to end an argument.
It's a line that comes from him more than anyone else.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually curious where the "it's a business" people would draw the line with practices that harm a consumer. Lead paint in toys for instance seemed like a pretty big deal for parents worried about their kids being poisoned (whether you think it's actually important or not), I've never witnessed any parents justifying a toy maker's use of this chemical with a line like "i'm fine with this, they're a business after all". And safety cuts are not unprecedented for Disney, there's the unfortunate deaths at Disneyland during the Pressler/Harriss years (can't remember if i spelled those correctly). And more recently the security failure at Disney Springs.

I can't say i've ever witnessed so many regular people so insistent in defending actions that harm them and other customers (and the company itself in the long term). All for the benefit of the super rich that neither care about the company they work for nor have any desire to see the company survive past their very brief term. It's baffling, but also somewhat disturbing when you think about it. I'd call it almost masochistic, but it goes beyond singular individual ignorance. It's an extremely dangerous and toxic thing to defend negative business practices as it impacts society as a whole when individuals start accepting and spreading this mentality.

In the past, a reasonable and rational person would immediately assume you were being paid by a business to defend actions that harm the customer. It's common for businesses to hire shills to spread positive PR and try to diffuse public unrest against their anti-consumer practices. But now we've got a distressing number of ordinary people who aren't even being paid to do so (I assume anyways), eager to do it without a paycheck for reasons I cannot fathom...

If you're going to use the "it's a business line" to every action a company makes that compromises the customer's enjoyment and/or safety, there is only one appropriate response to that statement-

"Every cut you make to the business and customer experience brings you one step closer to going OUT of business".

Over time, societies change and so too does the often elusive "customer". Expectations, demands, opinions, and values are often different from one generation to the next. Look at the cultural changes that have occurred this last decade alone. What about society's growing need for instant gratification. WWWD?!

Everything from our government to corporations is a reflection of the society which they sprout from.

I've said this before, but consumers enable greedy corporate practices. From buying cheap goods at Walmart, to buying over-priced Apple electronics...to paying ridiculous rates for a week long vacation at "the happiest place on Earth". Our wants have become our needs.

Again, many complain about the company...but, still financially support it.

Don't succumb to the marketing...You don't need a Disney vacation, you don't need Mickey, ESPN, Marvel, Pixar, or Star Wars. :cautious:

Don't hate the company if you fell for the sales pitch. If the prohibitive ticket prices and room rates can't dissuade you then maybe you are the shill.

Even Walt has become a brand. Kneel before Walt.

Nostalgia blinds us. The focus groups confirm this I'm sure...because Disney.

Now excuse me while I go plan my next visit to WDW. I'll try to apologize to the over-worked and under-paid CM...but, I need my fix. They'll probably be preoccupied with the record crowd of people on Main Street...trying to keep people (and their ever-growing strollers) inside or outside the cheap tape.



Well-Known Member
So what your saying is that in spite of the fact that the public is eating it up and paying Billions to see these movies it is a bad thing to be doing? Why spend money on creating things and risking public approval when known "winners" are available. What would be sensible about that? It's the public that isn't demanding anything other then comic book characters. It is the public that is spending big bucks to see them recreated on the big screen. It's not Hollywood, Hollywood would do what ever is required by the public.

Right now Hollywood is fortunate enough to be operating in an era where the joys, once reserved for anyone under 12, or at the very least, puberty are still stuck in a childlike time warp that doesn't allow them to do anything but try and relive an earlier time. If it doesn't have a super hero or blood and guts, it just isn't anything that they want to be part of. This is a reflection of society, not what Hollywood is feeding us. They are feeding us what we demand. Why we demand it, is anybodies guess, but, there it is. And we wonder why insane people are shooting up movie theaters when being mean and violent are worshiped in our world.
The public is also eating up the safer choices as well. Things like Maleficent make a boat load of money despite being bad movies.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Maybe the water was just too cold?
perhaps, could be more than just something of anatomy. :hilarious:
Sorry, but it may be what you call sarcasm, but the rolling of eyes means that you feel that whatever the other person has said is nothing but stupid. There is no sarcasm font anywhere on this site. I wish there were because there is a huge difference between sarcasm and insults. That font, unless it is in relation to something that you said that you consider less then brilliant, is nothing more then talking down to someone. Words do work, however, and that I can find palatable. If you can find nothing better to do then to insult people with no backup to your arguments maybe you should stay away from this section. I can't speak for everyone here, and don't intend too, but, unless you show me how your thoughts are more solid then mine, it will not be considered a conversation.
You know. if you really feel like that always... maybe its time for YOU to quit the forums.
I post the eyeroll commend because its a cyclical issue with you.

