Spirited Musings:
The Disney Tweeter is like a car wreck. You know you shouldn't read it or look at it, but you feel drawn to it ...
I feel terrible that Tom Clueless 'had' to buy a $299 preview ticket to Paradise Pier. Truly. ... He absolutely had to be the first to talk about a new parade float and review every crappy new food and beverage offering, right? And he actually shouldn't complain that others (that Matt Roseboom character among them) got flown out for free and put up at the DLR for free and given swag. It actually is a compliment to be a site that gets traffic (see this one!!!) and doesn't ***** itself out as de facto PR or BRAND advocates.
And Ashley with all that Tiki Room art ... just getting ***** thinking about it. You too? I can't wait until they come out with a Tiki Room bathing suit and she models it, when she isn't in the bath tub with an annual report from 1983!
BTW, what is the deal with Funko figures and are Disney bloggerwhores getting paid for linking to their products? I don't understand these things, but they are everywhere in books stores and hip boutiques and there isn't an online person who doesn't feel a 'need' to shill for them. No, I don't own one.
How I love reading Andy Castro's ... because I so much agree with his passion and his politics.
So, y'all excited about the new PP attraction opening next year. Yes, they will just move Flik's Flyers over and reskin. Which brings to mind the fact that DCA deserves better and the film deserves better.
Have the Halloween Parties started yet? Oh, are they up to $175 a person yet? No? Next year?
BTW, I am sure you all heard about the major troubles with one of the SW attractions being built in Anaheim and how that caused their pace to slow down and allow Orlando's to catch up a bit, right?
Usually, this is where I would say something smarmy about the crazies visiting Orlando in the summer and say how they would be better off in Anaheim and while that always will be true to an extent, it's a very small extent these days.
What did happen with WoC being abruptly removed from the schedule and put on an indefinite hold?
Boy, Solo, was so amazing that fanbois are seeing it what ... one time? Is it even still playing?
You have to wonder when Bob 'The Weatherman' Iger is going to give up on forcing the franchise on the Chinese people? Just like that HKDL Yoda tee shirt that suddenly was all over the web a few years ago, they just aren't into it. Be happy they love Marvel there and cut your losses because the nostalgia fuelled love of anything Lucasfilm puts out just doesn't exist there and it should be painfully apparent by now that you aren't going to hook them with the crappy films you are making loaded with references and history dating to 1977.
Roseanne without Roseanne. Should be quite amusing to watch this one unfold.
So which resort are John and Nancy staying at this week for the opening of Toy Story KiddieLand at WDW? BW?
Back to the Tweeter, although I see a long thread here as well, but just love watching the measuring contests UNI and DIS fanbois are engaging in over the assets the Murdochs are looking to dump. I don't believe either company should get them. Both control too much as is, which is not good for citizens, consumers, employees etc. ... But I just love the way they take this so personally and how their tribe just has to win. No ... because either way, we all lose.
Remember when August was considered summer at theme parks in Florida AND at the box office?
I never did get to chime in on the HoP redo with the wooden spikes added to the stage and two guards posted at either side. Oh, and it absolutely is needed.