A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...


Well-Known Member
Scrooge mcDuck is an outrageous racial stereotype that mocks my people built on a lie that we are careful with money, while thats may be somewhat true about people from Edinburgh its a slur on the rest of the nation. Its southerners and Yorkshire folk who are tighter than a gnats chuff. It is also misappropriation of our culture. Disney should hang its head in shame given the Scots contribution in building your country.
I can't tell if you're kidding here or not.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Well at the risk of offending the tee-totaling critics that put forth the "drunkytown" ad nauseum.....

Take an average shaker. Make sure you use pouters. Pour a Six count of tequila. Add a four count of cuatro. Fill the rest of the shaker (or however much you want) with lime juice (preferred) or mix (ugh). Shake well. Garnish rim of glass with salt. Pour over ice. Add a splash of grand mariner on top. Enjoy.
Thanks, I'm keeping your recipe, just the right amount of tequila. :hungry:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Well at the risk of offending the tee-totaling critics that put forth the "drunkytown" ad nauseum.....

Take an average shaker. Make sure you use pouters. Pour a Six count of tequila. Add a four count of cuatro. Fill the rest of the shaker (or however much you want) with lime juice (preferred) or mix (ugh). Shake well. Garnish rim of glass with salt. Pour over ice. Add a splash of grand mariner on top. Enjoy.
I'm 68, so I'm old enough to have an adult drink. :D


Well-Known Member
So maybe you missed my point that maybe the rest of TWDC was in much worse shape financially than the P&R division, and needed the capital expenditures to fix their issues first.

The "quagmire" of MM+ as you put it, was mostly spent on back-end improvements to systems and networks. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to set up a wireless network in a place such as a theme park that gets 40,000 visitors on average, and make it all work? I do, and it's in the 9 figure range. Do you know how much it costs to replace 30,000 Mickey head shaped RFID door openers? What about the servers and bandwidth needed to ensure that when a customer scans their MB, it can check and authenticate in less than 1/2 second to open that door. Do you have any idea how much that sort of thing costs? I do, and it ain't cheap.

Avatar started construction in January 2014, so only a bit over 3 years. Estimates on SWL for DL is less than 3 years from start to finish, and there is only speculation as to when the DHS version will be done. In case you didn't know, but the last what you call E-Ticket, Expedition Everest - took 6 years for planning and construction, so long timelines are nothing new. NO ONE knows for sure exactly how long the current projects are going to take to complete.

I am not defending everything that TWDC does now or has done, but it seems that you and others try to bash every single thing they do, regardless of how good or bad. I just try to interject reality into y'alls rants.
I appreciate the robust Wi-Fi, but we need to remember the tech upgrades were only implemented to support MM+.

MM+ was conceived as a shell game to shuffle crowds without building new attractions. Iger sold it to Wall Street by promising increased spending (btw, THAT exemplifies the ramblings of a clueless CEO who doesn't understand his own product).

We have benefitted from the latest version of FP+, but the MyMagic initiative wasn't originally intended to "improve the guest experience by guaranteeing FPs" (PR spin).

If that were the case, the silly "3-and-one-at-time-'til-you're-done" rule wouldn't apply, and each pass would simply have a two-hour window that expired. No—that would have been too logical. Instead of transferring the paper FP system which had been perfected over a decade, Disney added FP entrances to IASW, HM, POTC, SSE, Imagination, and other attractions that didn't need it. Marketing announced Disney was improving the guest experience, and the company hoped nobody would notice it was an illusion.

Here's where it gets interesting and leads to the current drop in attendance and satisfaction rates. I'd love to get the Spirit's opinion on this. @WDW1974

When MM+ was implemented, NFL was going to be a group of M&Gs. No new attractions were coming to WDW except Mermaid and eventually Avatar. MM+ was a disaster and Staggs realized NFL was too girl-centric and needed rides. Later, Disney purchased Lucasfilm and saw a way to combat Harry Potter. Then the execs finally acknowledged MM+ didn't recirculate the crowds as intended; WDW needed new attractions; and WDI was a bloated mess.

So now, in 2016, most of the Studios is shut down, and Epcot is mostly closed as it gets Frozenstrom and is prepped for undecided plans. Disney is refurbishing from 10 years of mediocrity. Meanwhile; FP+ has artificially raised wait times and there's almost NOTHING TO DO in 3/4 parks if you're a frequent park guest because those parks are under massive renovations. Oh, and Shanghai went wildly over budget, leading to confirmed cuts at the other resorts worldwide. (Remember, Disney itself admitted the cutbacks to Wall Street.)