Every time you insert yourself into a discussion.. you always ramble that someone is insulting you, you dont get other's comments correctly a lot of times, you put huge walls of text for something simple, then you take everything personal.

Worst when you love to put YOUR meaning to words that had nothing to do with what you say. (like what you're implying now about "talking down to someone" "consider less than brilliant". Not to mention.. you seem to have the need to...AT ALL COSTS.. defend Disney. ( we know it, you love it, but not need to shut down every valid criticism!)
Anyone who has real criticism.. will almost spawn a long dismissive comment from you on how Disney is untouchable and doing everything perfect. We already had this behavior from a famous guy here (who I'm very sure almost everyone has in blocklist).
And now... you repeating the same cycle?

And as @PhotoDave219 already mentioned. A lot of your replies on these discussions.. follow the overused rhetoric of "Disney is a Business" to shut down the discussion. The perfect excuse that borders the levels of Goodwin's Law.

I mean.. its like... Someone complains that disney is being cheap on the parks.. you run instantly to "BUT DISNEY IS A BUSINESS!!". That is no real discussion or conversation.

I honestly have no idea why there must be ALWAYS someone trying to shut down the discussion using that excuse. so yeah, have another eyeroll. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I did search to see if its listed and to see if it took a hit. Its not listed, therefore no hit.

Now go away, You're on ignore for a reason .... and you constantly reinforce and justify that decision.
Are you going to toss out vague threats if I don't go away? Or maybe trot out the same tired quote? You're the one who foolishly thought a state-owned enterprise would be listed for public trading in your vain attempt to be a numbers guy.


Well-Known Member
perhaps, could be more than just something of anatomy. :hilarious:

You know. if you really feel like that always... maybe its time for YOU to quit the forums.
I post the eyeroll commend because its a cyclical issue with you.

Every time you insert yourself into a discussion.. you always ramble that someone is insulting you, you dont get other's comments correctly a lot of times, you put huge walls of text for something simple, then you take everything personal.

Worst when you love to put YOUR meaning to words that had nothing to do with what you say. (like what you're implying now about "talking down to someone" "consider less than brilliant". Not to mention.. you have...AT ALL COSTS.. defend Disney. ( we know it, you love it, but not need to shut down every valid criticism!)
Anyone who has real criticism.. will almost spawn a long dismissive comment from you on how Disney is untouchable and doing everything perfect.

And as @PhotoDave219 already mentioned. A lot of your replies on these discussions.. follow the overused rhetoric of "Disney is a Business" to shut down the discussion.

Someone complains that disney is being cheap on the parks.. you run instantly to "BUT DISNEY IS A BUSINESS!!".
I honestly have no idea why there must be ALWAYS someone trying to shut down the discussion using that excuse. so yeah, have another eyeroll. :rolleyes:

I'm just trying to settle things down.... I value both what you and @Goofyernmost bring to the discussion.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I'm actually curious where the "it's a business" people would draw the line with practices that harm a consumer. Lead paint in toys for instance seemed like a pretty big deal for parents worried about their kids being poisoned (whether you think it's actually important or not), I've never witnessed any parents justifying a toy maker's use of this chemical with a line like "i'm fine with this, they're a business after all". And safety cuts are not unprecedented for Disney, there's the unfortunate deaths at Disneyland during the Pressler/Harriss years (can't remember if i spelled those correctly). And more recently the security failure at Disney Springs.

I can't say i've ever witnessed so many regular people so insistent in defending actions that harm them and other customers (and the company itself in the long term). All for the benefit of the super rich that neither care about the company they work for nor have any desire to see the company survive past their very brief term. It's baffling, but also somewhat disturbing when you think about it. I'd call it almost masochistic, but it goes beyond singular individual ignorance. It's an extremely dangerous and toxic thing to defend negative business practices as it impacts society as a whole when individuals start accepting and spreading this mentality.

In the past, a reasonable and rational person would immediately assume you were being paid by a business to defend actions that harm the customer. It's common for businesses to hire shills to spread positive PR and try to diffuse public unrest against their anti-consumer practices. But now we've got a distressing number of ordinary people who aren't even being paid to do so (I assume anyways), eager to do it without a paycheck for reasons I cannot fathom...

If you're going to use the "it's a business line" to every action a company makes that compromises the customer's enjoyment and/or safety, there is only one appropriate response to that statement-

"Every cut you make to the business and customer experience brings you one step closer to going OUT of business".
I actually wonder if there is physiological side of this behavior. Because it happens everywhere.
We're not talking only about just entertainment or park business.
I've seen the same everywhere. Its like someone chooses a camp randomly and defends it with their lives.
From Hardware, to books.

