A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...

Ron Swanson

New Member

Lol When are gay days this year? So I can know when the country bears are going to have a massive line.

Ron Swanson

New Member
Nope. You're thinking of someone else.

Although I am the worlds greatest secret agent, you can show some respect....
No I remember it was back when your avatar was a picture of you and a camera or something around your neck. The funny thing about respect is it's earned and given the way you disregard it for others I don't think you deserve any from me. Simple as pie archer wannabe.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Growing up i never even knew Return to Oz originally got negative reception. I just viewed it among the other excellent fantasy movies of the 80s including Clash of the Titans and The Neverending Story among others. Surprised me to later see the Siskel and Ebert review where one of them said it was the worst movie they ever saw. I get the original being so beloved and hard for people to get past, but i always loved Return. Still even today i love it. It does indeed seem to be gaining a following. I at least recommend anyone who hasn't seen it to give it a watch and make your own judgement.

Then again i am also a fan of the Black Cauldron as well, so that makes two of us at least @tirian . Which a majority of people seem to detest. I get why it was once considered subpar compared to other Disney movies of the time (and Don Bluth films), and it is definitely not without its flaws. But honestly i feel like we've now gotten infinitely more horrid animated movies under late Eisner and Iger (Chicken Little and Home on the Range for instance). So the movie has really grown on me, gorgeous animation, which every year i appreciate more and more now that hand drawn is kind of dead. And still plenty of charm. Flawed but still entertaining and worthy of a look.
If I remember correctly, Don Bluth is fundraising to make a dragon's lair movie.

No Name

Well-Known Member
There really isn't a steady trend there to point to when it comes to Disney's actions. PaTF got a ton of action in the parks when the movie came out, especially in DLR, getting the special daytime riverboat show, being added into F!'s finale, M&Gs, parade appearances, and more. But here, almost 7 years later she still remains a second tier princess on what is already a crowded stage. Jasmine gets more love than Tiana still.

Huh? Jasmine certainly does not have a bigger presence in the parks (or in other forms of media/whatever) than Tiana. What is your basis that she gets more love? I can dig through facts and stats to prove your wrong there if you need me to.

Of course Tiana was everywhere when the movie was released. That's marketing, and it's been the same with just about every other Disney movie, especially recent ones. After the movie leaves theaters, they start to lose that spotlight. So of course it "bubbled" in 2009.

So yeah, her presence isn't a steady trend. Now, since a few years ago, it's been an increasing trend. Increase shows higher demand and popularity. If Tiana's increased presence isn't a result of higher demand, then what is it? Disney just pulling crap out of their rear end? Please explain what it is.

The movie's biggest hype was the return to hand drawn animation... and the movie was largely forgettable, and goes down as Disney's last hurrah in the medium.

Reviewers would disagree with you. But I disagree with the reviewers a lot too, so moot point by me there. I guess the quality of the movie all comes down to opinion.

it was also up against movies like "Avatar" and "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Why These Films Make So Much Money, Nobody Knows".

Yes, that is true. Another reason why it did poorly. Chipmunks was advertised as a movie the whole family could enjpy, while PotF felt like a "mommy and daughter day out" type of thing. Was one movie better than the other or appealing to one gender more than the other? Not as much as the marketing made it appear.[/QUOTE]

Removing Snow White.. to replace it with the Fairy Tale Hall really doesn't support your case. We all know the story about Tangled, and Stagg's story about Fantasyland... we also know why they created Disney XD, and bought Marvel.

Actually, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train replaced Princess Fairytale Hall. Sure, not in the same spot, but if SDMT was not added to the plans, Snow White's Scary Adventures would not have been destroyed and replaced with the meet and greets. Instead, we'd have a meet and greet village in SDMT's spot, and SWSA would remain. Of soirse you know that though. The resulting "boying" of Disney does support my case because it explains how PotF's failure was more because of poor marketing and tough competition than the characters and story being unpopular.

Glad to hear... I thought it had more to do with the fact the movie was meh and Disney already has enough princesses and trying to keep expanding the ranks (throw Merrida in there too) hasn't been a good idea.

Yeah, I know, totally agree. That movie Frozen clearly wasn't a good idea... Tangled was a bad idea too... They definitely should've stopped "expanding the ranks." o_O

Because you lack the context... he is arguing with me in another thread where I'm against the 'color blind' casting Disney has been promoting at the expense of character presentation... and he's inferring now I'm against tiana as well because of race or something. Which is garbage.. He's talking as if tiana is some untapped potential that is now being unleashed... and how all these things should be spun together.. and it's a 'fact' how there is all this demand. Reality is they already integrated tiana into NOS at DLR, and did so years ago. And frankly its success is so great.. WDW fans don't generally know about it. I think the hype is misplaced.

Okay, well then sorry. Is that about black Elsa? I haven't been following closely but I think that's a stupid idea too. It doesn't somehow promote racial diversity or someone's personality beong more important than their skin color. It's just confusing, because why would her skin color change? LOL, people aren't chameleons. People are who they are and should be proud of that. Elsa is white. It makes zero sense for her to be black, and in fact, it would be just portraying the character extremely inaccurately.

I agree with you there. But on there being no evidence of Tiana's demand... well, I don't think Disney would heavily promote a character from a movie that did poorly at the box office, unless that character is popular enough to warrant it. Are Lone Ranger characters present in the parks? Is John Carter present? Are Bolt and Meet the Robinsons represented? No. But Tiana (and PotF in general) are.

I think Tiana's heavier (and increasing) presence, without a doubt, shows demand.

No Name

Well-Known Member
Excuse me? Might I ask what I said or did to you to deserve that sort of response?