All this happened under Iger, who has also buried ABC (currently the least-watched network). It's a good thing he was smart enough to buy Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm, and to let those divisions do their own thing without too much interference.
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Well-Known Member
Later, Disney purchased Lucasfilm and saw a way to combat Harry Potter.
One thing I do not understand is why did they have to purchase Lucasfilm outright in order to see this. What I'm saying is why would they even bother to negotiate theme park rights with Cameron when they already had the theme park rights to Lucasfilm properties since the mid-1980's? Yes, it would've required GL's cooperation, but why would that be an issue since he was back in the WDI fold with ST 2.0?
All this happened under Iger, who has also buried ABC (currently the least-watched network).
Really? I could've sworn that was NBC by a good mile. I guess they must alternate between 2nd and 3rd place.


Resident Curmudgeon
I appreciate the robust Wi-Fi, but we need to remember the tech upgrades were only implemented to support MM+.

MM+ was conceived as a shell game to shuffle crowds without building new attractions. Iger sold it to Wall Street by promising increased spending (btw, THAT exemplifies the ramblings of a clueless CEO who doesn't understand his own product).

We have benefitted from the latest version of FP+, but the MyMagic initiative wasn't originally intended to "improve the guest experience by guaranteeing FPs" (PR spin).

If that were the case, the silly "3-and-one-at-time-'til-you're-done" rule wouldn't apply, and each pass would simply have a two-hour window that expired. No—that would have been too logical. Instead of transferring the paper FP system which had been perfected over a decade, Disney added FP entrances to IASW, HM, POTC, SSE, Imagination, and other attractions that didn't need it. Marketing announced Disney was improving the guest experience, and the company hoped nobody would notice it was an illusion.

Here's where it gets interesting and leads to the current drop in attendance and satisfaction rates. I'd love to get the Spirit's opinion on this. @WDW1974

When MM+ was implemented, NFL was going to be a group of M&Gs. No new attractions were coming to WDW except Mermaid and eventually Avatar. MM+ was a disaster and Staggs realized NFL was too girl-centric and needed rides. Later, Disney purchased Lucasfilm and saw a way to combat Harry Potter. Then the execs finally acknowledged MM+ didn't recirculate the crowds as intended; WDW needed new attractions; and WDI was a bloated mess.

So now, in 2016, most of the Studios is shut down, and Epcot is getting Frozenstrom and being prepped for future, undecided upgrades. Disney is atoning for 10 years of mediocrity. Meanwhile; FP+ has artificially raised wait times and there's almost NOTHING TO DO in 3/4 parks if you're a frequent park guest because those parks are under massive renovations. Oh, and Shanghai went wildly over budget, leading to confirmed cuts at the other resorts worldwide. (Remember, Disney itself admitted the cutbacks to Wall Street.)

All this happened under Iger, who has also buried ABC (currently the least-watched network). It's a good thing he was smart enough to buy Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm, and to let those divisions do their own thing without too much interference.

Iger's Legacy

ESPN losing subs at an ever increasing rate

ABC least watched TV network cutting the few shows which viewers still watch

Disney Parks and Resorts basically a burning dumpster fire with a too little too late attraction construction program and declining attendance at its flagship park and its HK park

Interactive - failed and closed

Movies doing well ther but remember Disney only gets about 1/3 of box office revenue. Theaters and Distribution gets the othe 2/3

Consumer Products sales down 8%

But the STOCK is over $100 so EVERYTHING IS AWESOME

Yeah this sounds like a successful company to me. It's gonna be ugly when it goes boom


Well-Known Member
Scrooge mcDuck is an outrageous racial stereotype that mocks my people built on a lie that we are careful with money, while thats may be somewhat true about people from Edinburgh its a slur on the rest of the nation. Its southerners and Yorkshire folk who are tighter than a gnats chuff. It is also misappropriation of our culture. Disney should hang its head in shame given the Scots contribution in building your country.

If it makes you feel better, hun, on this side of the pond I've never heard Scots accused of being stingy, we just think you guys are a bunch of drunks. ;)


Premium Member
One thing I do not understand is why did they have to purchase Lucasfilm outright in order to see this. What I'm saying is why would they even bother to negotiate theme park rights with Cameron when they already had the theme park rights to Lucasfilm properties since the mid-1980's?

Disney wanted the synergy of IT'S properties in the parks and film.. StarWars wasn't that. The opportunity to buy Lucasfilm made those two interests finally align. They bought Lucasfilm for the film and merchandise opportunity.. the opening up of the theme parks to SW again was more of a secondary benefit.

