A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...


Resident Curmudgeon
But also, they are SWIMMING with Pixie Dusters, both the articles, and especially the readership.... One reader called something negative (don't recall if it was an article or post) 'offensive', just for the simple reason that it wasn't swimming with reverence to $DIS.

One wonders how many of the Dusters on Seeking Alpha are part of Disney's paid social media brigade, I expect that Disney has them on every major finance board - because nothing could unravel things faster than someone taking a really hard look at how Disney actually runs their businesses ignoring the bright shining bauble known as the stock price and buyback inflated EPS.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
One wonders how many of the Dusters on Seeking Alpha are part of Disney's paid social media brigade, I expect that Disney has them on every major finance board - because nothing could unravel things faster than someone taking a really hard look at how Disney actually runs their businesses ignoring the bright shining bauble known as the stock price and buyback inflated EPS.

There was a poster who said the only bad analyst out there covering $DIS was Rich Greenfield from BTIG.

I believe his handle was 'Disney4thewin' or something to that effect...

There's no doubt in my mind that Zenia's Minions are quite active there...


Well-Known Member
The Switch's dock does not provide extra graphical power to the console, only tv output and charging. That seems like a missed opportunity.

Agreed. There is still a lot we don't know about this whole unit. But it feels like Nintendo may be onto something, it looks like they took a look at their hardcore older 3DS/Wii U audience and made a console for them. That is a big enough piece of the pie to sustain Nintendo for awhile.

Doesn't look like the Switch tablet has a camera though...so that seems like a missed opportunity...unless there is another handheld coming from Nintendo as well.


Well-Known Member
But also, they are SWIMMING with Pixie Dusters, both the articles, and especially the readership.... One reader called something negative (don't recall if it was an article or post) 'offensive', just for the simple reason that it wasn't swimming with reverence to $DIS.

Agreed...a lot of bloggers and commentators over there were overly optimistic about Disney, becoming a Duster breeding ground.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Mainly because Disney 'sequels' have been cheap 'Direct to DVD/Digital' money grabs.

I think they have settled down from doing that, thanks to the Guy in the Aloha Shirt (and I don't mean Thomas Magnum).

I was watching 'Make Mine Music' yesterday, and before the film, I think every single preview was for a 'cheapquel'.


Resident Curmudgeon
There was a poster who said the only bad analyst out there covering $DIS was Rich Greenfield from BTIG.

I believe his handle was 'Disney4thewin' or something to that effect...

There's no doubt in my mind that Zenia's Minions are quite active there...

Too bad Zenia's minions have no redeeming qualities, Unlike Gru's Minions who are adorable yellow homonculi who love bananas and have the attention span of a gnat... :-) and make us laugh at their antics.


Resident Curmudgeon
That is a curious thing...would put AT&T in the same league as Comcast...but raises so many questions. Makes you wonder what DIS is thinking for their next move.

Already senior management has their hands on the black and yellow striped handle waiting for 'Eject, Eject, Eject' then they will float off on their golden parachutes as they join the corporate version of the Martin-Baker fan club.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
One wonders how many of the Dusters on Seeking Alpha are part of Disney's paid social media brigade, I expect that Disney has them on every major finance board - because nothing could unravel things faster than someone taking a really hard look at how Disney actually runs their businesses ignoring the bright shining bauble known as the stock price and buyback inflated EPS.
So have you set them straight on how the company will be bankrupt in a few years?


Resident Curmudgeon
If Time Warner is AT&T's 'Harry Potter', what will $DIS buy as their 'Avatar'.....

Nothing, In their hubris Disney thinks their media content is solid gold and people will pay any price for it, That might work on the golf course but in the unbundled universe Disney does not rate very high on 'must have' content.

The great irony is that even in a 'cord cutter' scenario their biggest competitors in the media space are getting paid to DELIVER Disney's content.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Nothing, In their hubris Disney thinks their media content is solid gold and people will pay any price for it, That might work on the golf course but in the unbundled universe Disney does not rate very high on 'must have' content.

The great irony is that even in a 'cord cutter' scenario their biggest competitors in the media space are getting paid to DELIVER Disney's content.

I don't know... ego and/or panic can push them into kicking the tires of $TWTR again....


Resident Curmudgeon
There was a poster who said the only bad analyst out there covering $DIS was Rich Greenfield from BTIG.

I believe his handle was 'Disney4thewin' or something to that effect...

There's no doubt in my mind that Zenia's Minions are quite active there...

BTIG has quite a track record in ferreting out companies which look great on paper but are in reality about to collapse.


Resident Curmudgeon
I don't know... ego and/or panic can push them into kicking the tires of $TWTR again....

Buying $TWTR would be like playing russian roulette with a round in every chamber. It's toxic in the valley nobody wants it because it cannot be readily monetized and upgrading it to a CDN requires way too much capital. The only logical players were Salesforce and MSFT Salesforce as a messaging platform add on to their core product and MSFT adding better messaging to Skype.

And even if $DIS bought $TWTR well just about every bye of data would STILL flow over Comcast/ATT pipes


Well-Known Member
Nothing, In their hubris Disney thinks their media content is solid gold and people will pay any price for it, That might work on the golf course but in the unbundled universe Disney does not rate very high on 'must have' content.