Extrafabulous comics has this comic that follows (an exaggerated example) the premise.

WARNING: contains mature language:

I'm just trying to settle things down.... I value both what you and @Goofyernmost bring to the discussion.
Fair enough, Probably I will be best to just ignore him on this thread.
We can be pretty civil in other threads. but not here.. (as I am not fan of someone shutting down any opinion from someone with a precooked remark(or fallacy) .)


Well-Known Member
I'm actually curious where the "it's a business" people would draw the line with practices that harm a consumer. Lead paint in toys for instance seemed like a pretty big deal for parents worried about their kids being poisoned (whether you think it's actually important or not), I've never witnessed any parents justifying a toy maker's use of this chemical with a line like "i'm fine with this, they're a business after all". And safety cuts are not unprecedented for Disney, there's the unfortunate deaths at Disneyland during the Pressler/Harriss years (can't remember if i spelled those correctly). And more recently the security failure at Disney Springs.

I can't say i've ever witnessed so many regular people so insistent in defending actions that harm them and other customers (and the company itself in the long term). All for the benefit of the super rich that neither care about the company they work for nor have any desire to see the company survive past their very brief term. It's baffling, but also somewhat disturbing when you think about it. I'd call it almost masochistic, but it goes beyond singular individual ignorance. It's an extremely dangerous and toxic thing to defend negative business practices as it impacts society as a whole when individuals start accepting and spreading this mentality.

In the past, a reasonable and rational person would immediately assume you were being paid by a business to defend actions that harm the customer. It's common for businesses to hire shills to spread positive PR and try to diffuse public unrest against their anti-consumer practices. But now we've got a distressing number of ordinary people who aren't even being paid to do so (I assume anyways), eager to do it without a paycheck for reasons I cannot fathom...

If you're going to use the "it's a business line" to every action a company makes that compromises the customer's enjoyment and/or safety, there is only one appropriate response to that statement-

"Every cut you make to the business and customer experience brings you one step closer to going OUT of business".
Themed entertainment and Disney in general have been sold as childish escape, with mythological status placed on leadership. Anything counter to the notion of bliss hurts the illusion of escapism. It's a sort of placebo effect, but that only really works if the concept of an active drug remains present.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
In other news, Tom Cruise might star in a live-action, original (Gasp?!) Disney musical by the director of "The Artist". Novelist/Screenwriter Michael Chabon has been attached for a rewrite.
I cant imagine Tom singing.
Not after the debacle of him appearing in Oprah o_O

also, holy carp.. this thread really got heated with everyone throwing the dirty laundry around.

Oh I've suggested to people to do, to have Carnal relations with a relative, To have Carnal relations with themselves, wished cancer (and various other fatal diseases) Upon people and various other dismissive statements. Each time, completely provoked, IMO, by someone trolling for a response and they got a far greater response than they were looking for.

Then it was pointed out to me that I should start Utilizing the ignore button and change my ways. Which I'm working on.

So they go on the ignore list and I really hope when they decided to go have carnal relations with themselves, that they got at least 20% off at their favorite adult novelty retailer....

...dat fine insulting....


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Granted it's not how i'd approach dealing with trolls, nor would I condone or encourage doing what you say you did (no offense to either you or anyone else involved in said mess that I either can't remember or didn't see). I'm sure the issue wasn't one sided as to who was guilty or not guilty with insults, but I won't ask for more info. Kind of a dead issue i'm sure the mods don't appreciate me dredging up again.

I do however recall the initial "glass half full" reaction to Off Kilter being cut was to "wait and see" what they had in store for a replacement. We waited and saw, and it turned out their solution failed. Most people seem to agree the new show is poor, so there's really not much to argue about anymore.

But I've got a different approach to dealing with trolls, I don't use ignore OR take the bait. I Get a big ol stupid grin on my face, grab a snack, sit back and watch the show. Won't work for everyone, but it does for me. :p

No offense taken. It was a year ago, I really don't remember that.

But I remember drinking with the TA with show and creative that found the Lumberjacks but left the actual decision to replace them to the guy who replaced him. That's what I remember anyways....

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
i was going to complain to dollyindia about my wronged taco bell drive thru order, but alas...
I think your mistake started, when you went for Taco Bell. :hilarious:

oh and just reading usa today, china is killing off U.S .wealth

Id say they are more like "leeching" US Wealth.
Destroying anything below the top 3%...
And then I wonder when the rich will see their profits and business collapse in the US in the next decade (it has happened quite a few tines in my country already)

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