No Name

Well-Known Member
That Disney is crowing about this backs up what we've been saying in these threads for a long time, that the ridiculous 25M attendance figures Disney has told shareholders it expects for Shanghai will include DisneyTown visits, where there's no need to pay admission, and not just ticketed park entrances.

It will be very interesting to see how many of these visitors pony up for tickets when the park itself opens.

I agree with what you're saying. They may very well boast about attendance to the resort rather than just the park, to make attendance figures seem higher. And that could be misleading. If they compare SDL's attendance to the attendance of someplace else, but count each differently, that would certainly be misleading. Or if they use some weird metric without being clear on what exactly that metric is. Imagine if they count guests with black hair... SDL would top WDW for sure! :D

But the recent articles (at least most of them) do make it clear that these are visitors to the whole resort, rather than just to the park. So Disney isn't lying, and I wouldn't even say they're being misleading here, at least not yet. Most people who care about this are aware that the park isn't open yet to the general public and is only in trial operations. So I think the main purpose of the news story was to highlight how high the interest is, by pointing out that so many people came to the resort even though they couldn't even get into the park. But it will certainly be interesting to see if they use this same "style" of counting when the park actually opens. Probably depends on what the real numbers are.

Disney rarely (ever?) releases actual attendance numbers for the parks. But the TEA (Themed Entertainment Association) takes estimates, and those estimates are posted for individual parks, not any resort as a whole. So basically, if us smart and informed people get past their tricky wording, we should be able to see what the real numbers are more like.

Unless Disney pays/bribes TEA to play with the numbers, as @WDW1974 says may be happening. That would be even worse. That would be beyond simply misleading. That would be wrong by both parties.

I hope attendance is high, that's for sure, but I also hope they report their attendance honestly.


Well-Known Member
I agree with what you're saying. They may very well boast about attendance to the resort rather than just the park, to make attendance figures seem higher. And that could be misleading. If they compare SDL's attendance to the attendance of someplace else, but count each differently, that would certainly be misleading. Or if they use some weird metric without being clear on what exactly that metric is. Imagine if they count guests with black hair... SDL would top WDW for sure! :D

But the recent articles (at least most of them) do make it clear that these are visitors to the whole resort, rather than just to the park. So Disney isn't lying, and I wouldn't even say they're being misleading here, at least not yet. Most people who care about this are aware that the park isn't open yet to the general public and is only in trial operations. So I think the main purpose of the news story was to highlight how high the interest is, by pointing out that so many people came to the resort even though they couldn't even get into the park. But it will certainly be interesting to see if they use this same "style" of counting when the park actually opens. Probably depends on what the real numbers are.

Disney rarely (ever?) releases actual attendance numbers for the parks. But the TEA (Themed Entertainment Association) takes estimates, and those estimates are posted for individual parks, not any resort as a whole. So basically, if us smart and informed people get past their tricky wording, we should be able to see what the real numbers are more like.

Unless Disney pays/bribes TEA to play with the numbers, as @WDW1974 says may be happening. That would be even worse. That would be beyond simply misleading. That would be wrong by both parties.

I hope attendance is high, that's for sure, but I also hope they report their attendance honestly.

Attendance is down at WDW in 2Q16 per Bob.


Well-Known Member
One thing I do not understand is why did they have to purchase Lucasfilm outright in order to see this. What I'm saying is why would they even bother to negotiate theme park rights with Cameron when they already had the theme park rights to Lucasfilm properties since the mid-1980's? Yes, it would've required GL's cooperation, but why would that be an issue since he was back in the WDI fold with ST 2.0?

Really? I could've sworn that was NBC by a good mile. I guess they must alternate between 2nd and 3rd place.

Nope, NBC has been beating ABC thanks to Sunday Night Football, all those Chicago shows and all their extra specials. The only night ABC does well is Thursday with Shondaland but even those ratings have been going down. ABC dramas such as Quantico, Nashville etc does extremely well in the L+7 format.


Well-Known Member
Nope, NBC has been beating ABC thanks to Sunday Night Football, all those Chicago shows and all their extra specials. The only night ABC does well is Thursday with Shondaland but even those ratings have been going down. ABC dramas such as Quantico, Nashville etc does extremely well in the L+7 format.
Interesting. I guess I had last year's info.


Well-Known Member
Disney wanted the synergy of IT'S properties in the parks and film.. StarWars wasn't that. The opportunity to buy Lucasfilm made those two interests finally align. They bought Lucasfilm for the film and merchandise opportunity.. the opening up of the theme parks to SW again was more of a secondary benefit.
But my point is that Avatar wasn't owned by Disney either and still isn't, so why go after it if you have a bigger IP in your arsenal?
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