A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...


Well-Known Member
Might have to try this but have to buy limeade with the least amount of sugar. Sounds a little sweet for someone used to freshly squeezed lime juice in the Caribbean. Of course they are a dime apiece there. Can't afford the the limes necessary here. Oops! Off topic again. Over and out.

Well we could go on about how La Cava is good but not great..... better than the Frozen "Margaritas" that may or may not contain tequila on the promenade....

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
FUPA is basically on 1 in 3 CMs.
so.. @rybarr87 explained to me what is FUPA..

my reaction at 1 in 3...


Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
We ALL want this to blow up in Iger's Face
perhaps he will, perhaps he wont. Regardless of what happens.. he will retire filthy rich.

I go with a frozen lime-aid concentrate can, one can of tequila, half can of triple sec, and then enough ice in blender to get the right consistency. Turns out perfect every time.
As a Mexican...
frozen lime....?
you sinner!
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
The "quagmire" of MM+ as you put it, was mostly spent on back-end improvements to systems and networks. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to set up a wireless network in a place such as a theme park that gets 40,000 visitors on average, and make it all work? I do, and it's in the 9 figure range. Do you know how much it costs to replace 30,000 Mickey head shaped RFID door openers? What about the servers and bandwidth needed to ensure that when a customer scans their MB, it can check and authenticate in less than 1/2 second to open that door. Do you have any idea how much that sort of thing costs? I do, and it ain't cheap.
I do have to agree on this part.
Still, Iger should never had sold this as "improvement" to the customers, when in reality it was a REQUIRED backbone upgrade.
Plus the usage of fastpass to "manage efficiently" the park loads.

Just to clarify, that doesnt excuse them for not building anything.. considering they were and still are... swimming in money a la scrooge Mcduck.

If SDL does as good as Bobby says it going to do, will WDW start to get loads of money to fix up its parks and expand? A little payback? It's ònly fair since WDW has been carrying the other parks on it's back for awhile.
Id love to think the same, but they probably will dance on the profits and find that they still do not need to put money on the parks..
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Well-Known Member
perhaps he will, perhaps he wont. Regardless of what happens.. he will retire filthy rich.

This. I own 16 stocks. I take great pleasure in being a tiny fraction of a percent stock owner and voting against ANY incentive based compensation package for managers they bring forth. They are all stock price based and change the whole dynamic of the company. I hate it! It doesn't matter if they are making routers, auto parts, cereal, soft drinks or providing entertainment. It is all the same. Pay for performance and the only customer is the stockholder.

I do have to agree on this part.
Still, Iger should never had sold this as "improvement" to the customers, when in reality it was a REQUIRED backbone upgrade.
Plus the usage of fastpass to "manage efficiently" the park loads.

I believe Staggs was then"salesman" on this one going around to tech conferences touting the potential for interactivity.


Well-Known Member
On the subject of drinks, since WDW will soon operate a World of Coca Coca, how about bringing those foreign Coca Coca products to their countries at World Showcase? One thing I love about Skipper Canteen were the two strange Coca Cola products.

QOO Orange in Japan, Mezzomix to Germany, etc.


Well-Known Member
...Do you have any idea how much money it costs to set up a wireless network in a place such as a theme park that gets 40,000 visitors on average, and make it all work? I do, and it's in the 9 figure range. Do you know how much it costs to replace 30,000 Mickey head shaped RFID door openers? What about the servers and bandwidth needed to ensure that when a customer scans their MB, it can check and authenticate in less than 1/2 second to open that door. Do you have any idea how much that sort of thing costs? I do, and it ain't cheap.

And so the Ghost of Walt rose up, put a gun to Iger's head and forced him to greenlight this billion dollar boondoggle?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Avatar started construction in January 2014, so only a bit over 3 years. Estimates on SWL for DL is less than 3 years from start to finish, and there is only speculation as to when the DHS version will be done. In case you didn't know, but the last what you call E-Ticket, Expedition Everest - took 6 years for planning and construction, so long timelines are nothing new. NO ONE knows for sure exactly how long the current projects are going to take to complete.

Avatar was announced in 2011.... I bash because it took 3 years before construction even started, and then 3 years to actually build it!
hold your horses.. Expedition Everest took 6 years to build since announcement?


Well-Known Member
Mismanaged how? There have been tons of refurbs over the last 5 years, and now major additions to at least 2 parks, and who knows what more will be coming soon. Did he pump money into it during his first few years as CEO? Nope, because some have speculated that other parts of TWDC needed a lot of money to fix their divisions first. Now that it is on a better footing, tons of money is flowing into WDW.

And please don't forget that literally billions of dollars has gone into road improvements, IT improvements, new hotels, etc.

Funny did WDW need my magic? Or could you have fixed epcot? Look at epcot just look if it wasnt for food and beer that place would be useless. And under his leadership the studio was let to degrade to this point.


Well-Known Member
And perhaps you missed my point that MyMagic+ was a bad investment for the very reasons you list, combined with what has now proven to be very minimal, if any, return on said investment.

Also, since you claim to want to inject reality, here's a little reality for you: the idea that TWDC was not investing in the P&R division to invest in other divisions is absolutely bunk. Each of the 6 divisions of the company stands virtually alone. At no time was P&R's budget redirected to the studio or DCP. Maybe there's an argument that some of that was done within P&R, but you claim other divisions of TWDC.

Look at my posts, I do not bash everything TWDC or WDW does, but I'm not afraid to call a foul when I see one. But again, you are entitled to your opinion, but recognize that it is your opinion, and others may disagree.

If any being the two key words

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Personally I find the top shelf margaritas in Bubba Gumps better than any of the establishments mentioned. but then its about personal taste. I thought Mexicans preferred Palomas, or so certain establishments tried to convince me? I do too but they are too easy to drink like carbonated beverages.

Scrooge mcDuck is an outrageous racial stereotype that mocks my people built on a lie that we are careful with money, while thats may be somewhat true about people from Edinburgh its a slur on the rest of the nation. Its southerners and Yorkshire folk who are tighter than a gnats chuff. It is also misappropriation of our culture. Disney should hang its head in shame given the Scots contribution in building your country.

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