Ignoring people is childish. To ignore someone because they are spamming the forum is one thing (and usually unnecessary, because spammers get banned). To ignore someone because they have a different opinion... childish.

And ignoring people should be a private matter. To make a comment about someone being on your list... takes that childishness to the next level!

Sure, sped, I do not always agree with you. But I can handle reading your opinions. You have absolutely no reason to be ignored.

But this post might be the last one Dave ever reads of mine... unless I'm already on his list. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Belive it or not I'm not sure as my better 3/4s (as I struggle to bring even that much civility to the table) handles all the visuals. I'm pretty sure it's been the survey marker for a while.

That being said I have been and continue to be a quiet connoisseur of the sharper side of these here boards.


Sorry, i get people confused..... Unintentional.


Premium Member
Huh? Jasmine certainly does not have a bigger presence in the parks (or in other forms of media/whatever) than Tiana. What is your basis that she gets more love? I can dig through facts and stats to prove your wrong there if you need me to.

How many parks in WDW have a Tiana M&G full time? How many character meals does Tiana work?
Jasmine has full time locations at EPCOT and MK..
Jasmine is a regular in the rotation at two character meals

Tiana?? One M&G

Of course Tiana was everywhere when the movie was released. That's marketing, and it's been the same with just about every other Disney movie, especially recent ones. After the movie leaves theaters, they start to lose that spotlight. So of course it "bubbled" in 2009.

The point is this type of entertainment was rolled out... and was later scaled back.. and has yet to return. "its been done.."

So yeah, her presence isn't a steady trend. Now, since a few years ago, it's been an increasing trend. Increase shows higher demand and popularity. If Tiana's increased presence isn't a result of higher demand, then what is it? Disney just pulling crap out of their rear end? Please explain what it is.

I don't have a reference to know for sure... so I can't really say. But I'm smart enough to not claim something as 'fact' when there is nothing but ancedotal evidence to support it. I don't have a problem saying there isn't much growth in her presence.

Reviewers would disagree with you. But I disagree with the reviewers a lot too, so moot point by me there. I guess the quality of the movie all comes down to opinion.

We can also look at how much Disney relies on it its promotions and shows.. I think we can all agree it doesn't get the same kind of presence as films like TLM, B&TB, Alladin, etc.

Yeah, I know, totally agree. That movie Frozen clearly wasn't a good idea... Tangled was a bad idea too... They definitely should've stopped "expanding the ranks." o_O

I was referring to Disney's push on the 'Disney Princesses' brand that was big at the time.. not the idea of movies like Frozen. Disney had a big push on the toy line and brand... along with Fairies at the time. Disney was pushing to expand the brand's scope and I'd argue the lineup got too big.. and not all really get the same love because of it.

Okay, well then sorry. Is that about black Elsa?

In short.. yes.. but there's a thread for that.

I think Tiana's heavier (and increasing) presence, without a doubt, shows demand.

Can we outline this growing presence?


Well-Known Member
You al
Can we outline this growing presence?

Her presence has definitely increased at Disneyland. I use to never see her when I visit and now she is out all day with Naveen. Then I use to never see her at Disney World and I caught glimpse of her character twice while there.

Her growing presence is probably tied to the increase of SJW being present and it would be huge negative backlash if they didn't have present their only dark skinned princess.

No Name

Well-Known Member
Can we outline this growing presence?

:banghead: Aaaaaah I'm going home before I lose all of my brain cells.

Okay fine, I'll repeat it. The growing presence would be her new inclusion in a stage show and a restaurant. Her presence is clearly growing while other characters' are fading or remaining stagnant. If you can't see that, we can't discuss this.

What you're not explaining is WHY her presence is growing if it has nothing to do with her popularity. You can't explain WHY they chose to theme the Wonder restaurant after PotF rather than Frozen or Tangled or Snow White or Cinderella.


Well-Known Member
As Marvel movies are proving, BO receipts will continue to drop as audiences eventually tire of seeing variations on the same movie.

I just don't even understand what this comment is supposed to me. Age of Ultron had a modest drop off from the first Avengers film, but otherwise all of the Phase 2 movies did far better than the first films from Phase 1. Civil War has continued this trend. GotG made a killing. Ant-Man was merely decent, but did as well or better than the previous solo films (except for Iron Man) and did so with a smaller budget.

Marvel, if anything, is proving that the genre is quite sustainable and thriving. Now, I think there's a good argument that (a) Marvel's performances have plateaued and (b) The Avengers will be a high point as cultural phenomena where lots of things came together at once which would be difficult to replicate. It's entirely possible that future Marvel films will simple continue to be in the established range for the time being rather than seeing progressively larger box office totals. I think we're beyond the point where any comic book film will see so fresh and unique as to capture the public's imagination the way The Avengers did (at least domestically).

Too be honest, I suspect that saturation more than fatigue is going to limit box office receipts for individual films. With Marvel going to 3 movies a year and DC and Fox adding more and more plans, the number of comic book films is going to be high for years to come. The films are still going to make a ton of money, but it will be tougher for individual films to surpass previous box office markers because consumers only have so much discretionary spending. If only 1 or 2 or 3 comic book movies come out a year, a fan of the genre will likely see them all and maybe seem them repeatedly if they are enjoyed. Now with 5-6 or more films a year, people will be more choosy and be less likely to view films repeatedly once another option is already in the theaters. It's crazy that there were already four superhero films released by Memorial Day this year and it's kind of impossible that that didn't impact each films individual box office potential.

But people are still more than willing to see such movies. The interest has not been diminished over time.

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