The great irony is that even in a 'cord cutter' scenario their biggest competitors in the media space are getting paid to DELIVER Disney's content.

1. That simply isn't true. Disney content has proven to be very valuable.
2. The distribution business and media business both require significant capital investment. The race to 1Gps Wireless and 100 Gbps Wired has started (followed shortly by the race to 500 Gbps). Theoretically combining two capital intensive companies should not work and it seems like a miracle of good luck (or proof of how poorly NBCUniversal had been managed) that Comcast is seeing positive growth currently. Not sure that AT&T would benefit in the same manner.


Resident Curmudgeon
1. That simply isn't true. Disney content has proven to be very valuable.
2. The distribution business and media business both require significant capital investment. The race to 1Gps Wireless and 100 Gbps Wired has started (followed shortly by the race to 500 Gbps). Theoretically combining two capital intensive companies should not work and it seems like a miracle of good luck (or proof of how poorly NBCUniversal had been managed) that Comcast is seeing positive growth currently. Not sure that AT&T would benefit in the same manner.

Sorry but on #1 just not the case, Disney's MOST valuable property ESPN is ranked in order of desirabilty in an unbundled package behind the weather channel and it just barely makes it into the top 20, The same study showed that people are also willing to pay no more than $8.00/Mo for ESPN and all associated ESPN products.

As to point #2 100 GB equipment costs what 10 GB equipment did 5 years ago so the faster speeds will slowly roll in as equipment reaches the end of its economic life. Heck some NETGEAR SOHO switches have support for 10GB optics

Heck my home connection is 1 GB GPON and I live in the sticks


Well-Known Member
I have enough devices and given how disappointed I have been in how they are taking the "big" franchises anyway, for the first time I just don't feel like I need to be in line right away.

The Switch is the answer to this problem though.

The two problems are the time and costs it takes to develop a title. The disease that has been plaguing the gaming industry is that the reach of developers has always exceeded their grasp. Games are still made under the "box art" mentality, that's been around since the Atari 2600 days, that means graphics take priority over all and if it doesn't look pretty in a still photo - it's hard to sell to consumers. Granted, that issue is even worse these days because of the ease of access to videos of games in motion; but, the case is still as always - graphics sell.

While this was always a problem in the raster graphics days when the tech was always expanding to push more sprites and colors around the screen at increased resolution, the move in the 90's to 3D polygonal based graphics started the industry down a dangerous path. Technology is increasing a faster rate than the art of game development can keep up.

Developers still haven't gotten ahead of the curve for developing games at 1080 and now the consumer bar is being pushed even further out to 4k resolutions. The time and costs to develop in the HD era was already causing the "middle ground" of development to be lost. Games are increasingly smaller in size, length, and complexity or vastly over budget and delayed. This has lead to the proliferation of small "indie" titles that can take risks and "big budget tentpole" games. *Does this sound similar to Hollywood to anyone?

Nintendo recognized the path the industry was on when they went blue ocean with the Wii and with the Switch, they are finally going to be completely in smooth sailing waters of their own control.

For the first time since the NES, all of Nintendo's development resources are focused on the same platform. While they may want to dodge the questions about if the 3DS is end of life (it is), the fact remains that from this point forward - Nintendo will be working on a unified platform. It isn't just for this generation either. The Switch is a complete switch of methodology going forward because of the architecture employed. They've switched over to using a SoC (system on a chip) platform that means all of their games hook into "software" running on the hardware. From this point forward, Nintendo platforms will simply be "more" processing via a different SoC. I know that many, many "ports" are being made right now of the various Nintendo hardware lines, so there should be a very healthy virtual console forthcoming. The fact that the Switch isn't attempting to push the envelope from a graphics technology perspective will significantly speed up development.

So, the future is bright for the big N.

Nintendo systems have always been fundamentally about playing Nintendo games. 3rd party support is great; but, a steady stream of internal content is just what the doctor ordered. They should be able to keep the console deep in titles on their own. Just the thought of all of EAD working on a single platform brings back the halcyon days of the NES. It won't just be about the old favorites returning - they can now take more risks as well in developing new titles.

Should be fun and that's more than enough for me.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Buying $TWTR would be like playing russian roulette with a round in every chamber. It's toxic in the valley nobody wants it because it cannot be readily monetized and upgrading it to a CDN requires way too much capital. The only logical players were Salesforce and MSFT Salesforce as a messaging platform add on to their core product and MSFT adding better messaging to Skype.

And even if $DIS bought $TWTR well just about every bye of data would STILL flow over Comcast/ATT pipes

Can a chamber have 2 bullets in it?.... because that would happen to any company that isn't PURE TECH that buys $TWTR. I believe it was Bloomberg that reported that the user content scared them away... and rightfully so. If you can't handle the content, then you should have the same value for $TWTR that Buddy Ryan had for Earnest Jackson back in the day.

It's like having a huge hole in the wall of your house. Instead of either fixing the hole or creating a doorway or window, you decide to hide the hole with a very gaudy, very VERY expensive wooden bookcase... then find out that the bookcase is riddled with termites...:eek:

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